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Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 24% Relevant
Small hickup above coz wrong thread posting, altho that post [1] can end up here as well like reminder that even mids eventual global economic stagflation coz full'digital'economy shift (if not depression coz geopolitical tensions) that the health can be cushioned somehow cheap even there are not widely available pharmaceuticals around, what for many will be norm as phytotherapy approach even full'digi'economy bounce ahead simply coz they will not be willing or eligible to hook in the game!

Another important realms that will be at risk from eventual economic hardship except healthcare are the social and communal sectors, overall what it will be in question mids huge crisis is the capacity of societies to coup with the regular administrative functioning eg. even anxiety or poverty reflex [2] which in such circumstances for sure will grow exponentially, for what most important thing think it will be the will and knowhow societies to mobilize so would respond more effectively, what is doable by (or even better now in time is laid the necessary infrastructure for) eTOS reality [3][3][4] as interactive compacting of the intellectual and resourceful potentials of some community or society!

Maybe less obvious now but also important momentum for better quality of life mids global crisis is the will for shift from individualism to collectivism, what maybe in capitalist environment is hard now to be achieved but once hyperinflation will hit the bell then for sure those who will be willing to join forces for collective commuting working help eachother not just interactively but also practically those logically will curb with the hardships with ease, easy to be said yet go live under same roof with your broader family coz easier survival, maybe if Agrarianism became norm thus from choiceless necessity but even then if You have at least some building knowhow it would more bearable the shared space [5][5][6][6] practically mind prepping is utmost important think at the moment so in eventual economic turmoil ahead at least filtrated water as basic necessity will be secured for what going with charcoal is easiest way around but go make coal easily if cant be bought thus calculate the odds for available pure drinking water if need to move from your concrete jungle due to eventual urban havoc i.e. how to secure quick and easy setup for filtration [7] now go find some important prepping books that will help You out around survivalist bushcraft ~ there are also many prep eforums where it could be found info what is essential for Your own library [8][8][8]

Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 26.1% Relevant
we need to put some greater effort in reevaluating all processes regards CBD eg. in context of bioresonance [1] so would grasp the mechanisms like ...

The current understanding of nature on pure chemical reductionist level will push us further in middle of nowhere regards the conflicting studies, and at best the true understanding about CBD will be postponed, coz whatever useful study of cbd extracts will be devaluated by repeated one with synthetic cbd, also not rarely the preclinical knockouts will differ with the clinical studies [1] what could be due to bioresonance but also still not fully mastered interaction of all phytocannabidoids among themselves [2][3] and foremost seeing how expensive is such extract now [2] it looks like it will be intentionally stalled as widespread prescribed medicine  ... thus my advice would be if someone really wants to reach effective natural immunization of its population rush for eg. rural legalization  and/or extra balancing by heavily subsidized sport culture [4][4] and let citizens to experiment the right dosage on themselves for themselves cheaply!

For what tho first of all it would be needed local wide eTOS hype
[5] where the majority of experts will measure out the right model of legalization and right after through referendum to be cemented the will of citizens for the right to own healing herb cultivation!, probably such momentum should stir some small political party and by opening dedicated legalization eforum to built up momentum for referendum!, otherwise waiting on plutocrats to deliver effective and lasting legalization will be ridiculous if not futile, simply "they" will lust even then in corrupt mode trying to milk some from licensing or molesting the licensed around taxation etc. etc. probable skims that again will affect the chance for wide natural immunization!
11 months ago in Sociology  (Other Fields Homework Help)
Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 28.9% Relevant
Sadly but many of those Exploited Children are also abused and risk 24/7 bullying except if grow in traditional communities where if not else are under constant guard by the close one!, plus like that are deprived from promiscuity, altho not everywhere tradition is praised above western decadent liberalism or tradition is suppressed by corruption!, anyway their counterparts from the "western world" on other hand have issue with wrong voyeuristic vibe now pumped up on steroids interactively when "sexual frustration pumps violent hearths" [1][1] simply coz consumerism sexploitation is widespread hype and that choking many that want to grow by wrong means prematurely, surely brainwashed by the movie and music industry too that Sexual Joy is reachable on every corner, and even that was case still coz overindulgence if not else from pornography eg. adolescent kids very early are become emotionally crippled thus again pumping frustrations!. and seen from the poverty side in the ghetto that push them in ultra gang violence mode even as teens!, sex&drugs&gansta hype became blueprint for many Souls lost inbetween the wrongly loosen media (along all neopagan propaganda poured through them) and the wrong social engineering for kgbt cultural marxism!

