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Discuss the distinction between a graduated pipette and a volumetric pipette. Volumetric pipettes ...
Discuss the distinction between a graduated pipette and a volumetric pipette. Volumetric pipettes ...
Discuss the distinction between a graduated pipette and a volumetric pipette. Volumetric pipettes are used to transfer one specified volume of liquid while graduated pipettes are used to transfer volumes other than specific volumes for which volumetric pipettes are calibrated.

Clarify the specific function of each and when each should be used.  Volumetric pipettes ar
Chemistry   vern   3687   Asked 13 years ago
Give an explanation for the order of reactivity observed for the three saturated alkyl halides with Ag+.

2-Methyl-2-propyl (1 sec) Allyl  (1 sec) 2-Butyl (2 sec)
Chemistry   Brii   5556   Asked 13 years ago
saturated alkyl halides
saturated alkyl halides
Explain the order of reactivity for the three saturated alkyl halides with I-
Chemistry   Brii   4738   Asked 13 years ago
effective deprotonation
effective deprotonation
I'm stuck. Can someone please show me how to determine why all of the following would effectively deprotonate benzoic acid (phcooh):
(i would not have access to pKa values...please show me reactions thought process)


also...why would LiOCH3 Not effectively deprotonate acetylene
Yet, Ch3OCH2MgBr and Ch3Li
Chemistry   kblitz   4164   Asked 12 years ago
Thinkwell Chem Lab #4 Help!
Thinkwell Chem Lab #4 Help!
I need help with the Thinkwell Chem Lab #4. Thanks!
Chemistry   sholland90   1514   Asked 12 years ago
last question....help
last question....help
2-How many grams of Methanol CH3OH; MM=32g/mol) must be added to a 500 mL of water to prepare a solution that is 15%(m/v) CH3OH?  What is the Molarity of this solution (grams solute/mL of solution)x100; M=mols solute/L of solution)?
Chemistry   poshmom   723   Asked 12 years ago
Please I need help.
Please I need help.
Suppose you performed a distillation of a solution containing butyl alcohol (C4H10O, also known as 1-butanol), sec-butyl alcohol (C4H10O, also known as 2-butanol), and ethyl alcohol (C2H6O). Butyl alcohol and sec-butyl alcohol have the same chemical formula, but they do have a different arrangement of their atoms (i.e. they are shaped differently), so this makes them have slightly d
Chemistry   francsima404   1955   Asked 12 years ago
lewis structures
lewis structures
Ok I have figured out H2, CH4 NH3, H2O, and CO2, but I am having trouble with the rest.  Please help

What is the formula, the lewis structure, #of valance electrons, Molecular Geometry, Make a 3D drawing and is it Polar or non polar for the following Molecular species;
Chemistry   poshmom   866   Asked 12 years ago
LAb... HELP!
LAb... HELP!
Titration Lab... Please help!

Suppose I wanted to calculate the pH of the acid used in this titration. How (explain) can I use the results from this experiment to do this? What would the pH be in this case? Show all work.
Chemistry   Rae   909   Asked 12 years ago
Titration Lab.. Please Help!

In a titration, assuming it is carried out just like the one in this lab exercise, how do you determine the number of moles of acid used? How do you then use this information to determine the concentration of the acid? Explain in detail, showing all work.
Chemistry   Rae   871   Asked 12 years ago
If a solution contains 28 g of potassium nitrate per 100 g of water at 25 degrees Celsius, is the ...
If a solution contains 28 g of potassium nitrate per 100 g of water at 25 degrees Celsius, is the ...
If a solution contains 28 g of potassium nitrate per 100 g of water at 25 degrees Celsius, is the solution unsaturated, saturated, or supersaturated?
Chemistry   Rae   1271   Asked 12 years ago
What is the role of vacuum filtration in this process of Recrystallization?
What is the role of vacuum filtration in this process of Recrystallization?
(d) (2 pts.) What is the role of vacuum filtration in this process of Recrystallization? How do you do it?

Chemistry   sholland90   2273   Asked 12 years ago
If a solution contains 28 g of potassium nitrate per 100 g of water at 25 degree
If a solution contains 28 g of potassium nitrate per 100 g of water at 25 degree
(e) (2 pts.) Suppose we are dealing with potassium nitrate as opposed to the chemical in the video. If a solution contains 28 g of potassium nitrate per 100 g of water at 25 degrees Celsius, is the solution unsaturated, saturated, or supersaturated? You may want to refer to Figure 13.4 in your text for help.

