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Mahnoor24 Mahnoor24
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6 years ago
A staff nurse is speaking with a nurse manager regarding politics and nursing. The nurse manager explains that politics exists in any system where which of the following conditions exists?
  a. Abundant resources c. Competing interests for resources
  b. Unlimited control of resources d. Unlimited distribution of resources

Question 2

An organization's culture of safety is the result of shared values and behaviors that demonstrate which of the following? Select all that apply.
  a. Agreement on the importance of safety
  b. History of service to the community
  c. Communications based on mutual trust
  d. Mission statement that focuses on staff
  e. Importance of being a decentralized organization
  f. Confidence in the ability to prevent errors through the use of known safety practices

Question 3

A relatively new emerging role that allows the nurse a unique opportunity to offer novel treatment approaches to patients who may have otherwise reached a dead end in their treatment course is known as which of the following?
  a. Legal Nurse Consultant c. Clinical Nurse Specialist
  b. Clinical Research Nurse d. Nurse Entrepreneur

Question 4

Nurse managers can best be described as people who:
  a. Develop institutional goals based on staff suggestions.
  b. Develop institutional goals based on a personal theory.
  c. Motivate staff to meet institutional goals through positional power.
  d. Inspire staff to meet institutional goals through personal power.

Question 5

A group of nurses decide to leave their positions at their respective hospitals. They decide that it would be a new experience to open their own home health agency. The role that this group has taken is that of which of the following?
  a. unionizers c. patient advocates
  b. entrepreneurs d. trailblazers

Question 6

Reasons for an organization to rethink its structure would include which of the following? Select all that apply.
  a. A change in leadership
  b. External review problems
  c. Severe problems in staff performance
  d. High morale among staff
  e. Increased patient satisfaction
  f. Development of new programs and project lines

Question 7

You have been considering advancing your nursing career. You decide to utilize your knowledge and clinical expertise to provide services, such as expert opinions or advice on health, illness, and injury-related issues.
  Based on this, you would most likely choose to become a: a. Legal Nurse Consultant c. Clinical Nurse Specialist
  b. Clinical Research Nurse d. Wound Care Nurse

Question 8

Who was the first recorded nurse administering anesthesia?
  a. Loretta Ford c. Alice Magaw
  b. Sister Mary Bernard d. Mary Breckenridge

Question 9

Some of the quality measures for an Emergency Department might include which of the following? Select all that apply.
  a. Increase in patient satisfaction
  b. Decrease in patient complaints
  c. Reduction in market share
  d. Increase in repeat asthma patient visits
  e. Development of patient education material
  f. Review of all Emergency Department deaths
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Politics exists in any system where there are competing interests for resources, resources are scarce,
resources are limited, a group of people control more resources than others, and there is control over
the distribution of resources.

Answer to #2

A, C, F
An organization's culture of safety is the result of shared values and behaviors that demonstrate
agreement on the importance of safety, communications based on mutual trust, and confidence in the
ability to prevent errors through the use of known safety practices. History of service to the
community does not specifically relate to a culture of safety. Most mission statements do not
specifically focus on the staff. Both centralized and decentralized organization can have a culture of

Answer to #3

The Clinical Research Nurse is a relatively new emerging role that allows the nurse a unique
opportunity to offer novel treatment approaches to patients who may have otherwise reached a dead
end in their treatment course. The CRN coordinates the day to day management of a research trial,
though the primary research investigator still has ultimate responsibility for all study activities. The
CRN is employed by the health care site, which may be a hospital, university setting, private health
care practice, etc.

Answer to #4


A Nurse managers usually do not make institutional goals.
B Nurse managers usually do not make institutional goals.
C Managers motivate staff to make changes.
D Leaders inspire, not managers.

Answer to #5

Nurse entrepreneurs manage and assume the risks of a business or enterprise. By starting their own
home health agency the nurses are assuming all of the responsibilities for the functioning of their

Answer to #6

A, B, C, F
Shortell and Kalunzy identify situations in which an organization's structure should be rethought.
These include experiencing severe problems in performance, customer satisfaction, or internal/external
review; and change in environment, programs, services, or leadership.

Answer to #7

The legal nurse consultant is an individual who utilizes knowledge and clinical expertise to provide
services, such as expert opinions or advice on health, illness, and injury-related issues.

Answer to #8

The first recorded nurse administering anesthesia was Sister Mary Bernard, a Catholic nun, in 1877.
Alice Magaw, is considered the mother of anesthesia for her outstanding contributions to the field.
Mary Breckenridge was a British midwife who worked with the Frontier Nursing Services in rural
Kentucky in the 1920s. Loretta Ford helped establish the role of the nurse practitioner in 1975 at the
University of Colorado

Answer to #9

A, B, E, F
Quality measures would reflect improvements such as an increase in patient satisfaction, decrease in
patient complaints, development of patient education material, and a review of all Emergency
Department deaths. Reduction in market share and an increase in repeat asthma patient visits do not
indicate improvement.
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