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A year ago
Looking at this from a different perspective for a moment, why the sudden fascination of this plant in discovering any of its medicinal properties? I mean, why are organizations spending millions of dollars to discover how this plant interacts with the immune system? Why not use another plant, such as mint or dandelion? Could it be that all plants, studied at this level, have the same effects, but aren't studies enough to achieve any conclusions? I think there is something sinister about this sudden fascination by scientists in their interest in cannabis.
Odiseizam Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam
Not all plant engage with the ECSystem, while Cannabis Sativa has abundance of CBD that did but also grows invasively like weed, tho there are other Plant that can serve the purpose yet the CaSa is far more cost effective ...




So its hard anyone to claim anyhow any conspiracy, unless there is some beyond our understanding spiritual spin so as plant would be idolized and like that altho unique remedy in the end to become wrong temptation!?, but such metaphysics cant known to us!
Post Merge: A year ago

Sorry for the typos, but yesterday I've noticed in another post some system hickup in that case about the repeating quotes [1] tho coz havent noticed and edited the post in time here is correct repost (bellow), not that matters but like this will emphasize the importance of the conspy notion coz indeed many cant grasp the risks from addiction to THC especially skunk as high potency thc strains which (ab)use is on level of heavy drugs, altho even those can be useful as substitution for benzos but if prescribed as natural painkiller, still knowing that just recently masses are becoming aware of the risks for "psychosis" from skunk (I'll say paranoia and dulleness per'se) its good to be used every opportunity to point this and forward people to use CBD Extracts as immunity booster, altho still not all can afford such remedy, thus using natural wild hemp leaf smoothy or Natural Marijuana buds as regular spice for cooking can come handy, tho think that as phytocannabinoids are wasted abundantly when treated thermally, its same with smoking hm even worst from soteriological perspective if we know that smoking is sinful habit, So Eat The Weed when You'll decide to boost Your Immunity with CBD ...


Pepost x2

Not all plants engage with the ECSystem, while Cannabis Sativa has abundance of CBD that did, but also grows invasively like weed, tho there are other Plants that can serve the purpose yet the CaSa is far more cost effective ...




So its hard anyone to claim anyhow any conspiracy, unless there is some beyond our understanding spiritual spin eg. so as plant coz the intoxicating THC would be idolized and like that altho unique remedy in the end to become wrong temptation!?, but such metaphysics its not known to us! 
Staff Member
A year ago
Agreed Upwards Arrow There's no conspiracy behind a plant whose history can be traced back thousands of years. The earliest recorded evidence of marijuana use dates back to around 500 BCE in Central Asia and China! The Chinese were among the first to document the medicinal properties of cannabis. The plant's fibers were also used for making textiles and rope, so it has significant cross-cultural importance
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
so it has significant cross-cultural importance

It would have even greater if Natural CBD is recognized as regular immunological remedy ... also that will collapse the hype around Marijuana as recreational light drug, altho has own risks to provoke tobacco alike trend if its not suppressed advertising, and probably will ask even greater emphasis on sport and healthy lifestyle as mandatory trend at least in schools [1] for what ideally it would be good for poor countries to nationalize betting and gambling and all profit to be directed in Free Sport for Youth what effectively will remove it as wide spread temptation ...

... also having relaxant for laugh instead chemical antidepressants will cushion many wrong addictions in elderly, still those high thc strains and dosage should prescribed only for extra ill ...
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
things changed in this century and people started to open their eyes and search for studies, what for me earlier was done predominantly through NORML [1][1][1]

