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Outline | Approved: 2 years ago | 2.17 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 1
...3rd domain, Eukarya. Prokaryotes were the 1st...
...13.1 Prokaryotic Diversity Prokaryotes are present everywhere....
...There are more prokaryotes inside & on... the body. Prokaryotes recycle nutrients –...
...Life on Earth Prokaryotes were the 1st...
...– the 1st prokaryotes – were adapted...
...multi-layered sheet of prokaryotes, including mostly bacteria...
...various types of prokaryotes carry out different...
...reflect various colors. Prokaryotes in a microbial...
...years ago, some prokaryotes in microbial mats...
...from water by prokaryotes in a microbial...
...are composed of prokaryotes, although fungal biofilms..., or planktonic, prokaryotes. Biofilms are difficult...
...forms. Characteristics of Prokaryotes All cells have...
...synthesis takes place. Prokaryotes come in various...
...the nucleoid. Most prokaryotes have a cell...
...Both types of prokaryotes have the same... S-layers. Reproduction Prokaryotes do not undergo...
...genetic recombination, but prokaryotes can alter their...
...shed by other prokaryotes, alive or dead....
...rapid evolution of prokaryotes, allowing them to...
...very quickly. How Prokaryotes Obtain Energy &...
...Energy & Carbon Prokaryotes fill many niches...
...including humans. Different prokaryotes can use different...
...humans. All pathogenic prokaryotes are Bacteria There...
...population. Foodborne Diseases Prokaryotes are everywhere: They...
...& eggs. Beneficial Prokaryotes Not all prokaryotes...
...Prokaryotes Not all prokaryotes are pathogenic. Pathogens... possible without prokaryotes. Prokaryotes, & Food...
...possible without prokaryotes. Prokaryotes, & Food &...
...biotechnology. Humans used prokaryotes to create products...
...4,000 years. Using Prokaryotes to Clean up...
...the use of prokaryotes to remove pollutants....
...the use of prokaryotes for bioremediation purposes...
...modified oil-eating bacterium. Prokaryotes in & on...
...functions of these prokaryotes for humans appear...
...different communities of prokaryotes. The few studies...
...prokaryotic reign, photosynthetic prokaryotes evolved that were...
...oxygen. Other early prokaryotes evolved mechanisms, such...
...evolution of aerobic prokaryotes was an important... successful aerobic prokaryotes evolved, evidence suggests...
...binary fission in prokaryotes. Mitochondria have their...
...these components in prokaryotes. These features all...
...were once free-living prokaryotes. Chloroplasts Chloroplasts are...
N/A 116
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 34.58 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
... Prokaryotes and the Origins...
...The World of Prokaryotes 1. They’re (almost)...
...of prokaryotic life Prokaryotes were the earliest...
...billion years. Today, prokaryotes still dominate the...
...least tenfold. More prokaryotes inhabit a handful...
...are colonies of prokaryotes. We hear most...
...produce important vitamins. Prokaryotes recycle carbon and...
...soil and atmosphere. Prokaryotes often live in...
...chloroplasts evolved from prokaryotes that became residents... cells. Modern prokaryotes are diverse in...
...5,000 species of prokaryotes are known, but...
...and Reproduction of Prokaryotes Most prokaryotes are...
...of Prokaryotes Most prokaryotes are unicellular. Some...
...common shapes among prokaryotes are spheres (cocci),...
...and helices. Most prokaryotes have diameters in...
...1. Nearly all prokaryotes have a cell...
...In nearly all prokaryotes, a cell wall...
...synthesize peptidoglycans. Many prokaryotes secrete another sticky...
...cells of those prokaryotes that live as...
...Another way for prokaryotes to adhere to...
...conjugation. 2. Many prokaryotes are motile About...
...half of all prokaryotes are capable of...
...The flagella of prokaryotes differ in structure...
...heterogenous environment, many prokaryotes are capable of...
...(negative chemotaxis). Other prokaryotes can detect the...
...genomic organization of prokaryotes is fundamentally different...
...The cells of prokaryotes also lack the...
...of eukaryotes. Instead, prokaryotes used infolded regions...
...respiration and photosynthesis. Prokaryotes have smaller, simpler...
...with the DNA. Prokaryotes may also have...
...a few genes. Prokaryotes can survive in...
...for eukaryotes and prokaryotes, some of the...
...synthesis in many prokaryotes but not in...
...4. Populations of prokaryotes grow and adapt...
...and adapt rapidly Prokaryotes reproduce only asexually...
...seen in eukaryotes, prokaryotes have several mechanisms...
...genetic transfer between prokaryotes, even across species...
...transfer genes between prokaryotes. Lacking meiotic sex,...
