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Lecture Notes | Approved: 5 years ago | 24.59 kB | Comments: 0
...the views of individuals who are different... ...appropriately interact with individuals from different backgrounds...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 46.1 kB | Comments: 0
...of many other individuals. The Greek philosopher... ...process in which individuals with certain inherited... ...more offspring than individuals with other characteristics.... ...generations by selecting individuals with the desired... ...reproduce. Inference #1: Individuals whose inherited traits... ...environment than other individuals tend to leave... ...offspring than other individuals. Inference #2: This... ...unequal ability of individuals to survive and... ...the frequency of individuals with adaptations and... ...process in which individuals that have certain... ...rate than other individuals because of those... ...changes, or if individuals move to a... ...and their environment, individuals do not evolve.... ...by methicillin. These individuals survived the methicillin... ...than did other individuals. Over time, these... ...time, these resistant individuals became increasingly common,...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 44.22 kB | Comments: 0
...or gray) among individuals in a population.... ...uniform population of individuals. However, the “blending”... ...genetic cross between individuals of known genotype.... ...polydactyly, in which individuals are born with... ...the population. 399 individuals out of 400... ...possible blood types. Individuals that are IA... ...red blood cells. Individuals that are IB... ...red blood cells. Individuals that are IA... ...red blood cells. Individuals that are ii... ...between two AaBbCc individuals (intermediate skin shade)... ...range of shades. Individuals with intermediate skin... ...and very dark individuals are possible as... ...from as many individuals in a family... ...almost all other individuals. We can use... ...a recessive characteristic. Individuals with a dominant... ...free earlobes. Some individuals may be ambiguous,... ...only in homozygous individuals who inherit one... ...from each parent. Individuals who lack the... ...sickle-cell trait. These individuals are usually healthy,... ...in homozygotes. Interestingly, individuals with one sickle-cell... ...bane. Homozygous normal individuals die of malaria,... ...malaria, homozygous recessive individuals die of sickle-cell... ...the risk. These individuals who share a... ...10,000 people. Heterozygous individuals have the dwarf... ...The results allow individuals with a family... ...to 15,000 births. Individuals with this disorder...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 50.05 kB | Comments: 0
...a group of individuals of a single... ...(the number of individuals living within those... ...fundamental characteristics of individuals in any population... ...the number of individuals per unit area... ...of spacing among individuals within the geographic... ...Ecologists can count individuals, but they usually... ...count all the individuals in a population.... ...the number of individuals in randomly located... ...Instead of counting individuals, population ecologists may... ...the mark-recapture method. Individuals are trapped and... ...set again and individuals are captured and... ...marked and unmarked individuals. From counts of... ...counts of these individuals, researchers estimate the... ...total number of individuals in the population.... ...assumption because trapped individuals may be more... ...processes that add individuals to a population... ...processes that remove individuals from it. Additions... ...influx of new individuals from other areas).... ...factors that remove individuals from a population... ...(the movement of individuals out of a... ...social interactions of individuals within a population.... ...is clumped when individuals aggregate in patches.... ...is uniform when individuals are evenly spaced.... ...or repulsion among individuals in a population,... ...a group of individuals of the same... ...the number of individuals that die in... ...or proportion of individuals in a cohort... ...cohort of 1,000 individuals still alive at... ...for the few individuals surviving to a... ...population of 1,000 individuals, the annual per... ...population of 1,000 individuals. Now we can... ...accumulates more new individuals per unit of... ...the number of individuals that can occupy... ...be limiting. If individuals cannot obtain sufficient... ...b declines. If individuals cannot find and... ...number of additional individuals the environment can... ...are many reproducing individuals, and the per... ...over time. New individuals are added to... ...effect, in which individuals may have a... ...a clump of individuals but vulnerable to... ...where competition between individuals is strong. Mature... ...K or when individuals face little competition.... ...In this case, individuals compete for space.... ...presence of nonbreeding individuals in a population... ...higher percentage of individuals. For example, trout... ...size. White-footed mice individuals become more aggressive... ...Dictyostelium discoideum, single-celled individuals group together when... ...patches, influencing how individuals move among the... ...Patches with many individuals can supply more... ...relative number of individuals of each age,...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 39.12 kB | Comments: 0
