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Human beta-globin–complex locus control region

In combination with regulatory proteins that vary with developmental stage, the LCR forms DNA loops that also vary with developmental stage, allowing the LCR to activate transcription of specific genes of the complex. The RNA polymerase on the left transcribes the beta globin gene
and the RNA polymerase on the right transcribes the globin gene
In combination with regulatory proteins that vary with developmental stage, the LCR forms DNA loops that also vary with developmental stage, allowing the LCR to activate transcription of specific genes of the complex. The RNA polymerase on the left transcribes the beta globin gene
and the RNA polymerase on the right transcribes the globin gene

Mechanism of transcriptional activation by LCR Activator RNA polymerase proteins Promoter Transcription - I b' Transcription ,3 9 0 In gene factors
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