So the current western decadent liberalism as democracy export but not rarely submission by shame and later control by blackmail [2][2][2]>[2][2] hijacked Young and Adults to tilt around constant chase for happiness through lusts greed and pride what as it grown now coz lobotomization pulled many in hedonism mammonism and egoism even dont thrive in tempting environment locally!, and to what normally now "someone" wants to reset all that global inertia towards dystopia by push'of'button!, hm go avoid the notion that that wasnt predetermined globalist neopagan agenda flushed experimentally on west somewhere after ww2 while now exported by bribing corrupt governments around the world to follow with ease and throw many on path of noreturn from certain euroatlantic neopagan n'w'o agenda!, but still that is some elitist lust of "them" and actually as euroatlantic determinists till this day since the enlightenment era havent reached "their" goals for superhumanity and heaven'on'earth no matter how hard "they've" tried!, so it will be this time too, altho now the pain and the suffering due to "their" lust for ultimate power will cripple many that are still blind followers of "their" wrong ideals and social engineering!, hope many also will wake up in time, but for what its utmost needed independent eTOS vibe!

Eventually if we remove elitist conspy logic as culprit for the wrong current trends that stir many towards violence, what cant be narrowed as consumeristic risk is how Kids are exposed to brainwashing addiction and exploitation through nlp marketing [3][3]3] yet again also knowing the existing geopolitics behind all capitalist colonialism   then we dont have other way but turn in circles trying to grasp who why how all are prepped for the globalist deception of n'w'o heaven'on'earth among other as chase for manufactured consent spinned by various psyop means [4][5][6] in this last footnote seen from modern metaphysical angle but I'll skip elaborating the probabilities for such organized hijack by fallen spirits so would not derail the main point in this post that exploitation of Kids in various ways exist as in the wealthy so as "they" label it third world countries, finally as forgotten also on spiritual risks too, hm who how to control the long term effects of playing games fueled with demonology etc. etc. brainwashing!, so anger and violence come coz various reasons and escape in various forms, and just one thing is certain that ea-determinists seek to exploit such boiling hype so would slip covertly and on small door transhumanism at least in form of hived population that will be "managed" normally by push'of'button [7]

Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 30.7% Relevant

... in context here is useful info from Solari Report ... the quote is from the transcript of the next presentation on 1h:30m ...

'Materialising' DNA in water – Luc Montagnier

Based on the experiment described earlier that  yielded a Phantom DNA waveform in the empty  background, Gariaev and team implemented the phantom  phenomenon also in reverse, namely materializing  a DNA fragment in water, through  modulated laser radiation upon the water.

They also radiated the radiation spectrum of  glucose which was first read through the special  laser installation and then beamed onto the water  which triggered a glucose phantom in the water
 which was physically testable by the color  reaction of litmus paper. This is almost miraculous!

To induce a chemical reaction from informed light  alone. It is similar to the famous experiments  by Luc Montagnier, the French Nobel laureate who  discovered the AIDS virus.His recent work focuses  on electromagnetic signals from DNA – work for which  he is ridiculed by many of his former admirers.

In these experiments, Montagnier recorded  electromagnetic signals from a DNA sequence – in this case from bacterial and  viral DNA – by a different procedure.

The DNA solution was placed into distilled water  which was then filtered with millipore filters to  remove the actual molecular components from the  water. After that the water underwent several  rounds of dilution in steps of times 10 to create  potentiations of up to 10^-12.

The diluted water samples were then exposed to  a coil generating extremely low frequencies in  the range of 7-8 Hz – the Schumann resonance. No material molecules were present any longer  but in Fourier analysis of the water samples  the higher dilutions showed frequency spectra  that differed from the control or background  noise, indicating the presence of a signal.

