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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 50.05 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...sources. Why do populations of some species...
...the study of populations in relation to...
...with one another. Populations may be described...
...the density of populations is a difficult... estimate wildlife populations is the mark-recapture...
...significant exchanges between populations. Within a population’s...
...vital statistics of populations and how they...
...each age. Natural populations exhibit several patterns...
...(Type III). In populations without immigration or... sexually reproducing populations usually ignore males...
...unlimited environment. All populations have a tremendous...
...are characteristic of populations that are introduced...
...growth of real populations? The growth of...
...growth of laboratory populations of some small...
...fairly well. These populations are grown in...
...apply to all populations, however. The logistic...
...model assumes that populations adjust instantaneously and...
...In most natural populations, there is a...
...population are realized. Populations may overshoot their...
...stable density. Some populations fluctuate greatly, making...
...growth rate. Some populations show an Allee...
...consider how real populations grow and how...
...rates for wildlife populations. Conservation biologists can...
...size below which populations of certain species...
...and operates in populations living at a...
...Why do all populations eventually strop growing?...
...Why do some populations fluctuate in size,... regulation to populations. Density-dependent regulation provides...
...rates. In crowded populations, increasing population density...
...juveniles. In animal populations, territoriality may limit... accumulate as populations grow, poisoning the...
...immune system. All populations for which data... population size. Populations of large mammals,...
...recent years, both populations have been isolated...
...deep snow. Some populations undergo regular boom-and-bust...
...boom-and-bust cycles. Some populations show cyclic population...
...adding food. The populations of lynx and...
...of the predator populations. Long-term experimental studies...
...emigration also influence populations: When a population...
...can also influence populations, particularly when a...
...a group of populations is linked together...
...a sense, local populations linked in a...
...move among the populations. Patches with many...
...the developed nations, populations are near equilibrium...
...replacement level. These populations will eventually decline...
...among different human populations. These differences reflect...
...demands of many populations have already far...
N/A 199
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 39.12 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...THE EVOLUTION OF POPULATIONS Introduction One obstacle...
...the scale of populations, called microevolution, is...
...genetic variation within populations and recognizes the...
...The importance of populations as the units...
...ideas about how populations evolve. 2. A...
...a group of populations whose individuals have... a nature. Populations of a species...
...members of other populations. Individuals near the...
...members of other populations. The total aggregate...
...the Hardy-Weinberg theorem. Populations at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium...
...size. In small populations, chance fluctuations in...
...three may effect populations in positive, negative,...
...that occur when populations are finite in...
...of endangered species. Populations that have suffered...
...small surviving wild populations of cheetahs is...
...demonstrated in human populations that started from...
...or gametes between populations. For example, if...
...reduce differences between populations. If extensive enough,...
...can amalgamate neighboring populations into a single...
...reduce differences between populations. If extensive enough,...
...can amalgamate neighboring populations into a single...
...transferring alleles between populations that were once...
...experience a mutation. Populations are composed of...
...within and between populations The variation among...
...previous slide. Human populations are polymorphic for...
...structure either between populations or between subgroups...
...chance variations among populations. Geographic variation can...
...neighboring, genetically different, populations interbreed. Alternatively, clines... clines, isolated populations typically demonstrate discrete...
...century, but isolated populations, separated by mountains,...
...developed. Some isolated populations have evolved differences...
...variation in both populations. Aspects of this...
...genetic structure of populations to a greater...
...founders of new populations may not necessarily...
N/A 168
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 33.11 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...or group of populations whose members have...
...largest set of populations in which genetic...
...isolated from other populations. Species are based...
...Reproductive isolation prevents populations belonging to different...
...gene flow among populations is initially interrupted....
...geographic separation of populations restricts gene flow.... geographically overlapping populations when biological factors,...
...or more isolated populations. Mountain ranges, glaciers,...
...isolated from mainland populations. How significant a...
...years ago, small populations of stray plants...
...few small, isolated populations will develop into...
...whether the separated populations have become different...
...In ring species, populations are distributed around...
...geographic barrier, with populations that have diverged...
...ring closes. Some populations are capable of...
...chain of interbreeding populations along the coastal...
...of the different populations contrast in coloration...
...coastal and inland populations interbreed and produce...
...coastal and inland populations do not interbreed...
...dispersed from parent populations have founded new...
...have founded new populations in isolation. Organisms...
...pools from parent populations. While geographic isolation...
...interbreeding between allopatric populations, it does not... the allopatric populations evolve separately. Diane...
...divergence by allopatric populations in fruitflies, Drosophila...
...into several laboratory populations that were cultured...
...while the “maltose” populations improved their efficiency...
...digestion. Females from populations raised on a...
...develop in allopatric populations has been demonstrated...
...from the source populations increased. Some hybrids...
...when geographically isolated populations evolve reproductive barriers...
...interbreeding even if populations come back into...
...of the parent populations. Here reproductive barriers...
...evolve between sympatric populations In plants, sympatric...
N/A 183
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 474.14 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Statistics and Probability | Downloaded: 0
...are sampled from populations that follow a...
...samples from four populations of human subjects....