...genetic variation in prokaryotes. With generation times... applied to prokaryotes refers to multiplication...
...resources, growth of prokaryotes is effectively geometric....
...of metabolic waste. Prokaryotes can also withstand...
...In most environments, prokaryotes compete with other...
...compete with other prokaryotes (and other microorganisms)...
...microorganisms (including certain prokaryotes, protists, and fungi)....
...Metabolic Diversity 1. Prokaryotes can be grouped...
...combined to group prokaryotes according to four...
...Among the photoautotrophic prokaryotes are the cyanobacteria.... unique to prokaryotes. Photoheterotrophs use light... restricted to prokaryotes. Chemoheterotrophs must consume...
...found widely in prokaryotes, protists, fungi, animals,...
...majority of known prokaryotes are chemoheterotrophs. These...
...nutritional diversity among prokaryotes. Eukaryotes are limited...
...In contrast, diverse prokaryotes can metabolize most...
...most nitrogenous compounds. Prokaryotes are responsible for...
...diverse group of prokaryotes, including cyanobacteria, can...
...growth of some prokaryotes and a negative...
...prokaryotic life Early prokaryotes were faced with...
...metabolic capabilities of prokaryotes, including photosynthesis, probably...
...the very first prokaryotes were heterotrophs that...
...the only autotrophic prokaryotes that release O2...
...modern groups of prokaryotes use a single...
...phylogenetic classification of prokaryotes The limited fossil...
...structural simplicity of prokaryotes created great difficulties...
...a classification of prokaryotes. A breakthrough came...
...genomes of several prokaryotes. Phylogenies based on...
...early communities of prokaryotes and the first...
...oceans Early on prokaryotes diverged into two...
...If the earliest prokaryotes evolved in extremely...
...once synonymous with “prokaryotes,” but it now...
...However, most known prokaryotes are bacteria. Every...
...Ecological Impact of Prokaryotes 1. Prokaryotes are...
...of Prokaryotes 1. Prokaryotes are indispensable links...
...for decomposers, especially prokaryotes, carbon, nitrogen, and...
...and waste products. Prokaryotes also mediate the...
...of organic compounds. Prokaryotes have many unique...
...animals die, other prokaryotes return the nitrogen...
...atmosphere. 2. Many prokaryotes are symbiotic Prokaryotes...
...prokaryotes are symbiotic Prokaryotes often interact with...
...other species of prokaryotes or eukaryotes with...
...signal potential mates. Prokaryotes are involved in... of mutualistic prokaryotes (Rhizobium) that fix...
...pathogens. 3. Pathogenic prokaryotes cause many human...
...Exposure to pathogenic prokaryotes is a certainty....
...the host. Pathogenic prokaryotes cause about half...
...proteins secreted by prokaryotes. Exotoxins can produce...
...4. Humans use prokaryotes in research and...
...metabolic capabilities of prokaryotes for scientific research...
...been learned using prokaryotes, especially E. coli,...
...model systems. Increasingly, prokaryotes are used to...
...engineers to modify prokaryotes to achieve specific...
N/A 230
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 395.89 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...eukaryotic cells. 2) Prokaryotes are made up...
...5) Disease -causing prokaryotes are found exclusively...
...B) only in prokaryotes. C) in some...
...but not all prokaryotes and in some...
...found ONLY in prokaryotes? 25) ______ __...
...the most alkaliphilic prokaryotes known. 51) ______...
...and cyanobacteria are prokaryotes. Both are photosynthetic....
N/A 167
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 146 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...concentration. Many other prokaryotes are adapted to...
...dissolve metal. Some prokaryotes live in rocks...
...the Earth’s surface. Prokaryotes are adapted to...
...are found. Today, prokaryotes still dominate the...
...least tenfold. More prokaryotes inhabit a handful... prokaryotic success. Prokaryotes are small. Prokaryotes...
...Prokaryotes are small. Prokaryotes were the first...
...on Earth. Most prokaryotes are unicellular. Some... colonies. Most prokaryotes have diameters in...
...common shapes among prokaryotes are spheres (cocci),...
...spirals. Nearly all prokaryotes have a cell...
...In nearly all prokaryotes, a cell wall...
...hypertonic environment, most prokaryotes lose water and...
...the reproduction of prokaryotes, which explains why...
...synthesize peptidoglycans. Many prokaryotes secrete another sticky...
...Another way for prokaryotes to adhere to...
...during conjugation. Many prokaryotes are motile. About...
...half of all prokaryotes are capable of...
...The flagella of prokaryotes differ in structure...
...heterogeneous environment, many prokaryotes are capable of...
...substance (negative chemotaxis). Prokaryotes that exhibit chemotaxis...
