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vinh vinh
Posts: 331
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6 years ago
Carol Zelner, the manager of a small event management company, is known for her efficiency. She provides the team with clearly defined tasks, guidelines, and directives. Further, she is always available to provide feedback or resolve troubles.
  Recently, with Carol on leave for about three weeks, the team had a lot of problems. The team members lacked the requisite information on client details, locations, and budgets and had to repeatedly cross-check with each other or the clients. Which of the following, if true, would best explain the problems faced by Carol's team currently?
  A) Members of Carol's team have a high degree of satisfaction with their role in the team's communication.
  B) Carol selects employees for her company by evaluating their personality traits to ensure that they fit well into the team-based environment of the company.
  C) Carol encourages all group members to actively communicate with each other.
  D) Carol's team primarily consists of individuals from low-context cultures.
  E) The communication in Carol's team follows the approach represented by a wheel network.

Question 2

Conservationists have had a perpetual conflict with the government of the United States over the fast and rampant depletion of Earth's natural resources.
  They argue that the United States must reduce its consumption level significantly to rectify this problem. Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the conservationists' argument?
  A) The United States has been conserving forests for several years.
  B) Most countries have not taken any measures to reduce their consumption levels of natural resources.
  C) There are several countries that have more requirements for resources than the United States.
  D) The United States accounts for one-third of the total world resource consumption.
  E) New resource deposits are constantly being discovered.

Question 3

Stability is one of the seven primary characteristics that capture the essence of an organization's culture. It indicates the degree to which ________.
  A) employees are encouraged to be innovative and take risks
  B) management focuses on results or outcomes rather than on the techniques and processes used to achieve them
  C) management decisions take into consideration the effect of outcomes on people within the organization
  D) work activities are organized around teams rather than individuals
  E) organizational activities emphasize maintaining the status quo in contrast to growth

Question 4

The ________ network is a type of formal small-group network that relies on a central figure to act as the conduit for all the group's communication.
  A) matrix
  B) chain
  C) wheel
  D) all channel
  E) cross-functional

Question 5

What is the difference between intergroup conflict and intragroup conflict? Provide an example of each type of conflict.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

Identify the three basic types of conflict from the perspective of where the conflict occurs and discuss why it is important to understand the loci of conflict in order to address conflict in the workplace.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 7

Peter is working on a project. He feels that the parameters need to be changed to meet client specifications.
  First, he must talk to his immediate supervisor, who will then discuss the issue with her department director before any change can be implemented. Peter is most likely to be a part of the ________ type of small-group communication networks.
  A) star network
  B) mesh network
  C) chain network
  D) all-channel network
  E) ring network

Question 8

What is the most severe penalty an organization can give to an employee?
  A) suspension
  B) transfer
  C) termination
  D) demotion
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