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tyty93 tyty93
Posts: 341
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6 years ago
Imagine that a male and a female have each received enthusiastic praise for their lab reports. What would you be likely to observe about their self-confidence?
  a. The self-confidence of both would rise significantly.
  b. The self-confidence of the male would rise more than the self-confidence of the female.
  c. The self-confidence of the female would rise more than the self-confidence of the male.
  d. Neither person would show a change in self-confidence.

Question 2

Your text describes a study in which students worked on a series of cognitive tasks and then received either positive or negative comments about their performance. The results of this research indicated that
  a. women's self-confidence stayed the same, regardless of the type of comments.
  b. women's self-confidence increased greatly after positive comments and decreased greatly after negative comments.
  c. both men and women had increased confidence after positive comments, but after negative comments men's confidence dropped more than women's.
  d. gender differences were not found in this study.

Question 3

Chapter 5 discussed a study in which high school students were asked to recall their score on an important mathematics test that they had completed two years earlier. The results of the study showed that the gender differences in their recalled scores
  a. were largest when students had strong gender stereotypes about math ability.
  b. were smallest when students had strong gender stereotypes about math ability.
  c. were smallest when students had low math ability.
  d. were not significant in any of the conditions.

Question 4

In which of the following situations would you expect men and women to be most different with respect to self-confidence?
  a. a task that is stereotypically masculine
  b. a task that everyone has performed many times in the past
  c. a noncompetitive, low-key task
  d. a task that is stereotypically feminine

Question 5

What can we conclude about self-confidence on achievement tasks?
  a. In general, no gender differences appear in this area.
  b. When working with no one else in the room, women are more self-confident than men.
  c. No major gender differences in self-confidence appear when the task is described as being one that women are good at..
  d. Men are much more self-confident than women on traditionally masculine tasks; women are somewhat more self-confident than men on traditionally feminine tasks.

Question 6

When should women be likely to provide low estimates of their self-confidence, in comparison to men's estimates?
  a. after someone else has just revealed a low grade
  b. when performing a stereotypically feminine task
  c. when performing a gender-neutral task
  d. when judging their ability to comfort a friend
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  C

(Answer to Q. 2)  B

(Answer to Q. 3)  A

(Answer to Q. 4)  A

(Answer to Q. 5)  C

(Answer to Q. 6)  A
tyty93 Author
6 years ago
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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