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Question 1 

Which of the following correctly lists metamorphic mineral assemblages in order of decreasing
  temperature/pressure of formation?
  a. chlorite, biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite, sillimanite
  b. biotite, garnet, chlorite, staurolite, sillimanite, kyanite
  c. garnet, biotite, chlorite, sillimanite, staurolite, kyanite
  d. sillimanite, staurolite, kyanite, garnet, biotite, chlorite
  e. sillimanite, kyanite, staurolite, garnet, biotite, chlorite

Q. 2 -

the two most important sources of heat for metamorphism are:a.
   intrusive magma bodies and deep burial.
  b. intrusive magma bodies and heat from the core.
  c. deep burial and volcanism.
  d. radioactive decay and volcanism.
  e. radioactive decay and deep burial

Q. 3 -

Metamorphism is a physical and chemical change that occurs in such a way that:a.
   disequilibrium is reached with the new physical and chemical environment.
  b. a dynamic equilibrium is reached.
  c. equilibrium with the new environment is disturbed.
  d. the rock reaches equilibrium with its new environment.
  e. the rock's chemistry and texture become increasingly unstable

Q. 4 -

Which three processes bring about metamorphism?
  a. heat, pressure, weathering
  b. melting, pressure, fluid activity
  c. fluid activity, heat, melting
  d. pressure, fluid activity, heat
  e. crystallization, differential pressure, melting


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Question 2 

A block of rock which weathers into smaller pieces over time thus increasing the total surface area of the rock.

In the accompanying figure, the sequence of weathering changes over time will ________.

▸ increase the chemical weathering rate

▸ decrease the total weathering rate (chemical + mechanical)

▸ not change the chemical weathering rate

▸ not change the total weather rate (chemical + mechanical)

▸ decrease the total rock area susceptible to weathering


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Question 3 

Dinitrogen monoxide is still used as a general anesthetic. The Henry's law constant for the solubility of N2O in water is 2.5 × 10-2 mol/L•atm. What is the molar solubility of N2O in water if the partial pressure of N2O is 1700 mm Hg?


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thank you
Post Merge: 2 years ago

what a scam i stil cant see

Question 4 

What are the major solute-solvent interactions created when LiF dissolves in water?
A) dipole-ion
B) dispersion
C) hydrogen bonding
D) ion-dipole


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Question 5 

Which of the following is true for the cell shown here? Zn(s)│Zn2+(aq) ║ Cr3+(aq) │Cr(s)

The electrons flow from the cathode to the anode.

The electrons flow from the zinc to the chromium.

The electrons flow from the chromium to the zinc.

The chromium is oxidized.

The zinc is reduced.


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Question 6 

About ________ percent of women are in top corporate positions in the United States compared to 3.3 percent of men. 


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Question 7 

Midway through a unit on how mountains are formed, Mr. McDonald gives a brief quiz to find out what students do and don't understand. He plans to focus the next few classes on the things about which students are most confused.
  Which one of the following does Mr. McDonald's quiz exemplify?
   a. A norm-referenced test
   b. Authentic assessment
   c. A performance assessment
   d. Formative assessment

Ques. 2

Which one of the following examples is most consistent with the textbook's definition of assessment?
  a. Having a student swim two laps using the breast stroke
  b. Asking a student to form a mental image of a nine-sided polygon
  c. Having a student describe how long she studied
  d. Asking a high school student to read the first two chapters of a college-level textbook

Ques. 3

Sarah has a habit of talking to herself as she takes tests and completes independent in-class assignments. She talks loudly enough that other students can often hear her answers.
  Explain how you might use three of the following techniques to reduce this problem behavior:
   a. Cueing
   b. Self-monitoring
   c. Self-reinforcement
   d. Shaping
   For each technique, be specific and concrete as to what you might do.

Ques. 4

David is continually fighting with other children. Devise a plan to eliminate the fighting by using a combination of both reinforcement of incompatible behavior and punishment. In your discussion, be sure to explain:
  a. What incompatible behavior(s) you will reinforce
   b. What reinforcer you will use, and why
   c. What punishment you will use, and why

Ques. 5

Andy uses foul language in your classroom on a regular basis. Explain how you might use three of the following techniques to decrease the problem behavior:
  a. Cueing
  b. Self-monitoring
  c. Reinforcement of an incompatible behavior
  d. Punishment
   For each technique, be specific and concrete as to what you might do.

