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Homolog separation in meiosis I

 (a) In diplotene and diakinesis of prophase I, crossing over between homologs is complete, and contacts between homologs (chiasmata) are resolved. (b) Spindle fibers pull chromosomes to align them onthe metaphase plate. Cohesin protein adheres sister chromatids against the pull of spindle fibers. (c) Homologous chromosomes separate at anaphase I (a) In diplotene and diakinesis of prophase I, crossing over between homologs is complete, and contacts between homologs (chiasmata) are resolved. (b) Spindle fibers pull chromosomes to align them onthe metaphase plate. Cohesin protein adheres sister chromatids against the pull of spindle fibers. (c) Homologous chromosomes separate at anaphase I

(a) Diplotene/diakinesis (b) Metaphasel (c) Anaphasel Spindle fibers . ' (D to centrioles ‘ » 5 E ' ‘ , .C (1) fl ‘3 U E i ‘ B m '_ ‘ Q) 5 i E E Kinetochore i * >4 microtubule Kinetochore movement Cohefln protein Spindle fibers to centrioles
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