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SCIF1131- course outline

Uploaded: 6 years ago
Contributor: hugangster
Category: General Science
Type: Outline
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Filename:   SCIF1131- course outline.docx (93.1 kB)
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Credit Cost: 1
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School of Science and Engineering Technology Science Fundamentals 2012 - 2013 Program Year Semester ????? ? ? ????? ? ? ????? ? ? ????? ? ? ????? ? ? ????? ? ? ????? ? ? Course code: SCIF 1131 Con. Ed. code: N/A Course hours: 42 GPA weighting: 3 Prerequisite: N/A Corequisite: N/A Prepared by: Joyce Myers Laptop course: yes no Authorized by (Dean): ????? Date: ????? Professor contact information: NAME EMAIL PHONE OFFICE LOCATION ????? ????? 905 ???.???? x???? ????? ????? ????? 905 ???.???? x???? ????? ????? ????? 905 ???.???? x???? ????? ????? ????? 905 ???.???? x???? ????? ????? ????? 905 ???.???? x???? ????? ????? ????? 905 ???.???? x???? ????? Course Description: This course will discuss current industry trends and employment opportunities in the field of applied science. This course will also introduce the students to basic biological and chemical fundamental skills required to be successful in a science program. Rationale: The Science Fundamentals course is meant to provide the academic foundation for success in subsequent science programs and to teach some of the skills necessary for future study in science programs. Being aware of current industry trends and the employment opportunities available in the many fields of science, will help students to develop their career path. Course Learning Outcomes Course Specific Outcomes Essential Employability Outcomes Students receiving a credit for this course will have demonstrated their ability to: Describe the Science related programs offered at the School of Science and Engineering Technology at Durham College. Give examples of the various types of career and educational career paths associated with science. Find, understand and summarize scientific material from a variety of media sources. Communicate scientific information effectively using appropriate language Be familiar with the history of Ethics in Science and understand accountability to ethical expectations related to Science. Explain and describe the basic theory, terminology and applications of chemistry. Explain and describe the basic theory, terminology and applications of biology. Discus current trends and employment opportunities in the field of applied sciences Students receiving a credit for this course will have demonstrated their ability to: Communicate clearly, concisely and correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the audience. Execute mathematical operations accurately. Apply a systematic approach to solve problems. Locate, select, organize, and document information using appropriate technology and information systems. Interact with others in groups or teams in ways that contribute to effective working relationships and the achievement of goals. Manage the use of time and other resources to complete project. For further clarification of Vocational Learning Outcomes and Essential Employability Skills please refer to the current Program Guide. Sequence of Instruction Evidence of Learning Week Intended Learning Resources and References Est. Class Hours Learning Outcomes References Intended Learning Activities Assessment Evaluation and Weighting 1 Review Course Outline and classroom learning expectations Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 1.1. Define Science 1.2. Apply Science to our world (local and global) 1.3. Describe the types of Science programs offered at Durham College 1.4.Understand the employment opportunities available to graduates of the School of Science and Engineering Technology? 1.5 Be familiar with educational pathways available to graduates from the School of Science and Technology? 1.6 Be aware of the pathways from their program to Science related programs. Distribute and discuss instructions, due dates and rubrics for Term Projects Project 1. Topics in Science Project 2. Glossary Assignment #1 Lecture notes and handouts 1 2 1,2,8,9 Power point lecture Discussions Guest speaker from the School of Science and Engineering Technology Assignment #1 5% 2 Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 2.1 Summarize Ethical Conduct in Science including: The history of ethics in science The reliability and accountability of results (collaboration, peer review, validation of results) The Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans Examples of the consequences of not upholding ethical expectations 2.2 Understand Scientific communication and its application by: Evaluating Scientific information Translate Scientific journals (what are they? How do you read them?) Provide examples of accurate, trustworthy sources of scientific information. Assignment #2 Lecture notes and Handouts 3 3,4,5,9,11,12,13,14 Power point lecture Discussions Guest speaker from Durham College Research Ethics Board Assignment #2 5% 3 Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 3.1 Differentiate between Science, non-Science and Pseudoscience – 3.2 Describe and apply the Scientific Method 3.3 Understand basic mathematical concepts associated with Science including the following: Standard units Significant figures Metric prefixes Unit Conversions Basic symbols associated with science Simple Formulas and equations Assignment #3 Term Test #1 Lecture notes and Handouts 2 1 3,4,6,9 -14 Power point lecture Discussions Assignment Term Test 5% 15% 4 Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 4.1 Understand and apply the basic theory and terminology of Chemistry including: Define Chemistry Atoms and Electronic Structure Compounds Formulas Bonding Orbital Models Assignment #4 Lecture notes and Handouts 3 3,4,6,9 -14 Power point lecture Discussions Guest speaker from the Research Ethics Board Assignment 5% 5 Chemistry (continued from Week 4) Fundamental Chemical Reactions Stoichiometry States of Matter 1. Solids 2. Liquids 3. Gases Applications of Chemistry in our world Current Topics in Chemistry The role of the Chemical Lab Technician in the chemical industry The role of the Chemical Processing Engineer in the workforce Job Titles and Employment Opportunities Assignment #5 Lecture notes and handouts 3 3,4,6,9 -14 Power point lecture Discussions Guest speaker Assignment 5% 6 Upon completion of this course the student will be able to: 6.1 Understand and apply