Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 212 kB | Comments: 0
...oxygen from the lungs to the brain... ...cells in the lungs to enter the... ...the heart and lungs. For example, the... ...all in the lungs and a pulmocutaneous... ...in both the lungs and the skin.... ...flow to the lungs while blood flow... ...heart to the lungs and back again.... ...blood to the lungs via the pulmonary... ...right and left lungs, it loads O2... ...returns from the lungs via the pulmonary... ...capillary beds of lungs, gills, or other... ...Gills, tracheae, and lungs are the three... ...Tracheal systems and lungs are respiratory adaptations... ...branching tracheal systems, lungs are restricted to... ...to one location. Lungs are an infolding... ...gases between the lungs and the rest... ...of the body. Lungs have evolved in... ...have relatively small lungs that do not... ...and many lack lungs altogether. Amphibians rely... ...rely entirely on lungs for gas exchange.... ...mouth and anus. Lungs and air breathing... ...and complexity of lungs are correlated with... ...For example, the lungs of endotherms have... ...surface than the lungs of similar-sized ectotherms.... ...air to the lungs. Air enters through... ...formed in the lungs after 33 weeks... ...Breathing ventilates the lungs. The process of... ...air, ventilates the lungs. A frog ventilates... ...frog ventilates its lungs by positive pressure... ...recoil of the lungs, together with compression... ...out of the lungs during exhalation. For... ...mammals ventilate their lungs by negative pressure... ...it into the lungs. Active expansion of... ...pressure in the lungs below the pressure... ...thoracic cavity, the lungs are enclosed by... ...outside of the lungs and the outer... ...cavity and the lungs change in unison.... ...males, respectively. The lungs hold more air... ...remains in the lungs because the alveoli... ...collapse. Since the lungs do not completely... ...gas exchange. Besides lungs, birds have eight... ...flowing through the lungs. Instead of alveoli,... ...exchange in bird lungs are tiny channels... ...through the entire system—lungs and air sacs—requires... ...air in the lungs with every breath,... ...PO2 in the lungs is higher in... ...receptors prevents our lungs from overexpanding by... ...flows through the lungs. Concept 42.7 Adaptations... ...arriving at the lungs via the pulmonary... ...blood leaves the lungs in the pulmonary... ...pumped to the lungs again. The low... ...blood in the lungs. If 80% of... ...oxygen at the lungs or gills and... ...flows through the lungs, the process is... ...is in our lungs, and 51% is... ...in its small lungs, and it stockpiles...
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