wow I was expecting that state funding of CBD research exploded in usA but obviously its still kept under the rug!, why hm think dont need to repeat!?, yet its strange just few studies to pass altho utmost important chance for T-Cell boosting by CBD, altho since 2011 on NCI page clearly is pointed effective cancer apoptosis (cell death mechanism) [1] but this fact got buried not just invitro by using ineffective or countereffective synthetic cbd but also invitro too [2][2] so what else to say that it smells on eugenic spirit behind "the" curtain ~ probably "they" think to themselves as eugenic determinists "whats the logic to keep ill alive if didnt deserved" and most probably even more afraid all the useless eaters especially as poor to keep living!?, hm Sorry for this sarcastic antielitist slap but how else to be explained the next ridiculous statistic of state funded studies as listed on NCI where logically most of the ill would search for direction [3][3] tho elsewhere could be found bit more yet still ridiculous [3][3] (guess most of them with synthetic cbd), and on top when searching what cancer.gov has from studies on CBD there is endless loading on the page, probably not intentional glitch tho adds to the frustration of unbelief how indifferent is usA about potential immunity elixir while in same time do fund by billions wrong experimental biotech!

So for terminally ill is more like diy treatment, what kudos to dr. prof. dr. Patricia Crone is shared as own experience in the docu For the Life of Me: Between Science and the Law [4][4][4] and altho she was given just 2 years with chemo she refused it and as could be seen on own hand got 10 more years life ... altho I'll not recommend going on own hand coz now there are plenty CBD to be bought as extract even MDs can recommend dosage thus not need to walk her diy especially knowing that like that You'll end up with large doses of thc in the head what as could be seen from the previously posted bbc docu 3rd clip in post #25 6 is not some pleasant experience, so in my opinion go after extract of CBD that has no intoxicating side effects!, yet what to do healthy individuals who are aware about CBD benefit to their immunity but dont have money to use it regularly as prevention, for them again I'll say go harvest wild hemp leafs make smoothies and stuck up Your fridge [7] be clever infuse it in honey so would use it regularly ... and dont forget that stress decimate the immunity on half so You make some effort to smile regularly!
A year ago Edited: A year ago, bio_man
It would have even greater if Natural CBD is recognized as regular immunological remedy ... also that will collapse the hype around Marijuana as recreational light drug, altho has own risks to provoke tobacco alike trend if its not suppressed advertising, and probably will ask even greater emphasis on sport and healthy lifestyle as mandatory trend at least in schools [1] for what ideally it would be good for poor countries to nationalize betting and gambling and all profit to be directed in Free Sport for Youth what effectively will remove it as wide spread temptation ...

Interesting point made here. In the early days of Coca-Cola's development in the late 19th century, the original recipe did indeed include cocaine as an ingredient. The stuff was originally marketed and sold as a medicinal beverage. By the early 20th century, Coca-Cola had fully transitioned into a non-medicinal beverage and focused on its status as a refreshing soda. Perhaps, if this were true for Coca-cola, then it is also possible for marijuana industry?

New ideas take generations before they become mainstream; if these ideas were introduced today, it would likely take half a life-time (maybe?) before you see it come to fruition. As the moment, most countries have banned marijuana, so it is an uphill battle. Societal attitudes and perceptions take time to change, it starts by introducing an idea to the younger generations first; once they grow up and are allowed to vote, then the real change occurs. Bottom line is that it is possible, but takes time...
Odiseizam Author
A year ago Edited: A year ago, Odiseizam
Some interesting coincidence was that just right before the s'c'2 hype of pandemics Corona Beer through its parent company Modelo was preparing to release CBD infused beverage [1] what a misfortune or maybe some metaphysical ethereal association strangely like good hint, or maybe arranged conspiratively as bad psyop  like appeal to fear spin, hm dont mind mine out of box mosaic reasoning that nothing is accidental tho probably wrong in this case, still took the liberty so would provoke attention grab in own agitprop style ...

... anyway defacto CBD should be part of every beverage but natural one and not synthetic substitute, otherwise instead immunity elixir it will become wide health hazard!

