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monroe025 monroe025
Posts: 97
11 years ago
A dear friend sent this email to me. I copy and pasted it (with removal of any identifying info) with the hopes that someone may have a have a suggestion as to what they might be suffering from. The friend is currently residing in Asia.

Current Symptoms

Poor Blood Circulation

- Dizziness
- Mental Fog
- Vein Pain when I'm tired
-Arterial Pulse in forehead, stomach  (off and on)

Soreness (inflammation) of Rib Cage ( exelerated by either glutten, dairy or a mix of the two


From what I remember I got 3-4 blood test at a clinic.  Checking Thyroid Fucntion, Red and White Blood Cell Count, and Vitamin D, I also had a sonogram there.

July 16- I can't remember what they test for, but I have a list of serum, Whole Blood, and Serum Blood result.  They said nothing stood out.

July 31- (same as above) I had a blood test to check Vitamin D Levels & White and Red Blood Cells. All was in order.  Vitamin D level  was 26.51, the range of normality is 9.0-37.6 I believe.

August 24th- I had a sonogram of my abdomen, Liver, Pancreas, GB, Spleen and Kidney which revealed Mild hepatomegaly, and revealed a cyst of .7 cm. I was later told the cyst isn't causing a problem, but told a liver check up is recommended.  They said all the  organs were functioning properly.

August 26- ( I switch to the Int'l Health Clinic)
They ran a test for Hepatitis the result,  normal liver function, no hepatitis A, B, or C, I have immunity to hepatitis A but not to hepatitis B.

September 7-We did an X-ray the following week which showed I had pocket of gas along my rib cage on the right side and was generally back up.  So I stopped eating bread, meat and greasy foods for a few weeks.  Then I bought a juicer and started to cleanse by eliminating Glutten and Diary out of my Life.

September 11- I tested Negative for mono and helicobacter pylori.

Oct. 23- I complained of Bone pain and suggested Doc check for Fibromylgia, and Rheumatism markers.  He said they found none.

October 24- I started thinking about Candida, added more kimchi to my diet, cut back on things that fed into it.

October 26- I noticed an Arterial Pulse in my forehead. Went to the Doctor and told him about Candida and how I was still having rib cage pain but I had eliminated a lot of stuff from my diet.  He gave me some meds for pain, anti-fugals pills to treat Candida, and something for my arterial pulse, tho I stopped taking it after a few days.  I was given meds for 10 days (pain pills, and anti-fugal) and 15 days of the stuff for my arterial pulse.  Since that time my arterial pulse comes and goes and it has moved around from my forehead to my stomach.  I generally notice a tightening of my blood vessels.

Now- I think it's Inflammation in my ribs, Poor blood circulation and Fatigue.  I was gonna look into Lyme but I'm not sure if my bite mark from 5 months ago looks anything like a tick. I also thought about an MRI. Not really sure what to do next but I do know my symptoms,  I slept 4 hours in the middle of the day.  My legs fall asleep very quickly these days and my thoughts are more scattered.
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10 Replies

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Valued Member
On Hiatus
11 years ago
The first thing that came to my mind is a heart disease.Why not do a heart check up? Sometimes heart diseases causes pain at the ribs. Also, the rest of the symptoms aren't irrelevant.

11 years ago
I'd suggest look at the person's cortisol levels; the fatigue I think gives it away. Have your friends kidney's check, in addition to her adrenal gland. If the adrenal gland isn't working properly, you could have the symptoms you've described.
Valued Member
On Hiatus
11 years ago
I think it is highly possible that all these symptoms are caused by the vain pain (which is caused by the pocked of gas at the rib cage).

Generally, chronic pains are known to cause fatigues. (They can also cause the rest of the symptoms.)
11 years ago
She could also have a knot in her back. Muscle knots commonly cause pain in your neck, back, and shoulders, and this could feel like she's have spasms on her anterior side.
Valued Member
On Hiatus
11 years ago Edited: 11 years ago, alext
Maybe, but it was mentioned that he has a gas pocket, so the pain is more possible to be caused by the gas pocket.

Edit: why the quote included only the word "knot"?... nvm...
11 years ago
But the gas pocket symptom doesn't make sense to me Undecided, what does that even mean? Our lungs are a pocket very gas exchange takes place. Is she feeling a lump of some sort? Could be tuberculosis if she experient a bite of some sort a while back.
monroe025 Author
11 years ago
Thank you so much for your suggestions. My friend is a he, and I will offer the heart disease, kidney, adrenal and cortisol check-ups as suggestions to him.
Valued Member
On Hiatus
11 years ago
The pocket of gas (at the ribs) isn't a symptom. It means some air has somehow trapped at the ribs of the patient. It often causes pain.
Here is a site explaining what a pocket of gas is:

I still believe that the symptoms are more likely caused by the pain. However, that doesn't exclude the possibility that other problems may be responsible for the symptoms.

11 years ago
We can't assume anything yet until your friend, as the articles put it, goes for an ultrasounds or MRI. Thinking Face
monroe025 Author
11 years ago
I think he said he did go for an MRI & has had ultrasounds. I am waiting on an update from him now.
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