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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 137.86 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...polaire émis PA membrane vitelline Bocage 2ème...
...division de méiose membrane plasmique Bande colorée...
...formation car stoppé membrane plasmique au stade... formation d’une membrane de fécondation formée...
...dépolarisation de la membrane provoquée par l’augmentation...
...délimitées par une membrane, les autres sont...
...le blanc. La membrane coquillère est double...
...blanc. Une 2ème membrane est appliquée à... de la membrane coquillère et de... pellucide, une membrane divise le compartiment...
...à travers la membrane embryonnaire, activement. Dans...
...connexion avec la membrane utérine. Il se...
...spécifiques de la membrane. Des granules corticaux...
...corticaux de la membrane périphérique déversent leurs...
...l’ovocyte et la membrane, et les récepteurs...
...morula pleine. La membrane qui accompagne l’œuf...
...La blastule sans membrane flotte librement dans...
...en cellules sans membrane, un syncytium, c’est... forme une membrane qui forme l’amnios....
...fait dans la membrane utérine. La mise...
N/A 152
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 456.2 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...rupture de la membrane de fécondation. Blastula...
...du cytoplasme. La membrane vitelline est accolée...
...accolée à la membrane plasmique. Tout autour... fécondation. La membrane vitelline devient une...
...vitelline devient une membrane de fécondation et...
...décolle de la membrane plasmique de l'oeuf,...
...entouré par une membrane vitelline très faible...
...faible plus une membrane épaisse le chorion...
...migrent vers la membrane plasmique pour former...
...=> pas de membrane plasmique Stade 16...
...plaqué sur la membrane coquillière. ? Rôle :...
N/A 119
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 124.53 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Zoology | Downloaded: 0
...surface area (plasma membrane) to its volume....
...volume. The plasma membrane needs to be... a noncellular membrane, the basement membrane,...
...membrane, the basement membrane, made polysaccharides and... the double-layered membrane that surrounds the...
...the muscle. Plasma membrane or sarcolemma has...
...sheath. The plasma membrane of the Schwann...
...across the plasma membrane: more negative on...
...fluid. The plasma membrane is said to...
...exists across the membrane. If the charges...
...fired, the plasma membrane of the neuron...
...across the plasma membrane. The inner surface...
...surface of the membrane is negative. The...
...exists across the membrane. It is called...
...the resting or membrane potential. The resting... the plasma membrane form specific passive...
...they make the membrane more permeable to...
...the cell. The membrane is about 100...
...charge inside the membrane. An electrical imbalance...
...may alter the membrane's permeability to Na+....
...the cell. The membrane of a neuron...
...polarity as the membrane depolarizes and overshoots...
...portion of the membrane, the adjacent areas...
...close and the membrane becomes impermeable to...
...interior of the membrane to its negative...
...again. When the membrane is depolarized, it...
...being restored, the membrane can send impulses...
...nodes where the membrane is in contact...
...channels in the membrane of the postsynaptic...
...synaptic terminals within membrane-bound sacs called synaptic...
...with the presynaptic membrane and release neurotransmitters...
...of the postsynaptic membrane. Neurotransmitter must be...
...neurotransmitters make the membrane more negative, hyperpolarize,...
...of the cell membrane. Receptor cells absorb...
...permeability of the membrane and specific ion...
...of the receptor membrane, which in turn...
...Middle ear: tympanic membrane and auditory bones....
...made of a membrane that fits inside...
...of Corti. Basilar membrane separates the tympanic... the tectorial membrane. Distortion of the...
...of the basilar membrane causes the organ...
...against the tectorial membrane. Loud sounds cause...
...cells fuse their membrane and form the...
...on the plasma membrane of the cardiac...
...on the plasma membrane of the cardiac...
...a group of membrane glycoproteins that act...
...penetrate the pathogen's membrane and open a...
...across a cell membrane, they must dissolve...
...with a mucous membrane containing ciliated cells....
...with a pleural membrane, which also lines...
...of the cell membrane of the villi....
...of the plasma membrane. Glycerol, fatty acids...
...up the filtration membrane. Podocytes make the...
...podocytes. The filtration membrane holds back large...
...through the cell membrane and activate genes....
...through the plasma membrane. Specific proteins in...
...on the plasma membrane of the target...
...of the plasma membrane. There are two...
...on the plasma membrane. G protein releases...
...then activate the membrane bound enzyme phospholipase...
...with a mucous membrane, the endometrium. The... an thin membrane that forms a...
...A thin vitelline membrane surrounds plasma membrane...
...membrane surrounds plasma membrane of the egg...
...pellucida to vitelline membrane. Species-specific proteins called...
...on the vitelline membrane. 2. Sperm enters...
