You Believe What?
Which of the following religions is the largest of the world’s religions?
B, p. 17
Just over half of the world’s population belongs to only two religions, Islam and Christianity.
A, p. 17
In the United States today, Christianity includes approximately ___________ different denominations.
over 30,000
C, p. 18
Which of the following is not among the core beliefs shared by most Christians, regardless of their denomination?
a belief in Jesus as the Son of God
the Bible is the word of God
every group that identifies itself as Christian is one
after death, everyone must account for their actions in life
C, p. 18-19
Roman Catholic rituals or sacraments include(s):
holy orders
all of the above
E, p. 20
Which of the following denominations did not break away from the Roman Catholic Church?
the Greek Orthodox Church
the Old Catholic Church
the Liberal Catholic Church
the American Catholic Church
A, p. 20
Mainline Protestants represent a distinct subset of Protestant Christians because
their beliefs are very different from other types of Protestants.
they believe themselves to be the only “true” Christians.
they don’t recognize the Bible as the word of God.
they share a moderate to liberal stance on social issues.
All of the above are true of Mainline Protestants.
D, p.21
Despite the diverse numbers and types of Black Protestant denominations, Black Protestants tend to be more alike in their social and religious attitudes than are white Protestants.
A, p. 22
Which of the following is considered an Evangelical denomination?
Vineyard Churches International
American Baptists
Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
A, p. 24
While all fundamentalists can be categorized as Evangelicals, not all Evangelicals can be categorized as fundamentalists.
A, p. 23-24
Faith healing, speaking in tongues, and prophecy are most likely to be religious practices found among
fundamentalist Christians.
Roman Catholics.
Mainline Protestants.
Black Protestants.
Pentecostal Christians.
E, p. 24
Which of the following is not one of the five ritual pillars of Islam?
stating that Allah is God and Mohammed is His prophet
fasting during Ramadan
praying five times a day
reading the Qu’ran daily
D, p. 26
________________ is the group of Muslims that was founded in the United States by African Americans in the early 20th century.
Black Muslims
Sufi Muslims
The Nation of Islam
none of the above
C, p. 27
The principle religious issue that divides Sunni Muslims from Shi’a Muslims is
which group’s founder was to be Mohammed’s successor.
how many times one should make a pilgrimage to Mecca.
dancing as a means to experience Allah’s presence.
whether women should wear total body coverings or only head scarves.
A, p. 26
Despite outsiders’ impressions that Hindus worship many gods and goddesses, Hindus themselves believe that each of these gods and goddesses are only aspects of one God.
A, p. 27
________ is the Hindu belief that each person has a duty to live morally, although doing so may look different for each person depending on their caste.
C, p. 28
Buddhist beliefs and practices are defined by
the four Noble Truths.
the Eightfold Path.
both B and C
all of the above
D, p. 29
For Buddhists, Buddha is worshipped as God.
B, p. 28-29
Which of the following is not true of Buddhism?
Buddhism varies in its beliefs and rituals based on the country and culture it settled in.
Buddhists and Hindus share the belief in karma.
Buddhists never worship a god or gods.
Buddhism has an elite form that usually only monks practice and a popular form that anyone can practice.
C, p. 29
For Jews, what one believes about God, the Torah, etc., is more important than what one does in terms of ritual practice.
B, p. 29
_____________ Judaism encourages its members to follow the teachings of the Torah and Talmud but allows for reinterpretation of these traditions in light of contemporary experience.
C, p. 30
Which of the following is true about religious rituals?
Religious rituals relate individuals and groups to the Sacred.
Religious rituals are defined as such by the mean people attach to their actions.
Religious rituals unify the groups that perform them.
Religious rituals can be formal and informal.
all of the above
E, p. 31
Disputes over the forms and content of religious rituals and the structure of services is called
religious conflict.
culture wars.
worship wars.
C, p. 31
When an individual does not belong to any single religion or hold to specific sets of religious beliefs and practices but instead picks and chooses those which make sense to him or her, they are engaging in what Robert Bellah and his colleagues termed
religious innovation.
convenience religion.
religious adaptation.
B, p. 33-34