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rmills rmills
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9 years ago
Introduction to Criminal Justice 101.02
Review Questions
Chapter 13 & 14

1.   The period of history when philosophers and reformers challenged the prison tradition with new ideas about the individual, limits of government, and rationalism was called the
a.   Enlightenment
b.   Renaissance
c.   Civil War
d.   Reconstruction

2.   Which of the following signaled a new round of reform in prisons by focusing on the goal of punishment as the moral regeneration of criminals?
a.   Cincinnati Declaration of Principles
b.   Declaration of Independence
c.   New York Declaration of Prisons
d.   Pennsylvania Declaration of Penology

3.   Where in the U.S were the first penitentiaries located?
a.   New Jersey and Pennsylvania
b.   New York and New Jersey
c.   New York and Pennsylvania
d.   Nevada and Pennsylvania

4.   What system held prisoners in isolation at night and made them work with fellow prisoners in shops during the day?
a.   Medical
b.   Congregate
c.   separate confinement
d.   crime control

5.   A model that was based on the assumption that the goal of corrections should be to reintegrate the offender into the community is referred to as the
a.   congregate model
b.   medical model
c.   rehabilitation model
d.   community corrections model

6.   Which of the following best describes the organization of corrections in the United States?
a.   Centralized
b.   Fragmented
c.   Unified
d.   Nationalized

7.   The organization of corrections in the United States leaves the primary responsibility for administering prisons with the
a.   States
b.   United Nations
c.   regional governing associations
d.   Towns

8.   The central idea of the community corrections approach is the
a.   most alternative restriction
b.   least alternative restriction
c.   average alternative restriction
d.   "supermax" alternative restriction

9.   Which of the following is TRUE about privately run prisons?
a.   private prisons are regarded as more costly
b.   private prisons are regarded as unreliable
c.   the profit incentive can interfere with the quality of service
d.   private prisons do not have to comply with the standards of federal agencies

10.   The primary function of jails is to
a.   hold persons for less than one year
b.   hold persons for more than one year
c.   hold persons for more than five years
d.   avoid the stigma of prison

11.   For which claimed freedom or right have prisoners been least successful in persuading federal courts to provide protection?
a.   freedom of speech
b.   freedom of religion
c.   right against unreasonable search and seizure
d.   right against cruel and unusual punishment

12.   Prisoners' right to due process requires that
a.   they be allowed to conduct religious services
b.   they be given food and medical care
c.   they have access to television and recreation
d.   they have hearings when charged with serious disciplinary infractions

13.   Which of the following is TRUE concerning prison rates in Europe compared to the United States?
a.   Europe and the United States have similar incarceration rates
b.   Europe has a higher incarceration rate
c.   the United States has a higher incarceration rate
d.   Europe and the United States have identical incarceration rates

14.   Community corrections assumes that
a.   only the offender needs to change
b.   only the community needs to change
c.   both the offender and the community need to adapt
d.   the offender and the community do not need to adapt

15.   Which of the following is NOT true about home confinement?
a.   home confinement is problematic because crimes can be committed from the home
b.   electronic monitoring in home confinement is more expensive than imprisonment
c.   home confinement raises the issue of the right to privacy because governmental corrections supervision has invaded a private home
d.   electronic monitoring in home confinement may involve technical problems with the effectiveness of the equipment

16.   The world's first probation officer was
a.   James Ferguson, an Irish police officer
b.   Sir Robert Peel, head of the London police
c.   O.W. Wilson, an American police chief
d.   John Augustus, a Boston bootmaker

17.   Probation is defined as
a.   home confinement
b.   electronic monitoring
c.   a short jail sentence
d.   supervised release under specified conditions

18.   Which of the following is TRUE about probation?
a.   probation is only used in combination with fines
b.   probation is only used in combination with restitution
c.   probation is only used in combination with community
d.   probation is used in combination with fines, restitution, and community service

19.   Which of the following is a challenge faced by probation officers?
a.   caseloads are increasingly smaller
b.   they must prioritize certain individuals over others
c.   risk classification methods are rarely used
d.   most probations are on electronic monitoring

20.   Which of the following is a technical violation that would cause an offenders' probation to be revoked?
a.   violating curfew
b.   failing a drug test
c.   using alcohol
d.   all of the above could be used to revoke probation

21.   At a combined probation revocation and sentencing hearing, the probationer is
a.   not permitted to attend
b.   being tried on new criminal charges
c.   subject to a "three strikes" life sentence
d.   entitled to be represented by counsel

22.   How much does the public support the use of community-based punishments rather than prison for nonviolent offenders?
a.   most citizens strongly support their use
b.   few citizens support their use
c.   most citizens are opposed to their use
d.   most citizens report that they “don’t care” about these offenders

23.   Which of the following is true concerning intermediate sanctions?
a.   judges use intermediate sanctions that only require a low level of control over the offender
b.   judges use intermediate sanctions that only require a high level of control over the offender
c.   judges use intermediate sanctions that require no control over the offender
d.   judges use a range of intermediate sanctions requiring a low level to high level of control over the offenders

24.   Repayment by an offender to a victim who has suffered some form of financial loss is called
a.   shock probation
b.   home arrest
c.   recidivism
d.   restitution

25.   Which of the following are likely to be used as community service?
a.   cleaning laundry while incarcerated
b.   working part-time at McDonald's
c.   wearing an electronic monitoring device
d.   cleaning parks and roadsides
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9 years ago
1.   The period of history when philosophers and reformers challenged the prison tradition with new ideas about the individual, limits of government, and rationalism was called the
a.   Enlightenment
b.   Renaissance
c.   Civil War
d.   Reconstruction


2.   Which of the following signaled a new round of reform in prisons by focusing on the goal of punishment as the moral regeneration of criminals?
a.   Cincinnati Declaration of Principles
b.   Declaration of Independence
c.   New York Declaration of Prisons
d.   Pennsylvania Declaration of Penology

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