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emilyencar11 emilyencar11
Posts: 374
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6 years ago
How should routine replies and positive replies close?
  A) With a sincere apology for the trouble caused
  B) With an expression of appreciation or goodwill
  C) With a detailed explanation of the request
  D) With a mention of the consequences of non-compliance
  E) With information about the negative aspects of the request, if any

Ques. 2

If negative news is likely to be a surprise to the reader, an indirect approach should be used.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Ques. 3

If follow up action is needed in response to a routine message, identify who will do what and when in the body of the message.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Ques. 4

When developing an opening statement for routine messages, what should the writer consider?
  A) The most important thing the writer wants to convey
  B) The most important thing the audience wants to know
  C) The level of detail needed
  D) The potential reaction of the audience
  E) What channel and medium should be used to convey the message

Ques. 5

When is it appropriate to use the direct approach for routine messages?
  A) When the reader may not be interested in what you have to say
  B) When you want to save the reader time
  C) When you have something to offer the reader
  D) When the readers will be interested in what you have to say
  E) When you are composing a message that will stay internal to the organization

Ques. 6

Opening statements should be what?
  A) Detailed
  B) Brief and to the point
  C) Neutral
  D) Hedge sentences
  E) Apologetic
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Answer: B
Explanation: B) Your message is more likely to succeed if it leaves your readers with the feeling that you have their best interests in mind. You can accomplish this by highlighting a benefit to the audience or by expressing appreciation or goodwill.

Answer to #2

Answer: TRUE
Explanation: The more complete description is less negative and emphasizes how the audience can benefit from the change. However, if the negative news is likely to be a shock or particularly unpleasant for the reader, you'll want to use the indirect approach.

Answer to #3

Answer: FALSE
Explanation: The close of routine replies and positive messages is usually short and simple, because you're leaving things on a neutral or positive note and not usually asking for the reader to do anything. Often, a simple thank you is all you need. However, if follow-up action is required or expected, use the close to identify who will do what and when that action will take place.

Answer to #4

Answer: B
Explanation: B) The best way to write a clear opening is to have a clear idea of what you want to say. Before you begin, ask yourself, What is the single most important message I have for the audience?

Answer to #5

Answer: D
Explanation: D) Readers receiving routine replies and positive messages will generally be interested in what you have to say, so use the direct approach. Place your main idea (the positive reply or the good news) in the opening. Use the body to explain all the relevant details, and close cordially, perhaps highlighting a benefit to your reader.

Answer to #6

Answer: B
Explanation: B) By opening with the main idea or good news, you prepare your audience for the details that follow. Make your opening clear and concise.
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