About eventual paradigm shift hm having in mind the hedonistic treadmill theory such slow pace has no logic, especially not if we know that CBD is already recognized sold and marketed as beneficial medical substance (tho still not praised about its T-Cell boosting potential) but that will not stop the food&beverage market to use it as ingredient the problem tho is that still there is no wide agreement around the dosage ... practically when I say in the previous post diy improvisation this stands even more especially coz many homecooks cant separate CBD efficiently or cheaply thus make cbd thc tincture and that again is stress to the organism coz the intoxicating nature of thc that in such tinctures is concentrated in excessive amounts!, thus be smart and find steady supplier of CBD extracts, or invest in own industrial hemp fields and some cbd extraction knowhow [2][3][3][3][3]
A year ago
About eventual paradigm shift hm having in mind the hedonistic treadmill theory such slow pace has no logic, especially not if we know that CBD is already recognized sold and marketed as beneficial medical substance (tho still not praised about its T-Cell boosting potential) but that will not stop the food&beverage market to use it as ingredient the problem tho is that still there is no wide agreement around the dosage ... practically when I say in the previous post diy improvisation this stands even more especially coz many homecooks cant separate CBD efficiently or cheaply thus make cbd thc tincture and that again is stress to the organism coz the intoxicating nature of thc that in such tinctures is concentrated in excessive amounts!, thus be smart and find steady supplier of CBD extracts, or invest in own industrial hemp fields and some cbd extraction knowhow [2][3][3][3][3]

The issue is conflicting studying suggesting both good effects of CBD and bad effects. It's not a win-win situation to implement CBD yet, as public perception, especially in the USA is still not mainstream. Look what happened to Bud Light, one stupid move lead to now months of bad sales. They thought the public was fully accepting of these current trends, but the silent majority woke up in a roar against the company. And rightfully so, since they did not do their market research properly. That's precisely what I think would happen to Corona beer too. Moral of the story is that if you're in charge of a multi-billion dollar company, you don't just cross your fingers hoping something will catch, especially when it deals with sexuality. Another way to look at it is this: these days so many children are allergic to nuts. Parents won't even buy food from companies that manufacture products containing nuts, even if they know that one particular product contains no nuts. This companies are now forced to print: "may contain traces of nuts". The same would have to be done with beer, making many of their customer base apprehensive to use. When it comes to beer, if it's not broken, don't fix it. It is fine the way it is, so don't temper with it!
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
Valid points!, especially how budweiser play SAD spin and missed [1] what probably would had have pass if used CBD as libido bait [2][2] altho that would be kinky bargain for male consumers [3] unless there is some intentional peer'review conspiracy [4][5] so would be discouraged mass CBD hype in food&beverage industry!?, altho on one hand if depop agenda was indeed part of modern eugenics inc. such claim would had have been ace for "them", yet boosting the population enmasse by CBD its heresy for "them" from aspect of longevity of the useless eaters [6] and all that smoothly flushed by "mixed results" in studies!, again wonder whether in this case also synthetic cbd wasnt used!?, and how obvious are discrepancies between studies with natural extract and synthetic derivations noted in the first page of this thread, practically like this can be played constantly any eventual positive acclamation for benefits of CBD!, and think the same spin even from opposite perspective can be exploited easily [6]   

Odiseizam Author
A year ago
What is good to Yell about is the rush after cannabis gmo, so be clever before all natural seeds are decimated by cross pollination with gmo strains which even till now are present but now its becoming trend that threatens the indigenous strains [1][1] altho there are other ways of forced evolution that altho "organic" still have own "manufacturing" risks [2] So this is maybe last hour for making autochthonous seed banks eg. in Macedonia we have some very unique wild CBD strains but who is even aware here about this need!?

Also I would like to wonder bit more about infertility risks, so in the next footnote it could be seen info about comparison study that screened smokers and nonsmokers coming to conclusion that the quality of semen was lower in smokers but as in the comments of the first video say what could be due to smoking [3][3] on top even how these videos are presented looks like agitprop instead scientific language, making fuzz actually instead to be addressed the probable reasons and what kind of studies will bring clarity!, as if fearporn narrative should be sold, again dont need to wonder why!, practically invitro mouse knockouts should be done in parallel with natural extract and synthetic chemical so would be seen comparison in same research, also where smokers are target group there it can be seen per'se CBD as culprit for negative results coz there are many variables that can mislead!, however we should maybe open new ontopic thread where this issue will be further explored!, bottom line I'll understand trough THC to be affected semen but CBD cmon!, how?