...difference among the populations with respect to...
N/A 139
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 204 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...genetic variation between populations that is often...
...loss of wild populations of plants also...
...breeders screened 7,000 populations of rice and...
...since the smaller populations in habitat fragments...
...that limit their populations in their native...
...Shakespeare’s plays. Starling populations in North America...
...ability of those populations to rebound. Species...
...ivory trade. Elephant populations have declined dramatically...
...North American bluefin populations to 20% of...
...declining-population approach. Small populations are particularly vulnerable...
...cause very small populations to become extinct....
...unique to small populations. A small population...
...traits. Not all populations are doomed by... permanently small populations. Overhunting of northern...
...northern elephant seal populations have rebounded to...
...birds from larger populations elsewhere. The Illinois...
...between geographically separated populations, and population fluctuations....
...fluctuations. In actual populations, Ne is always...
...from concern that populations retain enough genetic...
...information about the populations under study, conservation...
...of the managed populations. A population viability...
...states. Grizzly bear populations in those states... six isolated populations with a total...
...U.S. grizzly bear populations. Using life history...
...bears. Because small populations tend to lose...
...other grizzly bear populations in North America....
...Migration between isolated populations of grizzlies could...
...half. For small populations, finding ways to...
...promote dispersal among populations may be one...
...even when the populations are larger than...
...treatment of declining populations. Assess population data...
...can support viable populations. Designing a recovery... sustain their populations can be central...
...of negatively affecting populations of other species....
...edge and interior populations of the little...
...insects. The cowbird populations are burgeoning where...
...correlated with declining populations of cowbird host...
...inbreeding in declining populations. They are especially...
...animals with low-density populations, such as the... Many fish populations around the world...
...would increase fish populations within the reserves...
...Sanctuary in 1990. Populations of marine organisms,...
N/A 240
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 131 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...year. Why do populations of some species...
...the study of populations in relation to...
...with one another. Populations can evolve through...
...the density of populations is a difficult... estimate wildlife populations is the mark-recapture...
...significant exchanges between populations. Within a population’s...
...vital statistics of populations and how they...
...each age. Natural populations exhibit several patterns...
...(Type III). In populations without immigration or... sexually reproducing populations usually ignore males...
...unlimited environment. All populations have a tremendous...
...are characteristic of populations that are introduced...
...growth of real populations? The growth of...
...growth of laboratory populations of some organisms...
...fairly well. These populations are grown in...
...apply to all populations, however. The logistic...
...model assumes that populations adjust instantaneously and...
...In most natural populations, there is a...
...population are realized. Populations may overshoot their...
...stable density. Some populations fluctuate greatly, making...
...growth rate. Some populations show an Allee...
...consider how real populations grow and how... or wildlife populations. Conservation biologists can...
...size below which populations of certain species...
...growth rates for populations of low or... favored in populations that are at...
...and operates in populations living at a...
...Why do all populations eventually strop growing?...
...Why do some populations show radical fluctuations...
...rates. In crowded populations, increasing population density...
...juveniles. In animal populations, territoriality may limit... accumulate as populations grow, poisoning the...
...immune system. All populations for which data... population size. Populations of large mammals,...
...recent years, both populations have been isolated...
...deep snow. Some populations undergo regular boom-and-bust...
...boom-and-bust cycles. Some populations show cyclic population...
...adding food. The populations of lynx and...
...of the predator populations. Long-term experimental studies...
...population cycles. Local populations can be linked...
...can also influence populations, particularly when a...
...a group of populations is linked together...
...a sense, local populations in a metapopulation...
...move among the populations. Patches with many...
...the developed nations, populations are near equilibrium...
...replacement level. These populations will eventually decline...
...among different human populations. These differences reflect...
...demands of many populations have already far...
N/A 222
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 130.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...a group of populations whose members have...
...with other such populations. A biological species...
...largest set of populations in which genetic...
...isolated from other populations. Species are based...
...other because their populations are connected by...
...between widely separated populations have the potential...
...Reproductive isolation prevents populations belonging to different...
...gene flow among populations is initially interrupted....
...geographic separation of populations restricts gene flow.... geographically overlapping populations when biological factors,...
...or more isolated populations. Mountain ranges, glaciers,...
...from the mainland populations. How significant a...
...on the two populations. Genetic drift alters...
...years ago, small populations of stray plants...
...isolation between two populations increases with distance...
...them. Individuals from populations of dusky salamanders...
...widely separated the populations, the greater the...
...drift, causing the populations to diverge. In...
...of the parent populations. Reproductive barriers must...
...evolve between sympatric populations. Gene flow may...
...years ago, some populations colonized newly introduced...
...Although the two populations are still classified...
...even if the populations reestablish contact. Sympatric...
...sympatric and allopatric populations. In sympatry, the...
...natural H. anomalus populations. The total time...
...gene flow between populations is interrupted, not... interrupted, the populations must diverge genetically...
N/A 217
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 132.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...The Evolution of Populations Lecture Outline Overview:...
...of alleles between populations). Natural selection is...
...variation occurs between populations. Geographic variation results...
...or genotypes between populations or between subgroups... variation among populations through the cumulative...