Finally, when the water was put in contact  with a polymerase enzyme for polymerase  chain reaction, PCR, which is a reliable technique to  quickly make copies of a given sequence of DNA – in that the DNA of the bacteria was rebuilt.  Again, there was no material molecule of the  original DNA in the container and the polymerase  enzyme built the replica from seemingly nothing. 

The enzyme must have received the  blueprint for the reconstruction of  the DNA from the electromagnetic signal  visualized in the Fourier analysis.

Montagnier, like Gariaev, recorded the electromagnetic  signals on a microphone coil and saved them as an  audio file. The file was emailed to another lab in  Italy where the audio is emitted onto distilled  water for a certain duration and the treated water  is then put into the polymerase chain reaction

Again the DNA is reproduced! How is that possible?  From a sound file of the radiation spectrum  of distilled water with no physical DNA molecule  detectable, the DNA sequence was replicated!

Montagnier, inexplicably to me, I must say, used the  DNA of an HIV infected patient for his experiments.

Does that mean that we can send active  germs through the internet in an mp3 file  possibly mixed into music? You decide!

Post Merge: 10 months ago

This sounds pretty smooth like silk explanation at least for those that are biologically literate, yet think CleaveB case of lets say experience with bioresonance goes on more conscious level where in his knockouts is using complex organisms eg. like Plants i.e. where he is getting readings on his polygraph by sending particular positive or negative thought and getting response [1][1][1] cant imagine what kind of creative invention strike he got when construct the polygraph and meditated on its use!, also somehow similar results will get MasaruE with the water crystals, and this with PyotrG DNA mirroring would be microcosmic echo that opens space for reexamination not just how Light is live career of bioinfo waves but how Sun is maybe energetic portal to higher realms ...

... altho till we reach complete understanding for cosmological bioresonant interactions ~ as it looks probably the choked by determinism humanists will trap many in man'machine'hype ~ than as academia would get fast enough to revert that momentum and reach revision in Biology and/or Virology, dont need to repeat the multilevel reasons why, or!?, essentially Life for them is mechanistic by default as western science on top secured by ultra'wrong'exceptionalism of selfdelusional ego that even when wrong dont leave space for revision, for what per'se think neoplatonism is at fault, still if eTOS vibe burst ahead among the scientists we can hope cyborg "utopia" will be evaded!, practically as could be seen by the second 1st footnote some faction among euroatlantic determinists are aware about this need for revision but probably the eugenic one that is heavily resting on the neoplatonic utopian hype is keeping the mainstream veil dipped in halfliterate reductionism at best, tho needed so would claim inheritance of neopagan alchemic exceptionalism along the western imperialism as victory of western neopaganism over Christianity!, Please skip this rooting digression and focus on planting revision!
9 months ago in Political Science  (Humanities)
Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 33.7% Relevant
Not fully nailed plutocratic exposure, LaryF is just spokesperson for his shareholders, so ask Yourself which banks own blackrock and vanguard, after that which boards are in which pocket among european nobility etc. etc. defragmentation till we come to the band of euroatlantic determinists!

Still this digression would be too offtopic if left unchecked in context of eTOS i.e. how differently to be reorganized antimonopoly game if its not constantly debate such possibility as workable regulations, the question would "they" seat with crossed hands if such vibe pops up, think not!, but thats why we need as wide as possible eTOS vibe so "they" would have issue with controlling of "their" narratives and skims i.e. every state should have various political ngo eforums and hopefully public open party eforums where members by the level of their expertise would polish effective solutions on every level for every issue ...

Yet without regular mandatory e-referendums citizens again will be peddled and driven, so ideally some centrist party should take the chance and by open public party eforum to invite all available experts to polish its party platform potentially like that forcing the rest of parties to get onboard to the eTOS vibe after what I am certain that Direct Participatory Democracy will get inertia, would it happens, hm, controlled chaos can surely postpone if not stop such momentum so ea-elites would reorganize and start thinking how to thrive mids such vibe or how to hijack it most easily!, eventually could release ordo'ab'chao scenario so would try to impose marshal law and instant technocracy how would stay in power as shadow elites, thats why Mankind should not waste time and where is possible to push for True Open Society what by all means should be case in the "western" realm yet every state could introduce such creative intellectual mobilization directed towards survival and prosperity of its system while in same time securing as much as possible equality and as less as possible elitism!
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