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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 5.16 MB | Comments: 0
...11.1 Vitamins Amino Acids Animals use 20... ...use 20 amino acids to build proteins... ...Eight essential amino acids must be obtained... ...lack specific amino acids Fatty Acids Animals... ...amino acids Fatty Acids Animals can make... ...almost all fatty acids from acetyl CoA... ...or omega-6 fatty acids Omega-3 fatty acids... ...acids Omega-3 fatty acids must be ingested... ...seeds Omega-6 fatty acids must be ingested... ...phospholipids into fatty acids Proteases Break down... ...dipeptides and amino acids Amino acids are... ...amino acids Amino acids are absorbed into... ...down into fatty acids and monoglycerides Lipids... ...Short chain fatty acids and glycerol in... ...break down nucleic acids Exocrine Secretions of... ...breakdown accelerates Amino acids are converted to... ...converted to fatty acids and carbohydrates Structural... ...to regenerate amino acids and proteins ...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 115.5 kB | Comments: 0
...winter fractures rock. Acids dissolved in soil... ...rock by secreting acids and expanding their... ...compounds that form acids in the soil... ...by releasing organic acids and reinforcing the... ...Roots secrete organic acids such as malic... ...such as amino acids, sugars, and organic... ...sugars, and organic acids, releasing up to... ...incorporate into amino acids and other organic... ...to make amino acids, which are then...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 139 kB | Comments: 0
...all 20 amino acids and a few... ...20 possible amino acids. To get from... ...assembly of amino acids into polypeptide chains.... ...triplets specify amino acids. If the genetic... ...all 20 amino acids. Triplets of nucleotide... ...all the amino acids. With a triplet... ...sequence of amino acids making up the... ...the 20 amino acids will be incorporated... ...number of amino acids making up the... ...is 100 amino acids long. The task... ...mixture of amino acids, ribosomes, and other... ...paired with amino acids in the same... ...code for amino acids. The codon AUG... ...not indicate amino acids but are “stop”... ...of two amino acids not found in... ...of these amino acids, pyrrolysine, is found... ...of 400 amino acids. Most eukaryotic genes... ...which transfers amino acids from the cytoplasmic... ...all 20 amino acids available in its... ...tRNAs deposit amino acids in the prescribed... ...20 different amino acids. Each has active... ...to add amino acids codon by codon... ...order of amino acids, determines the secondary... ...groups to amino acids. Enzymes may remove... ...remove some amino acids from the leading... ...about 20 amino acids. A signal recognition... ...the same amino acids because of redundancy... ...Changes in amino acids at crucial sites,...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 202.5 kB | Comments: 0
...proteins, and nucleic acids. These large macromolecules... ...proteins, and nucleic acids—form chain-like molecules called... ...such as amino acids and fatty acids.... ...acids and fatty acids. Two monosaccharides can... ...glycerol and fatty acids. Glycerol is a... ...fat, three fatty acids are joined to... ...The three fatty acids in a fat... ...or different. Fatty acids vary in length... ...from saturated fatty acids are saturated fats.... ...from unsaturated fatty acids are unsaturated fats.... ...have two fatty acids attached to glycerol... ...specific conformation. Amino acids are the monomers... ...are constructed. Amino acids are organic molecules... ...20 different amino acids. An R group... ...group of amino acids has nonpolar R... ...group of amino acids has polar R... ...group of amino acids has functional groups... ...charge. All amino acids have carboxyl and... ...R groups. Amino acids are joined together... ...sequence of amino acids. Scientists have determined... ...sequences of amino acids in the small... ...order of amino acids that determines the... ...sequence of amino acids. Many proteins are... ...sequence of amino acids. Transthyretin is a... ...of 127 amino acids. The precise primary... ...linking of amino acids. Even a slight... ...Concept 5.5 Nucleic acids store and transmit... ...types of nucleic acids: RNA and DNA.... ...types of nucleic acids are ribonucleic acid... ...ordering of amino acids in a polypeptide.... ...of nucleotides. Nucleic acids are polymers made... ...order of amino acids—the primary structure—of a... ...of 146 amino acids in the polypeptide... ...in 67 amino acids. Despite these differences,...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 772.5 kB | Comments: 0
...transport Especially weak acids and bases Active... ...pH partition, weak acids are more rapidly...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 2.67 MB | Comments: 0
...of glucose, fatty acids, and to a... ...small extent amino acids, depending on the... ...glucose and fatty acids (this conserves glycogen... ...and some amino acids into glucose. Finally,... ...Protein and Amino Acids to Build Muscles... ...a fuel.Some amino acids will be converted... ...the essential amino acids must be in... ...for these amino acids is food, not... ...not supplements.All amino acids are in a... ...grams of amino acids are needed and...
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Solutions | Approved: 8 years ago | 827.68 kB | Comments: 0
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Solutions | Approved: 8 years ago | 1.31 MB | Comments: 0
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 8 years ago | 29.07 kB | Comments: 0
...B d. ?-keto acids 5. Porphyria G... ...by which amino acids are degraded? Ketogenic... ...THE ALANINE AMINO ACIDS THAT ARE PRODUCED... ...to produce amino acids, such as alanine... ...carbohydrates and fatty acids are important fuel... ...non essential amino acids. Alanine is derived...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 8 years ago | 25.47 kB | Comments: 0
...formed from fatty acids? UNTREATED DIABETES OR... ...converted into amino acids, essential amino acids... ...acids, essential amino acids still need to... ...Release of fatty acids for energy production... ...amounts of fatty acids are released from... ...MANY OTHERS AMINO ACIDS AS MONOMERS ELONGATING... ...if anything: amino acids TERMINATING ENZYME THIOESTERASE... ...REQUIRES THE AMINO ACIDS TO BE IN...
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