...does act on individuals by impacting their... ...localized group of individuals that belong to... ...of populations whose individuals have the potential... ...of other populations. Individuals near the population’s... ...loci in all individuals of a population.... ...a diploid individual. Individuals can be homozygous... ...or 4%). Heterozygous individuals are either Rr... ...of homozygous recessive individuals (q2 in the... ...of carriers (heterozygous individuals) is 2pq =... ...the movement of individuals or gametes into... ...Random mating. If individuals pick mates with... ...the numbers of individuals in a larger... ...only a few individuals that do not... ...expects that all individuals in a population... ...population with variable individuals, natural selection will... ...will lead some individuals to leave more... ...migration of fertile individuals or gametes between... ...or millions of individuals that may have... ...The variation among individuals in a population... ...pair differences) among individuals in a population.... ...different between two individuals. Two individuals would... ...two individuals. Two individuals would differ at... ...if dispersal of individuals is limited, producing... ...intergrade zones where individuals from neighboring, genetically... ...genetic differences among individuals are due to... ...propagation by heterozygous individuals. Recessive alleles are... ...In some situations individuals that are heterozygous... ...disease in homozygous individuals. Homozygous dominant individuals... ...individuals. Homozygous dominant individuals are very vulnerable... ...to malaria. Heterozygous individuals are resistant to... ...over homozygous recessive individuals who suffer sickle-cell... ...and homozygous dominant individuals who suffer malaria... ...advantage to some individuals over others. Much... ...competitive contests among individuals. While some animals... ...contributions of other individuals. Population geneticists use... ...had been rare individuals. Peter and Rosemary... ...are abundant, all individuals consume relatively few... ...environmental conditions favor individuals at both extremes... ...migration of asexual individuals or mutation permitting... ...would outcompete sexual individuals and the alleles... ...the present, favoring individuals here and now... ...Among the hosts, individuals are likely to... ...direct competition among individuals of one sex... ...physical battles between individuals. The stronger individuals... ...individuals. The stronger individuals gain status. More... ...in selecting among individuals of the other... ...and expose these individuals to extra risks.... ...have some costs, individuals that possess them... ...of a male. Individuals with infections or... ...disheveled plumage. These individuals are unlikely to... ...be the best individuals, but rather those... ...but rather those individuals that are carried...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 243.47 kB | Comments: 0
...i. Because more individuals are born than... ...Observation: Variability i. Individuals in a population... ...selection i. Those individuals with variations that... ...3. Elimination of individuals with undesirable traits... ...natural selection, certain individuals are more likely... ...about evolution 1. Individuals don’t evolve. a.... ...misconception is that individuals evolve. b. Although... ...selection works on individuals, evolution is a... ...natural selection. a. Individuals with traits that... ...choose to mate individuals with desirable traits.... ...a group of individuals of the same... ...evolution is that individuals evolve. a. Natural... ...selection acts on individuals, favoring the survival... ...contributions from other individuals. 2. Fitness is... ...favors the best-adapted individuals, there is also... ...a population) of individuals. b. It makes... ...selection whereby certain individuals are more likely... ...a group of individuals capable of successfully... ...discusses three misconceptions. ??Individuals don’t evolve. In... ...natural selection. The individuals who lived or...