...genomic organization of prokaryotes is fundamentally different...
...The cells of prokaryotes are simpler than...
...eukaryotic cells. Instead, prokaryotes use specialized infolded...
...respiration and photosynthesis. Prokaryotes have smaller, simpler...
...the majority of prokaryotes, the genome consists...
...the nucleoid region. Prokaryotes may also have... eukaryotes and prokaryotes, some of the...
...protein synthesis in prokaryotes but not in...
...eukaryotes. Populations of prokaryotes grow and adapt...
...and adapt rapidly. Prokaryotes have the potential...
...environment. While most prokaryotes have generation times...
...offspring very quickly. Prokaryotes reproduce asexually via...
...genetic variation in prokaryotes. With generation times...
...As a consequence, prokaryotes are important model... the laboratory. Prokaryotes are highly evolved....
...genetic diversity in prokaryotes. Prokaryotic populations contain...
...genetic diversity in prokaryotes: rapid reproduction, mutation,...
...have evolved in prokaryotes. Organisms can be... greater among prokaryotes than among all... found in prokaryotes, along with some...
...modes unique to prokaryotes. Organisms that obtain...
...combined to group prokaryotes according to four...
...Among the photoautotrophic prokaryotes are the cyanobacteria.... unique to prokaryotes. Photoheterotrophs use light...
...marine and halophilic prokaryotes. Chemoheterotrophs must consume...
...found widely in prokaryotes, protists, fungi, animals,...
...transport chains. Diverse prokaryotes can metabolize a...
...can use. Nitrogen-fixing prokaryotes convert N2 to...
...minerals to grow. Prokaryotes were once thought...
...that cooperation between prokaryotes allows them to...
...different species of prokaryotes may cooperate. For...
...concluded that many prokaryotes once classified as...
...genetic diversity of prokaryotes is immense. When...
...the genes of prokaryotes, they could investigate...
...minority of all prokaryotes. Norman Pace of...
...the genes of prokaryotes that are collected...
...Every year, new prokaryotes are identified that...
...Although only 6,300 prokaryotes have been fully...
...the evolution of prokaryotes. Over hundreds of...
...millions of years, prokaryotes have acquired genes...
...genomes of many prokaryotes are actually mosaics... on Earth, prokaryotes diverged into two...
...can. The first prokaryotes to be classified...
...majority of familiar prokaryotes. Bacteria range from... Concept 27.5 Prokaryotes play crucial roles...
...most other species. Prokaryotes are so important...
...components of ecosystems. Prokaryotes play an important...
...this process. Chemoheterotrophic prokaryotes function as decomposers,...
...essential for life. Prokaryotes convert inorganic compounds...
...other organisms. Autotrophic prokaryotes use CO2 to...
...a number of prokaryotes fix atmospheric nitrogen...
...and nucleic acids. Prokaryotes may act to...
...In marine environments, prokaryotes from the clade... nitrogen cycle. Prokaryotes often interact with...
...other species of prokaryotes or eukaryotes with...
...competitors. Concept 27.6 Prokaryotes have both harmful...
...on humans. Pathogenic prokaryotes represent only a...
...of prokaryotic species. Prokaryotes cause about half...
...caused by other prokaryotes. Lyme disease, caused...
...proteins secreted by prokaryotes. Exotoxins can produce...
...threat of pathogenic prokaryotes and have saved...
...many strains of prokaryotes. The rapid reproduction...
...rapid reproduction of prokaryotes enables genes conferring...
...virulence, turning harmless prokaryotes into fatal pathogens....
...extract nutrients. Pathogenic prokaryotes pose a potential...
...U.S. Senate. Other prokaryotes that could be...
...research on pathogenic prokaryotes. Humans have learned...
...metabolic capabilities of prokaryotes for scientific research...
...greater understanding of prokaryotes has led to...
...biotechnology applications. Increasingly, prokaryotes are used to...
...can now modify prokaryotes to produce vitamins,...
...other products. Bioengineered prokaryotes can produce ethanol...
...“synthetic chromosomes” for prokaryotes, producing new species...
...hopes to “design” prokaryotes that can perform...
...The usefulness of prokaryotes derives from their...
N/A 180
Test / Midterm / Exam | Approved: 8 years ago | 20.06 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...not found in prokaryotes. Repressors try to...
...lacked oxygen since prokaryotes did not require...
...formation of protobionts. prokaryotes inhabited this earth...
...form colonies. photosynthesis prokaryotes are cyanobacteria. 1-3...
...algea including some prokaryotes like cyanobacteria are...
...use light too. Prokaryotes Chemoheterophos get their...
...CO2 from inorganic: prokaryotes plus protists, fungi,...
N/A 236
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