...In sexually reproducing populations, most of the... of natural populations whose individuals have...
...produce fertile offspring. Populations of a species...
...members of other populations. Individuals near the...
...members of other populations. The total aggregate...
...not evolving. Real populations do evolve, however,...
...change over time. Populations evolve because the...
...conditions for non-evolving populations are rarely met...
...population. In small populations, chance fluctuations in...
...or gametes between populations, will change the...
...common in natural populations. It is also...
...common for natural populations to be in...
...change in many populations is so slow...
...large. (condition 4) Populations outside the United...
...frequencies in small populations. Genetic drift occurs...
...occur in small populations. For example, you...
...drift in small populations may occur as...
...demonstrated in human populations that started from...
...1993, only two populations of birds remained...
...rates of larger populations in other states....
...significant in small populations. Genetic drift causes...
...allelic variation within populations. Genetic drift can...
...of alleles among populations due to the...
...reduce differences between populations. If extensive enough,...
...can amalgamate neighboring populations into a single...
...change in human populations that were previously...
...isolated. When neighboring populations live in different...
...grass (Agrostis tenuis) populations grow near copper... transferred between populations. For example, gene...
...evolutionary history of populations. For example, the...
...founders of new populations may not necessarily...
N/A 192
Lecture Notes | Approved: 8 years ago | 90.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...genetic variation among populations that is often...
...loss of wild populations of plants also...
...since the smaller populations in habitat fragments...
...that limit their populations in their native...
...Shakespeares plays. Starling populations in North America...
...ability of those populations to rebound. It...
...ivory trade. Elephant populations have declined dramatically...
...North American bluefin populations to 20 of...
...cause very small populations to become extinct....
...unique to small populations. A small population...
...pathogens. Not all populations are doomed by...
...northern elephant seal populations have rebounded to...
...1993 (although large populations remained in other...
...of the managed populations are most effective....
...from concern that populations retain enough genetic...
...between geographically separated populations, and population fluctuations....
...fluctuations. In actual populations, Ne is always...
...(Ursus arctos horribilis) populations had been drastically... six isolated populations with a total...
...for U.S. grizzly populations. Using life history...
...size. Because small populations tend to lose...
...other grizzly bear populations in North America....
...Migration between isolated populations of grizzlies could...
...half. For small populations, finding ways to...
...promote dispersal among populations may be one...
...even when the populations are larger than...
...treatment of declining populations. Assess population trends...
...can support viable populations. However, designing a... sustain their populations can be central...
...of negatively affecting populations of other species....
...correlated with declining populations of cowbirds host...
...inbreeding in declining populations. They are especially...
...animals with low-density populations, such as the...
...commercially important fish populations around the world...
...would increase fish populations within the reserves...
N/A 194
Lecture Notes | Approved: 8 years ago | 92 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...Goals Characteristics of Populations 1. Distinguish between...
...the characteristics of populations that exhibit Type...
...Distinguish between r-selected populations and K-selected populations....
...populations and K-selected populations. Population-Limiting Factors 13.... control a populations growth. 15. Describe...
...Overview Earths Fluctuating Populations To understand human...
...the study of populations in relation to...
...with one another. Populations can evolve through...
...Measuring density of populations is a difficult... estimate wildlife populations is the mark-recapture...
...significant exchanges between populations. Within a populations...
...populations. Within a populations geographic range, local...
...vital statistics of populations and how they...
...exhibited by natural populations. A Type I...
...population size in populations without immigration or... sexually reproducing populations usually ignore males...
...unlimited environment All populations have a tremendous...
...are characteristic of populations that are introduced...
...growth of real populations The growth of...
...growth of laboratory populations of some organisms...
...fairly well. These populations are grown in...
...apply to all populations. The logistic model...
...model assumes that populations adjust instantaneously and...
...In most natural populations, there is a...
...population are realized. Populations may overshoot their...
...stable density. Some populations fluctuate greatly, making...
...growth rate. Some populations show an Allee...
...consider how real populations grow and can... or wildlife populations. The logistic model...
...growth rates for populations of low or... favored in populations that are at...
...and operates in populations living at a...
...suggest that different populations of the same...
...seen in natural populations. Concept 52.5 Populations...
...populations. Concept 52.5 Populations are regulated by...
...Why do all populations eventually strop growing...
...Why do some populations show radical fluctuations...
...limitation in crowded populations can reduce population...
...rates. In animal populations, territoriality may limit...
...immune system. All populations for which we... population size. Populations of large mammals,...
...years. Large mammal populations do show much...
...stability than other populations. Dungeness crab populations...
...populations. Dungeness crab populations fluctuated hugely over...
...can also influence populations. This is particularly...
...a group of populations is linked together...
...a metapopulation. Some populations undergo regular boom-and-bust...
...found that hare populations increased, but that...
...increased, but that populations of lynx and...
...the developed nations, populations are near equilibrium,...
...replacement level. These populations will eventually decline...
...can predict a populations growth trends and...
...among different human populations. These differences reflect...
...demands of many populations have already far...
...and deaths in populations) itero- to repeat...
N/A 206
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