Chemistry   sholland90   3979   Asked 12 years ago
another serial dilution question
another serial dilution question
If you had a dilution where you took 0.5 parts sample to 9.5 parts dilutents, what is the value of the actual dilution you performed? this is a review for us, and I forgot how to do these crazy dilution problesm,=. thx if you can help
Chemistry   oldcollegelady   890   Asked 12 years ago
Questions about Buffers and pH levels and such.....
Questions about Buffers and pH levels and such.....
Research a buffer system that interests you and report the following:
(A)    What is the system that is buffered?
(B)    What is the pH of the system?
(C)    What compounds are responsible for the buffered system?
(D)    What benefit does being at this pH serve?
(E)    How could this system be shifted
Chemistry   tink571937   861   Asked 12 years ago
Chemical Reactions
Chemical Reactions
Chemical reactions are happening around us all the time; the CO2 in a can of soda is at equilibrium, batteries, fuel cells, acid rain, decaffeination of coffee (why bother?), reaction of sunscreen with skin, and on and on and on. There are also a number of household chemicals that when mixed can create an explosion or other hazardous situation. Try to think of a way chemicals are re
Chemistry   tink571937   941   Asked 12 years ago
Calculting in Chemistry
Calculting in Chemistry
(A.) Calculate the cost per gram (g) of synthetic baccatin III, the Taxol precursor, using the following assumptions. Basically, what you are doing here is calculating how much it would cost to just synthesize the chemical needed to make Taxol in the laboratory, without relying on nature. Be sure to look at the attached picture (Figure 1) before trying to answer this question. You d
Chemistry   tink571937   1168   Asked 12 years ago
1d. determine the number of grams of water required at 100 Celsius to dissolve a
1d. determine the number of grams of water required at 100 Celsius to dissolve a
1d. determine the number of grams of water required at 100 Celsius to dissolve a mixture containing 20 g KNO3 and 2.0 g CuSO4*5H20 assuming that the solubility of one substance is not affected by the presence of another.

2. to the solution in Problem 1d at 100 Celsius, 15g of water are added and the solution is cooled to 0 Celsius

Chemistry   sesait   3878   Asked 12 years ago
Really need help in chemisty 161Lab
Really need help in chemisty 161Lab
I need help with my lab worksheet.... i have no clue to anything. its somewhat like the question asked by jellyfish on sept. 27, 2010. "overall reaction of zinc metal and tincture of iodine". But this is a continuation of it, afterwards i add in a few drops  of chlorine (bleach) and now i'm supposed to find the Reaction of Iodide and Chlorine (in bleach) - OXIDAT
Chemistry   johnt   887   Asked 12 years ago
Recrystallization....Last CHEM LAB, Any Takers
Recrystallization....Last CHEM LAB, Any Takers
(a) Describe, in as much detail as possible, the process of recrystallization as a method for purification of a solid. How does it work? What do you do?


(b) How do you make a “supersaturated” solution? How is this different than a “saturated” solution?


(c) Describe what happens when solute is added to:
    a saturated
Chemistry   Sbljml   1765   Asked 12 years ago
What is the correct value for Avogadro's number?
What is the correct value for Avogadro's number?
Question 1 of 12    4.0/ 4.0 Points
What is the correct value for Avogadro's number?

A. 6.022 × 102.3   

B. 6.022 × 1033   

C. 6.023 × 1022   

D. 6.022 × 1023   

E. none of the above   

Answer Key: D
Question 2 of 12    4.0/ 4.0 Points
What is the mass of 1.56 × 1021 atoms of magnesium in grams?
Chemistry   tater218   14600   Asked 12 years ago
A balloon filled with 0.500 L of air at sea level is submerged in the water to a depth that produces
A balloon filled with 0.500 L of air at sea level is submerged in the water to a depth that produces
Question 1 of 12    0.0/ 4.0 Points
A balloon filled with 0.500 L of air at sea level is submerged in the water to a depth that produces a pressure of 3.25 atm. What is the volume of the balloon at this depth?