Staff Member
A year ago
"Endocannabinoid receptors have been found in sperm and the female reproductive tract. Because of this, it’s thought that they can improve a sperm’s ability to fertilize an egg, boost ovarian function and follicle maturation. In short, that CBD can be a natural way to boost fertility with minimal negative side effects. There is yet to be strong evidence to support this theory."

Source: https://archive.is/fH7HP#selection-1285.0-1289.203

That's really pushing it for me. >99% of humans don't have a fertility problem to begin with. Why would anyone using CBD oils, which naturally would be impossible to extract for this purpose? This sounds like crazy talk to me; seems like the industry is trying to bite more off than they can (or should) chew.
- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
Odiseizam Author
A year ago
It sounds opportunistic if seen through remedy hype glasses, but if its seen ECS System eg. like crucial layer to the Lymph System then its not hard to grasp its vast impact on the Organism, actually my motive label the Natural CBD as Elixir ...

... yet till big'pharma dont hijack most of the market by gmo seeds and flush patented remedies till then it will do its best to suppress the importance of CBD i.e. if lose profit if shouted then "they" would need to compensate [1][1]  the question is why academia still keep quiet or is silenced easily!?, tho again here we are going in circles coz the hijacked peer'review'process!, altho guess if pop up dedicated thematic academic eforums things at least could move in the right direction!, in essence we have still not fully understood the CBD System as dr. Prakash Nagarkatti said in 2011 [2][2] but even if we do that notion will not be popularized as I've said till big'pharma dont have grip on the splif!, yet again also imagine the fears of malthusians if the useless eaters have longevity at hand for free!


Odiseizam Author
A year ago
actually my motive to label the Natural CBD as an Elixir ...

important to correct the typo so would accent how important is this topic regards immunology!, but who is Brave enough among the academicians to push up further this notion till reach mainstream acceptance and CBD is offered as prescribed immunization alternative!, yet we still need to determine not just why synthetic-cbd is evil while Natural CBD Blessing for our immunity, altho there is also some new notion that different natural cbd strains of Marijuana have  variation in its antiinflamantory effects, in the next study by observation of the Lymphocyte Homing [1] Yo Homeboys Seek Carefully what kind of Weed is candidate for Elixir Label ... do someone has CBD-X seeds Slight Smile


Odiseizam Author
A year ago
This last study above is enough good pivot to stir many in harvesting mode of wild hemp, altho it would need to find labs that will check the content proportion what is not so wide spread occurrence even in usA but where most of the focus is on high potent thc strains [1] thus its question whether offer such option for random check of whatever someone will send them!?, I am really not sure when but it could become regular trend in every lab eventually if this notion about immunological potential of CBD become normal hype ... its interesting eg. that on the european market there are various mostly low level CBD extracts [2] altho guess its not hard to be derived exact proportions, still all this asks for further taming of the right balance of phytocannabinoids but also the right dosage for different organism hm for what there is large pool of volunteers at disposal for sure but foremost it should be standardized methodology for analyzing and reporting of health effects in eventual groups of homecooks that would refer spicing their food with raw CBD elixir, guess also by the bioresonance logic in various circumstances different balance of cbd thc will open the lymph valve for T-Cells ... anyway till then many will need to put faith in their own luck for chase of the right balance, but it should be enough comfy notion that ECS System is main part of our bodies thus whatever intake of CBD eventually will have beneficial effects for healthy person as prevention condiment to the food, while sick people could and need to experiment with greater focus, I'll add quantity dont needs always to be solution but as is shown by the CBD-X point in the last study fine tuned extract will gain extra results even without extra pains [3]
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