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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 37.78 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 1
...polypeptide hypothesis. 2. Transcription and translation are...
...two major stages, transcription and translation. During...
...and translation. During transcription, a DNA strand...
...a DNA template. Transcription of a gene...
...basic mechanics of transcription and translation are...
...bacteria lack nuclei, transcription and translation are...
...mRNA molecule while transcription is still in...
...cell, almost all transcription occurs in the...
...three-nucleotide words. During transcription, one DNA strand,...
...of RNA 1. Transcription is the DNA-directed...
...mark where gene transcription begins and ends....
...attaches and initiates transcription at the promotor,...
...the gene, the transcription unit. The terminator...
...the end of transcription. Bacteria have a...
...for mRNA synthesis. Transcription can be separated...
...point for the transcription of a gene....
...eukaryotes, proteins called transcription factors recognize the...
...polymerase binds to transcription factors to create... create a transcription initiation complex. RNA...
...polymerase then starts transcription. As RNA polymerase... large amounts. Transcription proceeds until after...
...RNA polymerase stops transcription right at the...
...modify RNA after transcription Enzymes in the...
...eukaryotes carry out transcription and translation in...
...prokaryotes and require transcription factors. They differ...
...differ in how transcription is terminated. Their...
...nuclear envelope segregates transcription from translation. In...
...specific polypeptide chain. Transcription, RNA processing, and... present for transcription to occur. Our...
N/A 253
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 288.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 1
...regulated at the transcription stage. Control of...
...change by regulating transcription. Natural selection favors...
...chromosome as a transcription unit, served by...
...a single promoter. Transcription gives rise to...
...functions into one transcription unit is that...
...promoter, and prevents transcription of the operon’s...
...operator and prevents transcription. Lactose metabolism begins...
...genome to switch transcription on. The lac... activator of transcription. When cAMP is...
...the rate of transcription. Thus, this mechanism...
...the rate of transcription if the operon...
...commonly regulated at transcription, often in response...
...often equated with transcription. With their greater...
...of genes for transcription. The DNA of...
...expressed, presumably because transcription proteins cannot reach...
...lamina can affect transcription. Histone modifications regulate...
...modifications regulate gene transcription. Chemical modifications of...
...regulation of gene transcription. Acetylated histones grip...
...easier access for transcription proteins in this...
...are components of transcription factors that bind...
...the initiation of transcription not only by...
...components of the transcription machinery. Several other... turn influences transcription. DNA methylation reduces...
...cooperate to repress transcription. In some species,...
...machinery for regulating transcription. Transcription initiation is...
...for regulating transcription. Transcription initiation is controlled...
...less available for transcription. A cluster of...
...proteins called a transcription initiation complex assembles...
...segments that regulate transcription by binding certain...
...types. To initiate transcription, eukaryotic RNA polymerase...
...of proteins called transcription factors. General transcription...
...transcription factors. General transcription factors are essential...
...essential for the transcription of all protein-coding...
...a few general transcription factors independently bind...
...interaction of general transcription factors and RNA...
...high levels of transcription of particular genes...
...elements with specific transcription factors. Some control...
...enhancers and specific transcription factors called activators...
...enhancer to stimulate transcription of a gene....
...promoter. Hundreds of transcription activators have been...
...components of the transcription machinery to facilitate...
...machinery to facilitate transcription. Eukaryotic genes also...
...components of the transcription machinery. Other repressors...
...DNA, turning off transcription even in the...
...specific genes, promoting transcription. Some repressors recruit...
...deacetylate histones, reducing transcription or silencing the...
...The control of transcription in eukaryotes depends...
...or two specific transcription factors. The particular...
...element in regulating transcription of the gene.... to activate transcription only when the...
...fine regulation of transcription with a small...
...or unavailable for transcription. In other cases,...
...common group of transcription factors binds to...
...promoting simultaneous gene transcription. For example, a...
...serves as a transcription activator. Every gene...
...Every gene whose transcription is stimulated by... activation of transcription. The principle of...
...that operate after transcription, a cell can...
...chromatin and silence transcription. Small RNAs can...
...also block the transcription of specific genes....
...the level of transcription. Cells produce the...
...MyoD protein, a transcription factor that binds...
...for other muscle-specific transcription factors. MyoD also...
...controlled. The secondary transcription factors activate the... a specific transcription factor for the...
N/A 186
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 139 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...two stages called transcription and translation. Concept...
...specify proteins via transcription and translation. The...
...translated into protein. Transcription and translation are...
...two major stages: transcription and translation. During...
...and translation. During transcription, a DNA strand...
...of RNA nucleotides. Transcription of many genes...
...into polypeptide chains. Transcription and translation occur...
...basic mechanics of transcription and translation are...
...the coupling of transcription and translation. Ribosomes...
...mRNA molecule while transcription is still in...
...a eukaryotic cell, transcription occurs in the...
...the cytoplasm. The transcription of a protein-coding...
...three-nucleotide words. During transcription, one DNA strand,...
...Earth. Concept 17.2 Transcription is the DNA-directed...
...mark where gene transcription begins and ends....
...attaches and initiates transcription at the promoter....
...the end of transcription is called the...
...the direction of transcription as “downstream” and... called a transcription unit. Bacteria have...
...for mRNA synthesis. Transcription can be separated...
...point for the transcription of a gene....
...eukaryotes, proteins called transcription factors mediate the...
...the initiation of transcription. Only after certain...
...Only after certain transcription factors are attached...
...completed assembly of transcription factors and RNA... called a transcription initiation complex. A...
...polymerase then starts transcription. As RNA polymerase...
...molecule peels away. Transcription progresses at a... large amounts. Transcription proceeds until the...
...RNA polymerase stops transcription right at the...
...reaches the polymerase, transcription is terminated and...
...modify RNA after transcription. Enzymes in the...
...length of a transcription unit along a...
...eukaryotes carry out transcription and translation in...
...complex set of transcription factors, unlike bacterial...
...bacterial RNA polymerase. Transcription is terminated differently...
...a nuclear envelope, transcription and translation are...
...nuclear envelope segregates transcription from translation and... present for transcription to occur. Our...
N/A 225
Test / Midterm / Exam | Approved: 8 years ago | 20.06 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...'energy givers' when transcription takes place. Nucleoside...
...come together during transcription. Helper proteins push...
...insertion or deletion transcription favours euchromatin. Chromatin... to bind transcription machinery. Enchancers not... slow down transcription by moving into...
...proteins that inhibit transcription by affecting chromatin... or block transcription. Genes that normally...
...which acts a transcription factor than stimulates... produce a transcription factor protein that...
N/A 236
Lecture Notes | Approved: 8 years ago | 31.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...youre finished. A) Transcription factors B) Wnt... virtually no transcription going on in... supplied by transcription of the embryonic...
N/A 210
Lecture Notes | Approved: 8 years ago | 22.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 2
...on what other transcription factors are present.... or more transcription factors that cause...
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