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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 137.86 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
N/A 163
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 456.2 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
N/A 126
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 30.83 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Zoology | Downloaded: 0
...In mammals the embryo is retained within...
...and house the embryo and fetus. Ovaries...
...secretory phase, an embryo has not implanted...
...uterus as the embryo is a ball...
...of development, the embryo obtains nutrients from...
...time when the embryo is especially sensitive...
...first trimester. The embryo secretes human chorionic...
...response against the embryo. May function by...
...from meeting. Prevent embryo from implanting. Abort...
...implanting. Abort the embryo. Fertilization can also...
N/A 278
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 25.3 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Zoology | Downloaded: 0
...sperm contains an embryo that is a...
...surface of the embryo. Cleavage occurs more... an eight-celled embryo with two tiers...
...form a three-layered embryo with a primitive...
...Gastrulation rearranges the embryo into a triploblastic...
...produces a triploblastic embryo with an archenteron....
...interior of the embryo: involution. As the...
...uterus The amniote embryo is the solution...
...interior of the embryo through the primitive...
...folds pinch the embryo away from the...
...will keep the embryo attached to the...
...nutrients to the embryo. The amnion encloses...
...amnion encloses the embryo in a fluid-filled...
...which protects the embryo from drying out....
...chorion cushions the embryo against mechanical shocks....
...and hypoblast. The embryo will develop almost...
...completely surrounds the embryo and other embryonic...
...Amnion: encloses the embryo in a fluid-filled...
...below the developing embryo. Develops from the...
...migrate to the embryo. Allantois: develops as...
...outpocketing of the embryo’s rudimentary gut. Incorporated... the early embryo Subsequently, in induction,...
...of the early embryo Polarity and the...
...lip of one embryo onto the ventral...
...surface of another embryo results in the...
...side of the embryo. Pattern Formation in...
N/A 202
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 46.04 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...produces contains the embryo sac. The embryo...
...embryo sac. The embryo sac produces two...
...or megagametophyte or embryo sac. The ovule...
...consists of the embryo sac and its...
...female gametophyte (syn. embryo sac). The generative...
...for the developing embryo. The ovule will...
...used by the embryo during germination. In...
...develops into the embryo proper, and basal... the developing embryo. The suspensor is...
...apoptosis. Proembryo globular embryo heart-shaped embryo mature...
...globular embryo heart-shaped embryo mature embryo. The...
...heart-shaped embryo mature embryo. The mature embryo...
...embryo. The mature embryo A mature embryo...
...embryo A mature embryo consists of a... the developing embryo. The embryonic root... reach the embryo. These seeds must...
...transferred to the embryo. Cells enlarge and...
...enlarge and the embryo burst through the...
...rise to an embryo. Modified leaves can...
N/A 176
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 31.52 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Botany | Downloaded: 0
...nourishes the sporophyte embryo, at least during...
...of a sporophyte embryo packaged along with...
...into a sporophyte embryo. The whole ovule...
...8) The pine embryo, the new sporophyte,...
...and nourishes the embryo. The ovule develops...
...consists of an embryo (new sporophyte), its...
...female gametophyte, the embryo sac. It consists...
...(5) female gametophytes (embryo sacs). (6) After...
...into a sporophyte embryo packaged with food...
...seed coat. The embryo has a rudimentary...
...for the developing embryo in endosperm which... of the embryo sac. Beans and...
...development of the embryo. Double fertilization may...
...consists of the embryo, endosperm, sporangium, and...
...ruptures and the embryo emerges as a...
N/A 316
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 36.43 kB | Comments: 2
Category: Botany | Downloaded: 0 a sporophyte embryo packaged along with...
...SEED SPORE Multicellular embryo Single cell Food...
...sperm + egg embryo. Most are monoecious:...
...egg + sperm embryo and 2 polar...
...female gametophyte or embryo sac has an... for the embryo. Venation is usually... for the embryo. Venation is netted....
...? gastrula ? embryo develops... Blastula is...
...surface of the embryo and gives rise...
N/A 265
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 75.15 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...into a multicellular embryo within the archegonium.... sporophyte (2n). Embryo of the sporophyte...
...SEED SPORE Multicellular embryo Single cell Food...
...sperm + egg embryo. Most are monoecious:...
...egg + sperm embryo and 2 polar... for the embryo. Venation is usually... for the embryo. Venation is netted....
...female gametophyte or embryo sac has an...
...Present in the embryo and adult of...
...develops between the embryo and the mother....
...produces contains the embryo sac. The embryo...
...embryo sac. The embryo sac produces two...
...pattern: Proembryo globular embryo heart-shaped embryo torpedo...
...globular embryo heart-shaped embryo torpedo stage mature...
...torpedo stage mature embryo. A mature embryo...
...embryo. A mature embryo consists of a...
...seed contains the embryo and the nutritive...
...a fully developed embryo. Mature seeds are...
...maturity of the embryo and the presence... the seed embryo. Method of transport...
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 36.83 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...egg-producing structures called embryo sacs, which form...
...sperm into the embryo sac, fertilizing the...
...rise to an embryo. The ovule develops...
...cell of the embryo sac. The ovule...
...consists of the embryo sac and the...
...sperm within the embryo sac. Both sperm...
...nuclei in the embryo sac. One sperm...
...nuclei of the embryo sac is termed...
...that lack an embryo. Normally nonreproductive tissues...
...tissues surrounding the embryo have prevented researchers...
...seed containing an embryo and a supply...
...seed(s). As the embryo develops, the seed...
...(cotyledons) of the embryo itself. Endosperm development...
...development usually precedes embryo development. After double... the developing embryo. In most monocots...
...most of the embryo. The basal cell...
...which anchors the embryo to its parent....
...nutrients to the embryo from the parent....
...cotyledons appear, the embryo elongates. Cradled between...
...end of the embryo axis, is the...
...present in the embryo. During the last...
...its weight. The embryo stops growing until...
...seed germinates. The embryo and its food...
...common bean, the embryo consists of an... the developing embryo, the seeds of...
...them to the embryo when the seed...
...during germination. The embryo of a grass...
...changes in the embryo that enable it...
...regions of the embryo. The first organ...
...rise to the embryo, and the ovules...
N/A 171
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 305.58 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...form a an embryo Implantation The embryo...
...embryo Implantation The embryo is wafted by...
...uterus, where the embryo sinks into the...
...cells of the embryo produces finger-like projections... to the embryo thickens and this...
...the placenta. The embryo then develops into...
...cells in the embryo develops into the...
N/A 183
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