A. 1.63 L   

B. 0.615 L   

C. 0.154 L   

D. 6.50 L   

E. none of the above   

Answer Key: C
Chemistry   tater218   10421   Asked 12 years ago
What is meant by "the heat death of the universe"?
What is meant by "the heat death of the universe"?
What is meant by "the heat death of the universe"?
A) The universe will end in a giant inferno.
B) The universe will reach thermal equilibrium.
C) Some day the sun will explode and we will all burn.
D) Some day the sun will cease to provide electromagnetic radiation.
E) The radiation from the stars will continuously heat up the universe.
Chemistry   PPK   1144   Asked 12 years ago
An ideal monatomic gas undergoes an isothermal expansion. It is correct to affir
An ideal monatomic gas undergoes an isothermal expansion. It is correct to affir
An ideal monatomic gas undergoes an isothermal expansion. It is correct to affirm that its entropy
A) decreases.
B) remains unchanged.
C) increases.
D) cannot be predicted with the data given.
Chemistry   PPK   1897   Asked 12 years ago
Which of the following is a statement of the third law of thermodynamics?
Which of the following is a statement of the third law of thermodynamics?
Which of the following is a statement of the third law of thermodynamics?
A) If two objects are in equilibrium with a third, then they are in thermal equilibrium with one another.
B) The entropy of the universe cannot decrease.
C) The entropy of the universe cannot increase.
D) All reversible engines operating between the same two temperatures have the same effic
Chemistry   PPK   644   Asked 12 years ago
One of the most efficient engines built so far has the following characteristics
One of the most efficient engines built so far has the following characteristics
One of the most efficient engines built so far has the following characteristics:  combustion chamber temperature = 1900°C, exhaust temperature = 430°C, 7.0 × 109 cal of fuel produces 1.4 × 1010 J of work in one hour. 
(a)  What is the actual efficiency of this engine?
(b)  What is the Carnot efficiency of the engine?
(c)  What is the power o
Chemistry   PPK   1355   Asked 12 years ago
An athlete doing push-ups performs 650 kJ of work and loses 425 kJ of heat. What
An athlete doing push-ups performs 650 kJ of work and loses 425 kJ of heat. What
An athlete doing push-ups performs 650 kJ of work and loses 425 kJ of heat. What is the change in the internal energy of the athlete?
A) -225 kJ
B) -1075 kJ
C) 1075 kJ
D) 225 kJ
E) 276 kJ
Chemistry   PPK   3393   Asked 12 years ago
1.50 moles of an ideal monatomic gas are initially at a temperature of 317 K. If
1.50 moles of an ideal monatomic gas are initially at a temperature of 317 K. If
1.50 moles of an ideal monatomic gas are initially at a temperature of 317 K. If the gas gains 2730 J of heat and performs 780 J of work, what is its final temperature?
A) 359 K
B) 421 K
C) 526 K
D) 687 K
E) 756 K
Chemistry   PPK   2133   Asked 12 years ago
A gas expands from an initial volume of 30.0 L to a final volume of 65.0 L at a
A gas expands from an initial volume of 30.0 L to a final volume of 65.0 L at a
A gas expands from an initial volume of 30.0 L to a final volume of 65.0 L at a constant pressure of 110 kPa. How much work is done by the gas?
A) 3.85 kJ
B) 10.4 kJ
C) 3850 kJ
D) 10.4 MJ
E) 3.85 MJ
Chemistry   PPK   2997   Asked 12 years ago
A gas expands from an initial volume of 0.040 m3 to a final volume of 0.085 m3 w
A gas expands from an initial volume of 0.040 m3 to a final volume of 0.085 m3 w
A gas expands from an initial volume of 0.040 m3 to a final volume of 0.085 m3 while its pressure increases linearly with the volume (so that the process follows a straight-line path in a P-V diagram) from 110 kPa to 225 kPa. How much work is done by the system?
A) 5.2 kJ
B) 7.5 kJ
C) 7.8 kJ
D) 11 kJ
E) 12 kJ
Chemistry   PPK   3183   Asked 12 years ago
3.0 moles of gas expand from an initial volume of 0.040 m3 to a final volume of
3.0 moles of gas expand from an initial volume of 0.040 m3 to a final volume of
