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Career in Microbiology

If one is interested in biology, particular in cell and molecular biology, then they may want to consider a career studying and researching molecular cell biology. The job of a molecular biologist is to study cells, bacteria, and viruses at their molecular levels to see how diseases are caused.

• Molecular cell biology is the study of the biology at its most basic level, called molecular. To study cell and molecular biology professionally as a molecular biologist, one must engage in years of schooling and training to become qualified. There are jobs within each area of biology. Molecular cell biology is a good field for anyone interested in studying diseases. The qualities that a molecular biologist should have are organizational skills, logic skills, good attention to detail. To study molecular cell biology, one must be patient as well.

• Finding a college that has well equipped laboratories for researching cell and molecular biology is important. Some universities are known for having top programs in molecular cell biology, as well as other scientific areas. There are certain subjects that one should be strong in if they want to study cell and molecular biology. These subjects include other sciences such as physics and chemistry, as well as mathematics and engineering.

• An individual needs a master’s degree as well as a Ph.D to be a molecular biologist. Since there are many years of studying molecular cell biology in school before becoming a molecular biologist, an individual may want to find a school that will combine a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in one six year program. This will eliminate the need to find a separate school to obtain a master’s degree from.

• After completing both a bachelor’s and a master’s degree, and individual should begin working on a Ph.D that focuses primarily on cell and molecular biology. At the time, it may also be necessary to focus study on data managing, since a career involving cell and molecular biology will involve so much of it. While working towards a Ph.D in cell and molecular biology, it will be necessary to biological fieldwork in a laboratory. The school that one attends to receive their Ph.D should have a lab of their own, but a student is also allowed to pursue outside work in other labs. A student will learn about cell and molecular biology in this lab by doing hands on research.

• A thesis is necessary for any student who is pursuing a Ph.D in molecular cell biology. The individual should choose their thesis subject and begin research on it as soon as possible. There will be a fair amount of experimentation involved with the project. The results of these experiments must be written and published in order for an individual to earn their Ph.D in cell and molecular biology. This is a called a dissertation.

The last step in becoming a molecular biologist is for an individual to create a portfolio of their published research on cell and molecular biology. This portfolio is necessary for any individual seeking a job, as proof of achievement is going to be required.
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