basic theory and terminology of Biology including the following: Define Biology? Characteristics of a Living object versus a Non-Living object Major cell types – prokaryotic and eukaryotic Classification of Organisms Relationship of fundamental properties of cells to their functions Energy in cells – Respiration and photosynthesis Cellular reproduction Assignment #6 Lecture notes and Handouts 3 3,4,7,9 -14 Power point lecture Discussions Assignment 5% 7 Biology (continued from week 6) Applications of Biology in our world Current topics in Biology The role of the Biological Laboratory Technologist in the workforce Job Titles and Employment Opportunities Term Test #2 Lecture notes and handouts Guest speaker 2 1 3,4,6,9 -14 Power point lecture Discussions Term Test #2 15% 8 Upon completion of this course the student will be able to describe and discuss Biotechnology including the following topics: What is Biotechnology? Types of Biotechnology Applications of Biotechnology in our world Current Topics in Biotechnology The role of the Biotechnologist in the workforce Job Titles and Employment Opportunities Lecture Notes and handouts 3 1,2,8, 9, 11-14 Power point lecture Discussions Guest speaker 9 Upon completion of this course the student will be able to describe and discuss Environmental Science including the following topics: What is Environmental Science? Applications of Environmental Technology in our world Current Topics in Environmental Technology The role of the Environmental Technologist in the workforce Job Titles and Employment Opportunities Lecture Notes and handouts 3 1,2,8, 9, 11-14 Power point lecture Discussions Guest Speaker 10 Upon completion of this course the student will be able to describe and discuss Food Science including the following topics: : What is Food Science? Applications of Food Science Technology in our world Current Topics in Food Science Technology The role of the Food Science Technologist in the workforce Job Titles and Employment Opportunities Lecture Notes and handouts 3 1,2,8, 9, 11-14 Power point lecture Discussions Guest Speaker 11 Upon completion of this course the student will be able to describe and discuss Pharmaceutical Science including the following topics: What is Pharmaceutical Science? Applications of Pharmaceutical Science Technology in our world Current Topics in Pharmaceutical Science Technology The role of the Pharmaceutical Science Technologist in the workforce Job Titles and Employment Opportunities Submission of Term Project 1 Lecture Notes and handouts 3 1,2,8, 9, 11-14 Power point lecture Discussions Guest Speaker Term Project 1 10% 12 Upon completion of this course the student will be able to describe and discuss Water Quality Technology including the following topics: What is Water Quality Technology? Applications of Water Quality Technology in our world Current Topics in Water Quality Technology The role of the Water Quality Technician in the workforce Job Titles and Employment Opportunities Assignment #7 Lecture Notes and handouts 3 1,2,8, 9, 11-14 Power point lecture Discussions Guest Speaker In class assignment 5% 13 13.1 Upon completion of this course the student will be able to describe and discuss Horticulture Technology including the following topics: What is Horticulture Technology? Applications of Horticulture Technology in our world Current Topics in Horticulture Technology The role of the Horticulture Technician in the workforce Job Titles and Employment Opportunities 13.2 Students will be able to participate in a discussion on up and coming science technologies and future employment opportunities related to them. Submission of Term Project #2 Lecture Notes and handouts 3 1,2,8, 9, 11-14 Power point lecture Discussions Guest Speaker Term Project #2 10% 14 Review for Term Test #3 Term Test #3 Return tests and Assignments 1 1 1 1,2,8, 9, 11-14 Test Discussion Term Test 15% 15 No Exam is scheduled for this course Course outlines are planning guidelines; actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances. Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of content, learning outcomes or evaluation, prior to changes being implemented. Professors are responsible for following this outline and facilitating the learning as detailed in this outline. Evaluation Criteria: (A full description of the Academic Appeals Process can be found in your Student Handbook.) Term Tests (3 x 15% ) 45% Term Project #1 Topics in Science folder Project 10% Term Project #2 Scientific Glossary Term 10% Assignments (7x 5%) 35% ????? ????? ????? ????? ????? Total 100% Required Text(s) and Supplies: No required text or supplies Policies and Expectations for the Learning Environment: General Policies and Expectations: General College policies related to Acceptable Computer Use Academic Policies Academic Honesty Student Code of Conduct Students’ Rights and Responsibilities can be found on-line at General Program policies related to attendance absence related to tests or assignment due dates excused absences writing tests and assignments classroom management can be found in the Program Guide. These are distributed to each student during the first week of class. Course Specific Policies and Expectations: TBD Subject Eligibility for Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition (PLAR) Yes No (Candidate eligibility is outlined in the Prior experience in applied science or applied science technology will be considered. The candidate should provide evidence of work experience, educational credentials and references. The candidate will also sit a final examination that covers the essentials of the course. General Course Outline Notes: Students should use the course outline as a learning tool to guide their achievement of the learning outcomes for this course. Specific questions should be directed to their individual professor. The college considers the electronic format (i.e. MyCampus or DC Connect) as the primary channel of communication. Students should check the sources regularly for current course information. Professors are responsible for following this outline and facilitating the learning as detailed in this outline. Course outlines should be retained for future needs (i.e. university credits, transfer of credits etc.) A full description of the Academic Appeals Process can be found at Students who may require academic supports due to any type of disability, should contact the Centre for Students with Disabilities in B297 (Gordon Willey Building) or call 905-721-3123. Outline Template v8.110

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