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pretty_yas pretty_yas
Posts: 342
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6 years ago
Margot is a second grader who seems to have little or no motivation to learn in the classroom; as her teacher, you have noticed that she doesn't put much effort into her assignments. Instead, she talks incessantly to the students around her during independent seatwork time. Using each of the concepts listed below, describe four different strategies you might use to help Margot improve her academic performance. For each strategy, be specific and concrete about what you would do.  Intrinsic reinforcement  Shaping  Secondary reinforcement  Vicarious reinforcement
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 2

Choose the teacher below who is most likely to empower students by promoting a sense of autonomy in his or her students.
  A) Ms. Andre provides several possible organizational schemes that students can use, if they wish, to organize their oral presentations.
  B) Mr. Brooks reminds his students that the deadline for their research paper is a week from Friday.
  C) Mr. Chambers praises his students for continuing to work quietly when he was called away from the classroom.
  D) Ms. Dacono reminds her students, You should know your multiplication tables by now.

Ques. 3

Which one of the following statements best describes psychologists' concept of a need for autonomy?
  A) Reinforcing yourself when you do a good job
  B) Believing that you have some control over what you do
  C) Deciding what kind of person you want to become
  D) Knowing that you can accomplish something if you just put your mind to it

Ques. 4

When choosing a partner to work on a science fair project, James selects a close friend who isn't particularly good in science. Which basic human need is James probably trying to satisfy?
  A) His need for autonomy
  B) His need for arousal
  C) His need for relatedness
  D) His need to enhance his self-efficacy about academic subject matter

Ques. 5

Three of the following are true statements about intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Which one is false?
  A) High levels of intrinsic motivation during an activity can lead to flow.
  B) Extrinsic motivation can be effective when students won't otherwise engage in an activity.
  C) Students' intrinsic motivation to learn school subject matter tends to decrease as they get older.
  D) Students who have high intrinsic motivation must also have low extrinsic motivation.

Ques. 6

Which one of the following statements best reflects the concept of collective self-efficacy?
  A) Over time, students develop a general sense of self-efficacy that influences their performance in a wide variety of content domains.
  B) As students get older, their self-confidence about performing certain tasks becomes fairly stable and so is less influenced by any single success or failure experience.
  C) Students may have greater confidence about accomplishing a task when they work with others rather than alone.
  D) Some students have greater self-confidence when they have technological resources (spreadsheet software, Internet access, etc.) to help them in their efforts.

Ques. 7

Three of the following characterize students with a mastery goal. Which one characterizes students with a performance goal?
  A) Thinking that if you have to try hard, you must not be very capable
  B) Thinking that you're doing well as long as you're making progress, even though you're not totally successful
  C) Seeking out your teacher's guidance when you're having trouble doing something
  D) Being bored by easy tasks

Ques. 8

Mr. Richardson does not expect much of his students from a low-income, inner-city neighborhood. Given what we know about the effects of teacher expectations, which outcome is most likely?
  A) His students are likely to learn information in a rote rather than meaningful fashion.
  B) His students are likely to develop higher self-efficacy than they would otherwise.
  C) His students are more likely to develop a realistic understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses than they would otherwise.
  D) His students are likely to achieve at a lower level than they would otherwise.

Ques. 9

In which one of the following situations is a student attributing failure to a stable and uncontrollable factor?
  A) Jason tells himself that he failed the last history test because the substitute teacher constructed a bad test. He expects to do better when his regular teacher returns from maternity leave.
  B) Kami tells herself that she is getting low grades in math because, like her mom, she just isn't any good at math.
  C) Lana thinks she was the last one chosen for the baseball team because she hadn't been practicing enough. She vows to do better next time.
  D) Marley believes she is having trouble in music because she has been absent the last two weeks. She knows she'll have to work extra hard to catch up to her class.

Ques. 10

Four students in Mr. Kent's physical education class have just done poorly on the school district's physical fitness test. Which student is exhibiting a mastery goal?
  A) Muriel gets As in all her other classes so she doesn't mind getting a C in physical education.
  B) Patrice is very upset about her poor performance and plans to work very hard to do better next year because she doesn't want her friends to think she's a wimp.
  C) Oliver is going to come back after class to look at his scores and ask Mr. Kent for suggestions about how to improve in his weak areas.
  D) Robert plans to start working out this very weekend so that he'll be in better shape. Because his father is the school football coach, everyone expects Robert to excel in athletics.

Ques. 11

Given what motivation theorists tell us about factors that influence the value learners attach to various activities, which one of the following activities are you least likely to value?
  A) One that is usually enjoyable
  B) One at which you'll have to work exceptionally hard to succeed
  C) One that you don't enjoy but is important for career success
  D) One that will enable you to obtain desired reinforcement

Ques. 12

The four children below are all learning how to play the piano. Which one of them best illustrates the role of value in motivation?
  A) Angie takes piano lessons mainly because her parents insist that she does.
  B) Beth thinks her teacher has asked her to play a piece of music that is too difficult for her.
  C) Mia thinks that it's important to develop her musical ability to be a well-rounded person.
  D) Dena is afraid of how embarrassed she'll be if she makes a mistake.
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6 years ago
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pretty_yas Author
6 years ago
Perfect on my quiz, so smart <3
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