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Bacterial growth methods

(a) Bacteria can be grown in a liquid medium inoculated with cells from another culture. In liquid, dense growth occurs making the medium appear cloudy. (b) Bacteria can be grown on a plate of semisolid growth medium on which a few drops of a dilute bacterial-cell solution have been spread. On the semisolid medium, bacteria grow as colonies(a) Bacteria can be grown in a liquid medium inoculated with cells from another culture. In liquid, dense growth occurs making the medium appear cloudy. (b) Bacteria can be grown on a plate of semisolid growth medium on which a few drops of a dilute bacterial-cell solution have been spread. On the semisolid medium, bacteria grow as colonies

(a) Bacterial § loop ‘T _ 9 Incubate tube. ——————> -———-—> i Sterile o lnoculate growth Bacterial liquid medium with cell growth bacteria. growth medium \-— Dilute bacterial ..— Sterile glass spreader \l solution Dilute Bacterial growth Bacterial colonies solution plate with semi- on plate of bacteria solid medium OAdd a small amount 0 Place a few drops 9 Spread the dilute 0 Incubate plate of a concentrated of dilute bacteria solution evenly and observe bacterial solution to on a growth plate. on the growth bacterial colonies. liquid growth medium plate. to make a dilute bacterial solution.
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