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Pathologic basis of disease (9th) - test bank - chapter 10

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Kumar: Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th Edition Chapter 10: Pediatric Test Bank MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which hormone can suppress surfactant production in fetal lungs? a. Cortisol b. Estrogen c. Insulin d. Glucagon e. Androgens ANS: C, Insulin is known to suppress surfactant production in fetal lungs. High levels of insulin in diabetic mothers, who are resistant to insulin action, are an important cause of fetal pulmonary immaturity, predisposing premature infants of diabetic mothers to neonatal respiratory distress syndrome. 2. Which disease is caused by prolonged exposure of premature infants to oxygen at a high concentration? a. Retrolental fibroplasia b. Coloboma c. Retinitis pigmentosa d. Blepharitis e. Keratomalacia ANS: A, Retrolental fibroplasia is a well-known ocular complication of prolonged exposure of neonates to a high concentration of oxygen in incubators. 3. Neonatal vomiting and diarrhea and failure to thrive, combined with jaundice, hepatomegaly, early development of cataracts, and mental retardation, suggest the diagnosis of a. Hunter syndrome b. Hurler syndrome c. cystic fibrosis d. Marfan syndrome e. galactosemia ANS: E, Galactosemia, a mutation of the gene encoding galactose-phosphate-uridyl transferase, is characterized by growth retardation and digestive problems, as well as pathologic changes in the liver, eyes, and brain. 4. Most teratomas in infants are located in the a. cranium b. mediastinum c. gonads d. retroperitoneum e. sacrococcygeal region ANS: E, Most congenital teratomas are located in the sacrococcygeal region, and appear as masses attached to the “rump.” 5. Overall, which of the following is the most common malignancy found in children younger than 4 years of age? a. Retinoblastoma b. Neuroblastoma c. Leukemia d. Wilms’ tumor e. Medulloblastoma ANS: C, Leukemia, which most often occurs in the form of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, is the most common form of malignancy in infants and in children younger than 4 years of age. 6. Which is the most common solid malignant tumor in children younger than the age of 1 year? a. Retinoblastoma b. Neuroblastoma c. Hepatoblastoma d. Wilms’ tumor e. Medulloblastoma ANS: B, Neuroblastomas represent the most common solid malignant tumor in children younger than 1 year of age. Approximately 500 new cases are diagnosed each year in the United States. 7. Which one of the following parameters portends a good prognosis in patients with neuroblastoma? a. Young age (less than 1 year) b. Near-diploid, rather than hyperdiploid or near-tetraploid, karyotype c. Chromosome 1 deletion d. Amplification of n-myc e. Presence of double minutes or homogenously staining regions on chromosome 1 ANS: A, Young age is a good prognostic factor and is associated with high curability of neuroblastomas. All patients younger than 1 year of age have an excellent prognosis, irrespective of the stage of the tumor. All other parameters listed have adverse prognostic implications. 8. The soft core of an aortic atheroma consists primarily of a. triglycerides b. cholesterol c. free fatty acids d. fibrin e. pus ANS: B, The soft core of atheromas consists predominantly of cholesterol. Cholesterol crystals in routine histologic sections appear like empty narrow rhomboid clefts, because alcohol and xylene used during processing dissolve and remove cholesterol from the tissues.

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