...and the vitelline membrane. The egg's plasma...
...The egg's plasma membrane has microvilli, which...
...Then the plasma membrane of the egg...
...beneath the plasma membrane to release Ca2+....
...between the plasma membrane and the vitelline...
...and the vitelline membrane. Proteins linking the...
...the membranes. Vitelline membrane becomes elevated and...
N/A 257
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 101.77 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Zoology | Downloaded: 0
...presence of jaws, membrane bound egg, limbs,... a non-cellular membrane, the basement membrane,...
...membrane, the basement membrane, made polysaccharides and...
...cell. Cotransporters are membrane proteins that transport... the apical membrane of the epithelial...
...through the rectal membrane back into the...
...up the filtration membrane. Podocytes make the...
...vertebrates. The filtration membrane holds back large... the apical membrane contain several cotransporters... the basolateral membrane, facing the blood...
...proximal tubule through membrane proteins called aquaporins....
...required for normal membrane function. Sodium, potassium...
...of the cell membrane of the villi....
...on the apical membrane of the microvilli....
...of the plasma membrane. Glycerol, fatty acids... the cell membrane and glucose uptake...
...with a mucous membrane containing ciliated cells....
...with a pleural membrane, which also lines...
...sheath. The plasma membrane of the Schwann...
...nodes of Ranvier. MEMBRANE POTENTIALS A separation...
...across a cell membrane is called a... called a membrane potential. Resting Potential...
...across the plasma membrane: more negative on...
...fluid. The plasma membrane is said to...
...exists across the membrane. If the charges...
...fired, the plasma membrane of the neuron...
...across the plasma membrane. The inner surface...
...surface of the membrane is negative. The...
...exists across the membrane. It is called...
...the resting or membrane potential. The resting... the plasma membrane form specific passive...
...they make the membrane more permeable to...
...the cell. The membrane is about 100...
...charge inside the membrane. An electrical imbalance...
...may alter the membrane's permeability to Na+....
...potential of the membrane. Voltage-gated ion channels...
...then close. The membrane of a neuron...
...polarity as the membrane depolarizes and overshoots...
...portion of the membrane, the adjacent areas...
...close and the membrane becomes impermeable to...
...interior of the membrane to its negative...
...again. When the membrane is depolarized, it...
...are closed, and membrane's resting potential is...
...interior of the membrane to its negative...
...areas of the membrane. In myelinated axons,...
...leaks across the membrane as it spreads...
...channels in the membrane of the postsynaptic...
...synaptic terminals within membrane-bound sacs called synaptic...
...with the presynaptic membrane and release neurotransmitters...
...of the postsynaptic membrane. Neurotransmitter must be... the postsynaptic membrane hyperpolarizes the membrane...
...membrane hyperpolarizes the membrane by opening ion...
...that make the membrane more permeable to...
...impact on the membrane potential. This is...
...ha depolarized the membrane to the threshold....
...of the cell membrane. Receptor cells absorb...
...permeability of the membrane and specific ion...
...Middle ear: tympanic membrane and auditory bones....
...made of a membrane that fits inside...
...of Corti. Basilar membrane separates the tympanic... the tectorial membrane. Distortion of the...
...of the basilar membrane causes the organ...
...against the tectorial membrane. Loud sounds cause...
...cells fuse their membrane and form the...
...the muscle. Plasma membrane or sarcolemma has...
...with a mucous membrane, the endometrium. The... an thin membrane that forms a...
...the bacterium cell membrane. Destroying viruses. Cytotoxic...
N/A 253
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 25.3 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Zoology | Downloaded: 0
...the egg’s plasma membrane. The sperm and...
...the egg’s plasma membrane open. Na+ flows...
...egg and the membrane depolarizes: fast block...
...with the plasma membrane and release their...
...from the plasma membrane. An osmotic gradient...
...from the plasma membrane. The vitelline layer...
...polyspermy. The plasma membrane returns to normal...
...the egg’s plasma membrane. The entire sperm...
...egg. The egg membrane depolarizes: functions as...
...fertilization. The plasma membrane and cortex rotate... the extraembyonic membrane system. The four...
N/A 194
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 49.32 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...especially the organelles, membrane-enclosed structures within eukaryotic...
...barrier, the plasma membrane. The semifluid substance...
...substance within the membrane is the cytosol,... a double membrane, the nucleus. In...
...nucleoid, without a membrane separating it from...
...and the plasma membrane of a eukaryotic...
...a variety of membrane-bound organelles with specialized...
...and function. These membrane-bound organelles are absent...
...cell. The plasma membrane functions as a...
...across the plasma membrane may be inadequate...
...of a biological membrane is a double...
...Each type of membrane has a unique... a double membrane called the nuclear...