Ques. 6

To be most effective, teachers should keep in regular contact with parents about how their children are performing and progressing in the classroom.
  Describe four different strategies that you might use to open and/or maintain lines of communication with your students' parents.


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Question 8 

Only one of the following consequences has been shown to be an effective and appropriate punishment for most students. Which one?
A) Scolding
B) Suspension from school
C) Extra homework
D) Embarrassment in front of classmates


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Question 9 

The textbook recommends three of the following strategies for adapting instruction for students who are gifted. Which one does it not recommend?
  A) Ask students to be patient while their classmates master instructional objectives.
  B) Form study groups of students who have similar strengths.
  C) Encourage students to aim high in their aspirations.
  D) Find outside resources through which students can pursue specialized interests.

Ques. 2

Within the context of Vygotsky's perspective of cognitive development, why do students who are gifted often not benefit from regular classroom instruction?
  A) Because they're too preoccupied by their own self-talk
  B) Because they're too busy thinking about things they learned from their outside reading to want to learn material presented in the classroom
  C) Because they are typically more distractible than their nongifted peers
  D) Because they aren't working within their zone of proximal development

Ques. 3

A sixth-grade teacher is concerned about the poor academic performance of one of his students, a 12-year-old girl named Nancy. The teacher looks through Nancy's school records and discovers that she got an IQ score of 80 when she took an intelligence test in preschool. Considering the textbook's discussion of IQ scores, the teacher should conclude that:
  A) Nancy's IQ is mostly an inherited characteristic, so there is little the teacher can do to improve her learning potential.
  B) Nancy's IQ is mostly due to environmental conditions; given proper stimulation, instruction, and curricular materials, it can probably be raised as much as 30 points over the next school year.
  C) Nancy's IQ score in preschool is not necessarily a good reflection of her capability in sixth grade.
  D) Nancy may still be at Piaget's preoperational stage of cognitive development.

Ques. 4

The original purpose of intelligence tests was to:
  A) Assess students' ability to solve abstract problems.
  B) Measure students' innate ability to adapt to a complex environment.
  C) Identify students who may require special educational services.
  D) Predict how well students are likely to perform in various professional careers.

Ques. 5

Robert is a 15-year-old boy who has attended U.S. schools since he began kindergarten at age 5. With this fact in mind, identify the task that is most likely to require Robert's fluid intelligence rather than his crystallized intelligence.
  A) Finding Egypt on a map
  B) Solving a new kind of puzzle
  C) Applying algebra to a mathematical word problem
  D) Writing a persuasive essay on a current issue in the news

Ques. 6

Which one of the following is a correct interpretation of a high school student's IQ score of 115?
  A) It will remain constant for that student for a period of at least five to six years.
  B) The student has acquired 85 of the average adult's intellectual capabilities.
  C) The student has performed better on an intelligence test than the majority of students of the same age.
  D) The student will have a harder time getting accepted to college than most students.

Ques. 7

Psychologists believe that intelligence is culture-specificthat intelligent behavior in one culture is not necessarily intelligent behavior in a different culture. Three of the following are aspects of intelligence regardless of the culture in which it is found. Which one is probably related to intelligence in some cultures but not in others?
  A) Applying prior knowledge to new situations
  B) Doing well in academic subject matter
  C) Learning how to perform a new task quickly
  D) Adapting readily to new situations

Ques. 8

Olivia understands why 3/5 and 9/15 are equivalent fractions. Based on this information, Olivia is reasoning in a manner consistent with Piaget's ________ stage of development.
  A) concrete operations
  B) preoperational
  C) formal operations
  D) sensorimotor


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Question 10 

Four students are sitting in the cafeteria describing their new teachers. From the perspective of the textbook, which student is describing the most effective classroom climate?
A) Chelsey says, "My teacher makes class really fun. He tells lots of jokes to make us laugh. If we don't get anything done one day, we just try to do twice as much the next day."
B) Darren says, "Marianne came in late yesterday looking really upset. My teacher stopped for a minute to talk quietly with her but didn't give her too much static about being late for class."
C) Brandon says, "My teacher is a little scary at times. When Harry came in late one day, she looked over her reading glasses at him until he crawled into his seat, and she suggested that if he was late again, he might as well not show up."
D) Adele says, "My teacher is really cool. He pretty much lets us do our own thing. He doesn't pressure us if we don't feel like paying attention. In fact, one chick was crying in the corner the other day, and he didn't say a word to her."


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