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puntersrppl2 puntersrppl2
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6 years ago
An older adult patient expresses concern about developing cancer in the future and asks the nurse advice about cancer prevention. The nurse shares that
  a. Eating foods high in protein, such as chicken and fish, promote cell growth and repair, thus minimizing the risk.
  b. Although there are some behaviors that can help minimize your risk, the possibility of developing cancer is usually determined by age 65.
  c. Most cancers that develop after age 65 generally respond well to cancer treatment modalities.
  d. Cancers that develop late in life are gen-erally slow growing, so they generally do not contribute to this group's mortality.

Question 2

The nurse feels most confident that an older patient is prepared to assume self-management of new type 2 insulin-dependent diabetes when the patient
  a. is heard asking her son to check the insu-lin's expiration date.
  b. is able to identify the symptoms of hy-poglycemia.
  c. asks why she needs to test her glucose le-vels so frequently.
  d. inquires why she needs to have an A1C test every 3 months.

Question 3

A nurse is watching a parade during the summer and notices an older adult looking faint and acting somewhat confused. The patient has hot dry skin. While waiting for the rescue squad, what action by the nurse is most effective?
  a. Spraying the person with a water mist
  b. Giving the person iced tea to drink
  c. Having the person sit down on the grass
  d. Pouring cold water over the person's head

Question 4

A patient with arthritis has difficulty participating is sex because of joint pain and stiffness. What action by the nurse is best?
  a. Suggest a warm shower prior to sexual activity.
  b. Ask the patient if he or she needs more pain medication.
  c. Explore other ways of expressing sexual-ity.
  d. Refer the patient to a rheumatologist.

Question 5

The nurse caring for an older adult patient being treated for influenza is especially careful to monitor and document assessment data related to
  a. cognitive function.
  b. respiratory function.
  c. fluid intake.
  d. urinary output.

Question 6

The student learning about gerontologic nursing knows that which features are commonly associated with geriatric failure to thrive? (Select all that apply.)
  a. Impaired physical function
  b. Depression
  c. Malnutrition
  d. Cognitive decline
  e. Poor dentition

Question 7

An 85-year-old patient's blood gasses are as follows: pH 7.4, PAO2 75 mmHg, PACO2 38 mmHg, HCO3 25. What action by the nurse is best?
  a. Administer oxygen per facemask
  b. Assess the patient's shortness of breath
  c. Assess the patient's oxygen saturation
  d. Document the findings in the chart
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Most cancers are the result of a lifelong exposure, so the risk of developing malignant disease after age 65 is probably already determined by the time one reaches that age. If exposure to pro-moters can be avoided or reduced and antipromoters can be used, then cancerous transformation may not take place or may be delayed. The other statements are not accurate.

Answer to #2

Adherence is greatly improved when the patient is in agreement with the treatment plan and shows a willingness to follow it. The patient is requesting help ensuring that the insulin is not expired. Knowledge about symptoms does not equate with adherence. Asking questions does not indicate adherence or not.

Answer to #3

Spraying the person with a cold-water mist will help dissipate heat, especially if the nurse then fans the person. Iced tea is a diuretic and will increase fluid loss. Having the person sit down is a good idea, as long as the person sits in the shade. Pouring cold water over the person's head is not as effective as a water spray mist.

Answer to #4

A warm shower can reduce pain and stiffness, making sexual activity more enjoyable. The patient may need more pain medication, but the sedating effects may be counterproductive. The patient does not indicate he or she cannot or does not want to participate in sex, so suggesting other means of expression is not really addressing the core issue. Referral is possible, but the nurse needs to provide some intervention first.

Answer to #5

Pneumonia may follow influenza, so respiratory function must be assessed effectively.
The other assessments are not as high a priority.

Answer to #6

A, B, C, D
According to one description of failure to thrive, components include impaired physical function, depression, malnutrition, and cognitive decline. Poor dentition is not specifically mentioned.

Answer to #7

These values are normal for the patient's age. If the patient had complaints, the nurse would per-form further assessments, but because the patient does not appear to have complaints, the nurse documents the results.
puntersrppl2 Author
6 years ago
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