...form a continuous membrane. A protein structure...
...vacuoles, and plasma membrane. The tasks of...
...vesicles, sacs of membrane. In spite of... a given membrane may be modified...
...times during a membrane’s life. The endoplasmic...
...cytosol. The ER membrane is continuous with... the ER membrane. As the new... the ER membrane. Secretory proteins are... also a membrane factory for the...
...for the cell. Membrane-bound proteins are synthesized...
...into the ER membrane and anchored by...
...As the ER membrane expands, membrane can...
...ER membrane expands, membrane can be transferred...
...pita bread. The membrane of each cisterna...
...with the plasma membrane. The Golgi apparatus...
...on the plasma membrane, thus targeting them...
...lysosome is a membrane-bound sac of hydrolytic...
...of the lysosomal membrane are spared by... a double membrane of unknown origin....
...with the outer membrane of the vesicle,...
...Golgi apparatus. These membrane-bound sacs have a...
...cells. The vacuolar membrane is selective in...
...between the plasma membrane and the central...
...a smooth outer membrane and a convoluted...
...a convoluted inner membrane with infoldings called...
...cristae. The inner membrane divides the mitochondrion...
...membranes. The inner membrane encloses the mitochondrial...
...into the inner membrane. The highly folded...
...Inside the innermost membrane is a fluid-filled... a single membrane, contain enzymes that...
...together with plasma membrane molecules to move...
...manipulates the plasma membrane to form food...
...on certain plasma membrane proteins attached to... the plasma membrane. Microtubules are also...
...for a cell. Membrane proteins on this...
...of the plasma membrane. Nine doublets of...
...inside the plasma membrane to help support...
...across the plasma membrane, such as intestinal...
...between the plasma membrane and the primary...
...that span the membrane and bind on...
...adjacent cells. Special membrane proteins surround these...
N/A 188
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 44.06 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...into the inner membrane of mitochondria of...
...and the plasma membrane of aerobically respiring...
...cells, the inner membrane of the mitochondrion... the plasma membrane. Oxidative phosphorylation produces...
...The inner mitochondrial membrane couples electron transport...
...the folded inner membrane of the mitochondrion.... the plasma membrane. The folding of...
...of the inner membrane to form cristae... within the membrane rather than residing...
...the inner mitochondrial membrane. This is also...
...gradient across a membrane is used to...
...H+ across a membrane. From studying the...
...the inner mitochondrial membrane or the prokaryotic...
...the prokaryotic plasma membrane generate and maintain...
...H+ across the membrane from the mitochondrial...
...arranged in the membrane in such a...
...back across the membrane through the specific...
...gradient across a membrane to drive cellular...
...across their plasma membrane. Prokaryotes use the...
...products across the membrane and to rotate...
...the inner mitochondrial membrane. 4 H+ must...
...The mitochondrial inner membrane is impermeable to...
...The inner mitochondrial membrane contains a channel...
...any of the membrane-enclosed organelles suggests that...
N/A 202
Meiosis New
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 18.45 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...solute outside the membrane is compared with...
...Prophase Prophase: Nuclear membrane breaks down and...
...contract to pull membrane on opposite sides...
...Prophase II: Nuclear membrane breaks down and...
...formation of nuclear membrane followed by cytokinesis...
N/A 167
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 42.47 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...Membrane Structure and Function...
...Edge The plasma membrane separates the living...
...membranes, the plasma membrane is selectively permeable,...
...formation of a membrane that encloses a... the plasma membrane and its component...
...and most other membrane constituents are amphipathic...
...and hydrophilic regions. Membrane models have evolved...
...this model, the membrane is a fluid...
...of the plasma membrane and internal membranes....
...Measurements showed that membrane proteins are not...
...soluble in water. Membrane proteins are amphipathic,...
...hydrophilic regions. If membrane proteins were at...
...were at the membrane surface, their hydrophobic...
...Nicolson proposed that membrane proteins reside in...
...environment within the membrane. The membrane is...
...the membrane. The membrane is a mosaic...
...freeze-fracture, splits a membrane along the middle...
...defined regions. The membrane may also contain...
...Membranes are fluid. Membrane molecules are held...
...plane of the membrane but rarely flip-flop...
...sec. Some large membrane proteins drift within...
...the extracellular matrix. Membrane fluidity is influenced...
...pack more closely. Membrane fluidity is also...
...components of the membrane. Membranes rich in... the plasma membrane of animal cells....
...buffer” for the membrane, resisting changes in...
...resisting changes in membrane fluidity as temperature...
...oil. As a membrane solidifies, its permeability...
...Enzymes in the membrane may become inactive...
...move within the membrane. Variations in the...
...adaptations to maintain membrane fluidity under specific...
...and function. A membrane is a collage...
