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Test Bank for Exam 1 Chapter 1

Brown University
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17a Fall 06 Test Bank for Exam 1 Chapter 1 1. Archaeological evidence suggests that the earliest peoples to populate the Americas a. migrated by boat along the Pacific Coast from Asia. b. crossed the Siberian land bridge. c. were survivors from the lost continent of Atlantis. d. both a and b e. both b and c 2. Mississippian moundbuilders used their mounds as a. burial places. b. temples. c. storage facilities. d. both a and b e. both a and c 3. During the centuries of slave trading, Africa lost about ________ to the Atlantic slave trade. a. 1 million b. 10 million c. 15 million d. 100 million e. 30 million 4. When Columbus's ship, the Santa Maria, was lost in a storm, a. about $200,000 in gold was lost. b. its timbers were used to construct a fort. c. its men perished off the coast of San Salvador. d. Queen Isabella held Columbus personally responsible. e. its crew was enslaved by the residents of Hispaniola. 5 Before 1560, the country most involved in exploring the New World was a. Spain. b. Portugal. c. England. d. France. e. Holland. 6. The explorer responsible for Portugal claiming Brazil was a. Ferdinand Magellan. b. Vasco da Gama. c. Amerigo Vespucci. d. Pedro Álvares Cabral. e. Juan Ponce de León. 7. Hernán Cortés laid siege to the Aztec capital in 1521, after a. most of his men had been claimed by malaria. b. the Spanish crown sent its permission. c. the city had been ravaged by smallpox. d. both a and c e. both b and c 8. The Seven Cities of Cibola were a. located in the Four Corners area. b. filled with vast stores of gold. c. actually made of adobe. d. completely fictitious. e. located near modern-day Mexico City. 9. Which of the following statements accurately describes the exchange of crops between Europe and the Americas? a. Peaches and bananas came to America, while wheat and oats went to Europe. b. Chocolate and pepper went to Europe, while tobacco came to America. c. Potatoes and tomatoes came to America, while sweet potatoes went to Europe. d. Tomatoes and peppers went to Europe, while oats and wheat came to America. e. none of the above 10. The highest Spanish officials in the Americas were the a. viceroys. b. caciques. c. audiencias. d. governors. e. mestizos. 11. In the 1540s, the Europeans finally located two extremely rich mines of a. gold. b. silver. c. diamonds. d. iron. e. copper. 12. Potosí was a silver mine in a. Mexico. b. the American Southwest. c. Bolivia. d. Brazil. e. Hispaniola. 13. Scottish followers of Calvin were known as a. Hugenots. b. Calvinists. c. Puritans. d. Presbyterians. e. Lutherans. 14. Sir Francis Drake made his fortune a. through piracy. b. in the tobacco trade. c. in shipbuilding. d. in the slave trade. e. both a and b 15. The first French Hugenots who came to the New World tried to settle in a. Mexico. b. Brazil. c. South Carolina. d. New France. e. Canada. 16. Under English common law, a married woman was a feme covert, which meant, in part, that she a. could not own a business without her husband's permission. b. could sue in court when necessary. c. had more rights than an unmarried woman. d. must keep her head covered in public. e. lost all legal claim to her father's property by marrying. 17. Which of the following is most descriptive of West African cultures? a. Although Muslim traders tried to introduce Islam to the region, West Africans refused to convert. b. Slavery was unknown before the Portuguese conquest. c. Extended families were always patrilinear. d. The most important factor in traditional African religions was a single all-powerful God, the Creator, who provided lesser gods who could be either beneficial or harmful. e. Polygamy was customary. 18. The Spanish conquest of the New World resulted in a. a Spanish victory over the native populations, a process aided by European technology. b. the conquest of Mexico by Hernán Cortés. c. the discovery of the famed Seven Cities of Cibola. d. both a and b e. both b and c 19. The Spaniards curtailed their exploration of much of North America by the 1540s, mainly because a. they encountered numerous problems with Native American tribes. b. they lost the financial backing of the Spanish court. c. they feared the increasing number of intermarriages would pollute their race. d. they failed to discover the gold and silver they desired. e. their navy was defeated by the English. 