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notes 13

Uploaded: 6 years ago
Contributor: halmitch96
Category: Biology
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   Molecular Biology Chapter 13 notes.docx (15.58 kB)
Page Count: 6
Credit Cost: 1
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Molecular Biology Chapter 13 Meiosis Cell division Includes a reduction in chromosome number Why would this be useful? 2n 4n 8n 16n 32n Also provides new genetic variation Chromosomes In many species, chromosomes come in pairs 1 from mom and 1 from dad Homologous chromosomes- homologs Homologous chromosomes carry the same genes But genes can have different forms Alleles= variants of genes Homozygote: alleles identical Heterozygote: alleles different Ploidy # of sets of chromosomes (n) Humans 1 set from mom and 1 set from dad 2n= diploid Not all human cells are diploid Gametes only have 1 set of chromosomes 1n= haploid Many bacteria, algae, and fungi are predominantly haploid Some species have many sets of chromosomes Polyploidy 4n= tetraploid, 8n= octoploid, etc… Meiosis Many similarities with mitosis Before division, chromosome must be doubled Sister chromatids= exact copies of a chromosome Outcome: 4 haploid cells from 1 diploid cell 2 divisions 1st and 2nd meiotic divisions Meiosis 1 1 diploid cell 2 haploid cell Each chromosome in the haploid cell is doubled Meiosis 2 Sister chromatids separate into their own cells Divisions can be broken into similar stages as mitosis Meiosis 1 Prophase 1 Metaphase 1 Anaphase 1 Telophase 1 Meiosis 2 Prophase 2 Metaphase 2 Anaphase 2 Telophase 2 Meiosis- chiasma During late prophase, individual sister chromatids may cross over with their homologs Net result= new chromosome that is made of parts of both parent’s chromosomes Meiosis- crossing over In humans, more common in egg formation than in sperm formation 1.7 crossovers/ chromosome vs 1.1 Might be genetic variation between people, too Meiosis- metaphase 1 Homologous chromosomes line up side-by- side on the metaphase plate Each pair of sister chromatids is attached to ONLY 1 side Meiosis- anaphase1/telophase1 Homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles Mom’s chromosome to one side, dad’s to the other New cells are haploid Nuclear envelop may reform Meiosis Meiosis 1 Homologous chromosomes separate Crossing over Meiosis 2 Sister chromatids separate Meiosis 2 is similar to mitosis Consequences of meiosis Formation of gametes- sexual reproduction Required for maintaining proper ploidy level Introduces genetic variation Chromosome assort independently during metaphase 1 With 2 chromosomes, you can produce gametes that are: MM, DD, MD, DM 2 chromosomes= 4 combinations 2# of chromosomes Variation created by alignment during metaphase 1 Humans= 23 chromosomes Number of possible alignments= 2^23 About 8.4 million different gametes possible even without crossing over # of possible gamete combinations between 2 people: 2^23 X 2^23 === about 70 trillion combinations Variation of chromosome number Lots of variation that can happen Aneuploidy= normal #of chromosomes +/- individual chromosomes Euploidy = multiple sets of chromosomes Consequences of aneuploidy Missing a chromosome is usually lethal in animals Exceptions 45, X- Turner syndrome in humans Drosophila can survive having only 1 chromosome 4 In plants, individuals with a single chromosome can survive, but are usually less viable Pollen grains don’t function as well Trisomy- 1 extra chromosome In humans, generally not survivable except trisomy 21 Down syndrome 1: 800 births About 250,000 in the USA Down syndrome 12-14 possible phenotypic characteristics, most only have 6-8 Slowed motor, psychomotor, mental development Average life expectancy = about 50 years Trisomy 18- Edward syndrome 1: 6,000 Mental and physical retardation, facial abnormalities, early death Trisomy 13- Patau syndrome 1: 15,000 Paradox of sex A species with asexual reproduction will grow 2x as fast as one with sexual reproduction Limiting step is the number of females In an asexual species, everyone is female, everyone can reproduce on their own In a sexual species, takes 2 individuals (male and female) to make an offspring Males are slowing us down!!!!!!!! 2 hypotheses Purifying selesction If oyu are an asexual species, mutation in the mother ets passed to all her offspring Bad news, evolutionarily In a sexual species, contributions from the male and/or crossing over can get rid of mutations Compare closely related sexual and asexual species Compare mutations Silent substitutions Amino acid substitutions Changing- environment “good” genotypes are defined by how they interact with the environment ] What happens when the environment changes? Like new pathogens/ parasites? For an asexual species, offspring are weak against environmental change/ new disease/ new parasite because they are a;; genetically identical For a sexual species, new genotypes are always being created, likely to find a “good” one for the new environment What would this look like over the long term? Q: How do parasites affect reproductive strategy? H: Parasites coevolve to match most common genotypes. P: Areas with high parasite loads will be more likely to have sexually reproducing species So how can asexual species persist? Hypothesis: Clonal lineages will reproduce faster than sexual species, but only until parasites become adapted to them Test: Follow individual clonal lineages in a mixed population that includes sexual species Prediction: Clonal lineages that are successful at the beginning will not be successful over the long term Clonal species do well at first, but when parasites catch up, they are at a net disadvantage

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