...most of the membrane’s specific functions. The...
...functions. The plasma membrane and the membranes...
...major populations of membrane proteins: integral and...
...completely spanning the membrane as transmembrane proteins....
...embedded in the membrane’s interior consist of...
...surface of the membrane, often to integral...
...side of the membrane, some membrane proteins...
...the membrane, some membrane proteins are attached...
...side of the membrane, some membrane proteins...
...the membrane, some membrane proteins attach to...
...than the plasma membrane itself could provide....
...of the plasma membrane have six major...
...location of certain membrane proteins Proteins on...
...cell surface proteins. Membrane carbohydrates are important...
...of the plasma membrane. Membrane carbohydrates are...
...the plasma membrane. Membrane carbohydrates are usually...
...15 sugar units. Membrane carbohydrates may be...
...of the plasma membrane vary from species...
...protein in the membrane has a directional...
...orientation in the membrane. The asymmetrical arrangement... the plasma membrane is determined as...
...determined as the membrane is built by...
...and Golgi apparatus. Membrane lipids and proteins...
...apparatus. Transmembrane proteins, membrane glycolipids, and secretory... the plasma membrane. When a vesicle...
...with the plasma membrane, releasing secretory proteins...
...of the plasma membrane. Molecules that originate...
...of the plasma membrane. Concept 7.2 Membrane...
...membrane. Concept 7.2 Membrane structure results in...
...across the plasma membrane in both directions....
...other across the membrane. Substances do not...
...move through the membrane do so at...
...molecule through a membrane depends on the...
...interior of the membrane. Nonpolar molecules, such...
...the assistance of membrane proteins. The hydrophobic...
...interior of the membrane impedes the direct...
...interior of the membrane. Proteins assist and...
...that span the membrane. Some transport proteins...
...tunnel through the membrane. The passage of...
...water through the membrane can be greatly...
...of the cell membrane in a second,...
...them across the membrane. Each transport protein...
...pass through the membrane 50,000 times as...
...substance across a membrane with no energy...
...Imagine a permeable membrane separating a solution...
...Assume that this membrane has microscopic pores...
...molecules across the membrane to the side...
...molecules across the membrane continues until both...
...across a biological membrane is passive transport...
...molecules with the membrane play a role...
...separated by a membrane that allows water... cross the membrane. It is the...
...diffuses across the membrane from the region...
...sides of the membrane are equal. The...
...a selectively permeable membrane is called osmosis....
...solute concentration and membrane permeability affect tonicity,...
...cannot cross the membrane (nonpenetrating solutes) relative...
...across the plasma membrane. Water diffuses across...
...diffuses across the membrane, but at the...
...of a plasma membrane that is less...
...Eventually, the plasma membrane pulls away from...
...bilayer of the membrane diffuse passively with...
...that span the membrane. The passive movement...
...solute across the membrane as the transport...
...diffuse across the membrane. Compared with its...
...ions. The plasma membrane helps maintain these...
...solute across the membrane. The sodium-potassium pump...
...across the plasma membrane of animal cells....
...sides of the membrane. The voltage across...
...voltage across a membrane is called a... called a membrane potential and ranges...
...the outside. The membrane potential acts like...
...the outside, the membrane potential favors the...
...ions across a membrane. One is a...
...effect of the membrane potential on the...
...(inside) of the membrane. Special transport proteins,...
...gradient across a membrane. The sodium-potassium pump,...
...voltage across the membrane. In plants, bacteria,...
...In cotransport, a membrane protein couples the...
...across the plasma membrane occurs by exocytosis...
...proteins, cross the membrane via packaging in... the plasma membrane. When the two...
...from the plasma membrane. Endocytosis is a...
...of the plasma membrane sinks inward to...
...remodeling the plasma membrane. Endocytosis and exocytosis...
...amount of plasma membrane in a nongrowing...
...the addition of membrane by one process...
...the loss of membrane by the other....
N/A 196
Movement New
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 22.63 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...prevented by the membrane being selectively permeable)... proteins (called membrane transport proteins) Allow...
...absolutely required- Cell membrane (40% phospholipid and...
...Associated with the membrane are inward extentions...
...(polymers) are not membrane bound and are...
...phosphate Endospore – membrane bound concentrated inactive...
...important layer: Cell Membrane(40% phospholipid and 60...
...Nucleus- a double membrane bound structure for...
...the nucleus (double membrane) Two parts 1....
...on the outer membrane- therefore the site...
...from the cell membrane by endocytosis and...
...plants. Smooth outer membrane for isolation Highly...
...Highly folded inner membrane (cristae) – the...
...1. Smooth outer membrane for isolation 2....
...Highly folded inner membrane (large folds –...
N/A 173
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