20. Though legally the Spanish monarch controlled all colonization in the Americas, in reality a. native Indians made their own versions of many Spanish laws. b. audiencias advised the governors and functioned as local courts. c. native leaders called caciques retained much local control. d. both a and b e. both b and c Chapter 2 1. By 1675, the English had North American settlements a. as far inland as the Appalachian Mountains. b. along the Atlantic coast. c. along the Ohio River. d. in Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. e. as far south as Florida. 2. Franciscan priests given permission to settle among the Pueblo Indians of the Rio Grande Valley a. reported that the Indians were friendly and could be expected to convert to Christianity. b. named the region San Felipe del Nuevo York. c. were killed by the Pueblos. d. both a and b e. both a and c 3. Most joint-stock companies raised funds through a. investment in England's stock market. b. pooling resources of wealthy patrons. c. selling stocks in their companies. d. selling wool in Antwerp. e. investing in Spanish expeditions. 4. The first permanent English colony, Jamestown, was funded by a. the Virginia Company. b. the English parliament. c. Charles II. d. John Smith. e. the sale of land in England. 5. The first offense of not working in Jamestown was punishable by a. death. b. whipping. c. being tied neck to heels overnight. d. banishment. e. thirty days in jail. 6. When the Virginia colonists defeated Powhatan, they took control of a. the Powhatan Confederacy. b. Jamestown. c. the York River. d. the village of Pamunkey. e. the James River. 7. In 1619, the Virginia Company began operating under a. martial law. b. English common law. c. London's Central Court. d. an assembly of its own. e. both b and d 8. When the Virginia Company went bankrupt in 1624, a. immigration to the colony ceased. b. the English Crown claimed it as a royal colony. c. most members of the colony returned to England. d. both a and b e. both a and c 9. By the time the Pilgrims arrived in 1620, Native Americans on the coast a. had been weakened by European diseases. b. had seen some of their number kidnapped. c. had made trade agreements with the English, only to have them broken. d. were wary of all newcomers. e. all of the above 10. Puritan leaders believed they were responsible to a. Charles I. b. James II. c. John Winthrop. d. God. e. both c and d 11. The Puritans hoped to create a true ____________ in their colony. a. democracy b. autocracy c. theocracy d. oligarchy e. free society 12. Puritan society was a. hierarchical. b. patriarchal. c. egalitarian. d. both a and b e. both a and c 13. Which of the following was true of the Maryland colony? a. Settlers there suffered a "starving time" similar to that of the Virginia colony. b. Rice provided a cash crop for them. c. The colony grew rapidly as news of their economic success got back to England. d. Their greatest profits came from tobacco. e. none of the above 14. In the aftermath of the English Civil War, which of the following occurred? a. Oliver Cromwell was named Prime Minister. b. Richard Cromwell helped restore the monarchy. c. Oliver Cromwell supervised a major redistribution of land. d. King Charles I was executed. e. Charles II tried to rule England just as his father, Charles I, had done. 15. The first colony established after Charles II returned to the throne of England was a. Georgia. b. New Jersey. c. Carolina. d. Pennsylvania. e. New York. 16. Virginia's ultimate success was assured by a. royal financial support. b. the development of fur trading. c. tobacco cultivation. d. the discovery of gold. e. both a and c 17. A 1625 Virginia census indicated that a. women were arriving in the colony in ever greater numbers. b. men outnumbered women by a ratio of three to one. c. half the colony's population was comprised of children. d. most married couples had at least two children. e. about one in four children had lost a parent. 18. The primary Dutch settlement in New Netherland was New Amsterdam, which was located a. on the James River. b. on the York River. c. in the lower Hudson Valley. d. on the island of Manhattan. e. on Lake Ontario. 