3.0 moles of gas expand from an initial volume of 0.040 m3 to a final volume of 0.085 m3 while the temperature of the gas is kept fixed at 300 K. How much work is done by the system?
A) 5.6 kJ
B) 6.6 kJ
C) 7.6 kJ
D) 8.6 kJ
E) 14 kJ
Chemistry   PPK   1661   Asked 12 years ago
A gas expands from an initial volume of 0.040 m3 and an initial pressure of 210
A gas expands from an initial volume of 0.040 m3 and an initial pressure of 210
A gas expands from an initial volume of 0.040 m3 and an initial pressure of 210 kPa to a final volume of 0.065 m3 while its temperature is kept constant. How much work is done by the system?
A) 3.7 kJ
B) 4.1 kJ
C) 5.3 kJ
D) 5.6 kJ
E) 7.9 kJ
Chemistry   PPK   1796   Asked 12 years ago
A gas expands at constant temperature from an initial volume of 0.040 m3 and an
A gas expands at constant temperature from an initial volume of 0.040 m3 and an
A gas expands at constant temperature from an initial volume of 0.040 m3 and an initial pressure of 210 kPa until its pressure drops to 135 kPa. How much work is done by the system?
A) 3.0 kJ
B) 3.7 kJ
C) 4.1 kJ
D) 5.6 kJ
E) 7.9 kJ
Chemistry   PPK   1822   Asked 12 years ago
A 40.0-L container is divided into two equal parts by a rubber membrane. One hal
A 40.0-L container is divided into two equal parts by a rubber membrane. One hal
A 40.0-L container is divided into two equal parts by a rubber membrane. One half of the container has 1.50 moles of an ideal monatomic gas at 250 K, and the other half is a vacuum. The container is well insulated, so there is no exchange of heat with the surroundings. The membrane breaks, and eventually the gas reaches a new equilibrium condition occupying the entire volume. What i
Chemistry   PPK   1055   Asked 12 years ago
A monatomic ideal gas with an initial pressure of 500 kPa and an initial volume
A monatomic ideal gas with an initial pressure of 500 kPa and an initial volume
A monatomic ideal gas with an initial pressure of 500 kPa and an initial volume of 1.80 L expands isothermally to a final volume of 5.20 L. How much work is done on the gas in this process?
A) 955 J
B) 900 J
C) 875 J
D) 1570 J
E) 1700 J
Chemistry   PPK   1994   Asked 12 years ago
How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 2 moles of an ideal monato
How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 2 moles of an ideal monato
How much heat is required to raise the temperature of 2 moles of an ideal monatomic gas by 10 C° at constant volume?
A) 249 J
B) 416 J
C) 208 J
D) 200 J
E) 125 J
Chemistry   PPK   1507   Asked 12 years ago
A certain ideal gas has a molar specific heat at constant volume Cv = 7R/5. What
A certain ideal gas has a molar specific heat at constant volume Cv = 7R/5. What
A certain ideal gas has a molar specific heat at constant volume Cv = 7R/5. What is its molar specific heat at constant pressure?
A) 12R/5
B) 7R/3
C) 12R/7
D) 12R/5
E) 4R
Chemistry   PPK   2833   Asked 12 years ago
20.0 L of a monatomic ideal gas at a pressure of 100 kPa expand adiabatically un
20.0 L of a monatomic ideal gas at a pressure of 100 kPa expand adiabatically un
20.0 L of a monatomic ideal gas at a pressure of 100 kPa expand adiabatically until the volume doubles. What is the pressure in the gas at that point?
A) 31.5 kPa
B) 50.0 kPa
C) 200 kPa
D) 317 kPa
E) 400 kPa
Chemistry   PPK   752   Asked 12 years ago
700 J of heat are added to 12 moles of an ideal monatomic gas at constant volume
700 J of heat are added to 12 moles of an ideal monatomic gas at constant volume
700 J of heat are added to 12 moles of an ideal monatomic gas at constant volume. What is the change in temperature?
A) 4.7 K
B) 5.2 K
C) 5.8 J
D) 6.8 K
E) 9.3 K
Chemistry   PPK   1062   Asked 12 years ago
How much heat is required to increase the temperature of 1.70 moles of an ideal
How much heat is required to increase the temperature of 1.70 moles of an ideal
How much heat is required to increase the temperature of 1.70 moles of an ideal monatomic gas by 23.0 K at constant pressure?
A) 812 J
B) 346 J
C) 751 J
D) 391 J
E) 290 J
Chemistry   PPK   1662   Asked 12 years ago
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