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Question 1 

Four-year-old Winslow is under the snack table growling and bending his fingers in a claw like action. What elements of pretend play is he demonstrating?
A) Transformation of time, make believe, object invention.
B) None of the elements are present.
C) Make believe, role-playing, and object substitution.
D) All of the elements are present.


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Question 2 

Nicholas first examined the magnets and then arranged them carefully, talking to himself. What kind of play is this most likely to be?
A) Construction with natural materials
B) Pretend with objects
C) Pretend time and place
D) Role play


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Question 3 

The following day, Ms. Kruger laid bedrolls in the tent and set up a hibachi (small grill) and some cooking tools before the children came in. What role is she playing?
A) Planner
B) Collaborator
C) Observer
D) Mediator


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Question 4 

Which strategy will be most productive in supporting construction play related to a pet unit?
A) Ask a dog owner to bring a dog into the classroom. Encourage children to look carefully at various parts of the body. Point out anything they might have missed. Later ask children to record in some way the dog visit.
B) Copy and enlarge the pattern for making a dog that you have found in a published resource. Ask children to follow the directions carefully. Help individual children and replace the pattern piece if one child messes up.
C) Stop children from making mistakes if they are not recording their learning accurately. Make them start over after they have more information about what they are doing. If this does not work, they can sit and wait till the others are finished.
D) Place an ample supply of materials on open shelving and wait for the children to do something with them. Give assistance as needed. Answer any questions.


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Question 5 

The 3-year-olds in Mrs. Mezga's class at Missouri Central School are asked to create an Eskimo village out of cardboard boxes and other art materials. Based on what you have read about construction, select the answer that best describes the appropriateness of this activity.
A) It is appropriate because the activity is relevant to the children's lives.
B) It is appropriate because the children are getting a chance to work together on a tangible product.
C) It is appropriate because the children are asked to make something.
D) It is inappropriate because the children have no conceptual base from which to develop their construction.


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Question 6 

Which child is engaged in the most complex form of pretend play?
A) Vincent is providing the noise for the truck he is moving across the floor, "rummmm, rummmm."
B) Donald is "cooking" while playing alone in the housekeeping area.
C) Jacquel is quietly talking to herself as if she were sailing a boat while painting blue watercolor.
D) Karen is making a nurse's cap so that she can play nurse with other children as patients.


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Question 7 

Ms. Kruger quietly walked up to the "camp fire" outside the tent where two children were standing around picking up materials and putting them down one Monday morning. She asked if she could play, too, and James nodded yes. "This is a very fine campsite. I am getting hungry," Ms. Kruger said as she began to kneel by the "fire" with a tiny stick in her hand. What role is she playing?
A) Collaborator
B) Planner
C) Model
D) Observer


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Question 8 

A group of four-year-olds had been playing flower shop successfully for several days, and Ms. Grausam has noted their flagging interest. What strategy would be the best to use in this instance to promote and expand this play?
A) Observe carefully to see what happens next.
B) Make a nondirective comment about what the children are doing such as, "It looks like you are arranging flowers."
C) Ask the group why Jefferson is not involved in the play.
D) Provide tissue paper and a wagon with a "Delivery Sign" attached to the back.


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Question 9 

Which of the following describes the steps that children can be taught to resolve a conflict?
A) Stop the activity, protect the hurt child, and comfort the angry child.
B) Determine whether the conflict is intentional, review the rules, and redirect problem behavior.
C) Define the problem, suggest solutions, negotiate a solution, and follow through.
D) Review the situation in light of classroom rules, show concern about the other child's feelings, and discuss the consequences of the action.


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Question 10 

Which of the following is recommended to promote children's social understanding?
A) A good way to help children have friends at school is to make everyone play together.
B) A good way to build social studies concepts is by explaining how the government works.
C) A good way to help children make friends at school is to give them plenty of time to interact with one another informally.
D) A good way to teach young children about caring for the environment is to study the Rain Forest.


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