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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 136.5 kB | Comments: 0
...a collection of individuals who share a... ...not action by individuals, e.g., height requirements... ...Prejudice: attitudes to individuals because of characteristics...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 131 kB | Comments: 0
...a group of individuals of a single... ...heritable variations among individuals and changing the... ...fundamental characteristics of individuals in any population... ...the number of individuals per unit area... ...of spacing among individuals within the geographic... ...Ecologists can count individuals, but they usually... ...count all the individuals in a population.... ...the number of individuals in randomly located... ...instead of counting individuals, population ecologists estimate... ...the mark-recapture method. Individuals are trapped and... ...set again and individuals are captured and... ...marked and unmarked individuals. From counts of... ...counts of these individuals, researchers estimate the... ...total number of individuals in the population.... ...assumption because trapped individuals may be more... ...processes that add individuals to a population... ...processes that remove individuals from it. Additions... ...influx of new individuals from other areas).... ...factors that remove individuals from a population... ...(the movement of individuals out of a... ...social interactions of individuals within a population.... ...is clumped when individuals aggregate in patches.... ...is uniform when individuals are evenly spaced.... ...or repulsion among individuals in a population,... ...they vary among individuals (specifically females) and... ...a group of individuals of the same... ...the number of individuals that die in... ...or proportion of individuals in a cohort... ...cohort of 1,000 individuals still alive at... ...for the few individuals that survive to... ...population of 1,000 individuals, the annual per... ...population of 1,000 individuals. Now we can... ...accumulates more new individuals per unit of... ...the number of individuals that can occupy... ...be limiting. If individuals cannot obtain sufficient... ...b declines. If individuals cannot find and... ...number of additional individuals the environment can... ...are many reproducing individuals, and the per... ...over time. New individuals are added to... ...effect, in which individuals may have a... ...a clump of individuals but vulnerable to... ...K or when individuals face little competition.... ...resource for which individuals compete. Oceanic birds... ...presence of nonbreeding individuals in a population... ...higher percentage of individuals. For example, trout... ...size. White-footed mice individuals become more aggressive... ...patches, influencing how individuals move among the... ...Patches with many individuals can supply more... ...relative number of individuals of each age,...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 132.5 kB | Comments: 0
...does act on individuals. Each individual’s combination... ...relative to other individuals in the population.... ...(base-pair differences) among individuals in a population.... ...differ between two individuals. Two individuals differ,... ...two individuals. Two individuals differ, on average,... ...population to evolve, individuals must differ genetically... ...a group of individuals that belong to... ...natural populations whose individuals have the potential... ...of other populations. Individuals near the population’s... ...all of the individuals in a population... ...pool, and all individuals will be homozygous... ...particular locus, then individuals can be either... ...Suppose that the individuals in a population... ...or 4%. Heterozygous individuals are either CRCW... ...Random mating. If individuals pick mates with... ...the migration of individuals or gametes between... ...rare heterozygous recessive individuals, and then only... ...of homozygous recessive individuals (q2 in the... ...of carriers (heterozygous individuals) is 2pq =... ...differential reproductive success. Individuals in a population... ...their heritable traits. Individuals with variations better... ...small number of individuals who do not... ...the numbers of individuals in a large... ...migration of fertile individuals or gametes. For... ...they suggest that individuals compete directly in... ...contributions of other individuals. Although we may... ...direction by favoring individuals who deviate from... ...environmental conditions favor individuals at both extremes... ...the proportion of individuals that have favorable... ...direct competition among individuals of one sex... ...physical battles between individuals, usually males. For... ...their mates from individuals of the other... ...disheveled plumage. These individuals are unlikely to... ...propagation by heterozygous individuals. Recessive alleles are... ...In some situations, individuals who are heterozygous... ...disease. Homozygous recessive individuals suffer from sickle-cell... ...disease. Homozygous dominant individuals are vulnerable to... ...to malaria. Heterozygous individuals are resistant to... ...necessarily be the individuals best suited to... ...but rather those individuals that were carried...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 160 kB | Comments: 0
...of many other individuals. The Greek philosopher... ...process in which individuals with certain inherited... ...more offspring than individuals with other characteristics.... ...generations by selecting individuals with the desired... ...survive. Inference #1: Individuals whose inherited traits... ...environment than other individuals tend to leave... ...offspring than other individuals. Inference #2: This... ...unequal ability of individuals to survive and... ...the frequency of individuals with adaptations and... ...process in which individuals that have certain... ...rate than other individuals. Over time, natural... ...changes, or if individuals move to a... ...and their environment, individuals do not evolve.... ...offspring than those individuals whose traits help... ...reproduction of resistant individuals. The examples of...
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