19. Rhode Island, founded by Roger Williams, was noted for its a. close ties between church and state. b. condemnation of Anne Hutchinson. c. mistreatment of the local native tribes. d. religious toleration. e. both a and c 20. One of the distinguishing characteristics of the region that became known as South Carolina was that a. many settlers were planters who had moved from Virginia. b. a large proportion of the colony consisted of slaves. c. most settlers became merchants. d. the colony's land was divided into townships. e. numerous towns developed throughout the colony. Chaper 3 1. Which of these groups gathered in plain meeting houses to "wait upon the Lord"? a. Quakers b. Shakers c. Puritans d. Pilgrims e. Separatists 2. Which of these was true of Pennsylvania? a. Buyers purchased 100,000 acres in the first four years of the colony's existence. b. Most early settlers were from the West Indies. c. The government of Pennsylvania consisted of a bicameral assembly elected by the freemen of the colonies. d. Women had the right to vote in Pennsylvania. e. Servants received no land, and so could not vote. 3. The colonial revolts of 1689 resembled a. the Glorious Revolution. b. Bacon's Rebellion. c. Popé's Rebellion. d. both a and b e. both b and c 4. In buying African slaves, plantation owners paid the highest prices for a. slaves without physical defects. b. women of child-bearing age. c. young men. d. children. e. males in their forties. 5. The upper 5 percent of the population in the Chesapeake were known as a. aristocrats. b. gentry. c. gentlemen farmers. d. the nobility. e. merchant-planters. 6. King Philip's War resulted from a. French incursions into Nova Scotia. b. attempts by the English to force local Indians to give up their firearms. c. attempts by the English to force local Indians to reside in "praying towns." d. a disagreement over land policy. e. both b and d 7. The governor of Virginia at the time of Bacon's Rebellion a. negotiated with Bacon's men. b. ordered Bacon hanged for treason. c. called for new elections that brought Bacon's supporters into the House of Burgesses. d. all of the above e. none of the above 8. William Penn received land in Pennsylvania because of a. a debt owed by his father. b. his service in the Royal Navy. c. money owed to his late father. d. both a and c e. both b and c 9. Henry Sloughter was a governor of a. New York. b. Massachusetts. c. Virginia. d. Maryland. e. South Carolina. 10. Most of those convicted of and killed for witchcraft in Salem were a. young girls. b. women. c. men. d. slaves. e. politicians. 11. Which of these joined forces during the War of the Spanish Succession? a. French and Dutch b. French and Spanish c. Spanish and English d. French and English e. Spanish and Dutch 12. About ______ percent of residents in the Middle Colonies were slaves. a. 38 b. 20 c. 2 d. 10 e. 50 13. By the early 1700s, only one slave revolt had occurred, that in the colony of a. South Carolina. b. Virginia. c. Maryland. d. Georgia. e. New York. 14. The two main port cities in the Middle Colonies were New York and a. Philadelphia. b. Boston. c. Savannah. d. Charleston. e. Albany. 15. The Yamasees were Indians who traded with a. New York. b. Maryland. c. Pennsylvania. d. Virginia. e. South Carolina. 16. Metacom's War resulted in a. the destruction of twelve colonial towns. b. the destruction of Native American "praying towns" in southern New England. c. the relocation of Metacom to an area outside of New England. d. all of the above e. none of the above 17. The Dominion of New England was a. the first Continental Congress in the colonies. b. the organization imposed on the New England colonies by King James in his attempt to supercede colonial charters. c. the name for the supporters of James II in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. d. the name for the supporters of William and Mary in the Glorious Revolution of 1688. e. none of the above 18. The Salem witch trials can best be described as a. a reaction of traditionally minded folk to a newer, more commercial, society. b. the result of fears about the influence on the young of slave women such as the accused Tituba. c. a long-term problem that led to dozens of executions. d. so serious that even the wife of the governor was put to death. e. both a and b 19. The person who explored the Mississippi River and gave Louisiana its name was a. De Soto. b. La Salle. c. Narváez. d. Pierre Le Moyne. e. Coronado. 20. The main reason for the burgeoning slavery of South Carolina was a. the production of tobacco, which required many hands. b. the fact that slaves died in large numbers and continually had to be replaced. c. the production of rice, which was difficult to raise and extremely labor-intensive. d. the absence of towns, which might have led to a greater dependence on commerce. e. none of the above

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