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FlopCity FlopCity
Posts: 350
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6 years ago
Which of the following is true about emoticon use for business communications?
  A) Emoticons should only be used for internal communications.
  B) Emoticons should be avoided in all professional communications.
  C) Emoticons can soften the impact of negative messages.
  D) Emoticons can add depth and meaning to email messages.
  E) Emoticons can be used for internal and external messages very effectively.

Ques. 2

Email is considered what type of medium?
  A) Portable
  B) Instant
  C) Rich
  D) Expressive
  E) Lean

Ques. 3

Which part of the email often determines the audience's decision to read an email?
  A) Subject line
  B) Sender
  C) Attachment identification
  D) Overall appearance
  E) Spelling and grammar

Ques. 4

Analyzing the needs of the audience and the situation takes place during what stage of the email development process?
  A) Planning
  B) Writing
  C) Completing
  D) Revising
  E) Responding

Ques. 5

Which of the following is best for private, short to medium length messages?
  A) Microblogs
  B) Instant messaging
  C) Podcasts
  D) Wikis
  E) Emails

Ques. 6

Which of the following is true regarding email?
  A) It is secure.
  B) It is private.
  C) It is non-instantaneous.
  D) It is difficult to use for midsized messages.
  E) It is content specific.

Ques. 7

Companies often have formal email policies that would include all of the following except what?
  A) Using email services for personal messages
  B) Sending confidential information
  C) Sending objectionable material
  D) Opening attachments
  E) Who can be copied on emails
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Answer: B
Explanation: B) Recently, though, an increasing number of professionals seem to be using them, particularly for communication with close colleagues, even as other professionals continue to view them as evidence of lazy or immature writing. In the face of these conflicting perspectives, the best advice is to use caution. Avoid emoticons for all types of external communication and for formal internal communication, and avoid those bright yellow graphical emoticons (and particularly animated emoticons) in all business communication.

Answer to #2

Answer: E
Explanation: E) As a lean medium, email can present challenges when you need to express particular emotional nuances, whether positive or negative.

Answer to #3

Answer: A
Explanation: A) The email subject line might seem like a small detail, but it is actually one of the most important parts of an email message because it helps recipients decide which messages to read and when to read them. To capture your audience's attention, make your subject lines informative and compelling. Go beyond simply describing or classifying your message; use the opportunity to build interest with keywords, quotations, directions, or questions.

Answer to #4

Answer: A
Explanation: A) Even with fairly short messages, spend a moment or two on the message planning tasks, analyzing the situation, gathering necessary information for your readers, and organizing your message. You'll save time in the long run because you will craft a more effective message on the first attempt. Your readers will get the information they need and won't have to generate follow-up messages asking for clarification or additional information.

Answer to #5

Answer: E
Explanation: E) Email is still the best medium for many private, short- to medium-length messages, particularly when the exchange is limited to two people. Unlike with microblogs or IM, for instance, midsize messages are easy to compose and easy to read on email.

Answer to #6

Answer: C
Explanation: C) Email's non-instantaneous nature is an advantage when used properly. Email lets senders compose substantial messages in private and on their own schedule, and it lets recipients read those messages at their leisure.

Answer to #7

Answer: E
Explanation: E) Many companies now have formal email policies that specify how employees can use email, including restrictions against using company email service for personal messages, sending confidential information, or sending material that might be deemed objectionable. In addition, many employers now monitor email, either automatically with software programmed to look for sensitive content or manually via security staff actually reading selected email messages. Regardless of formal policies, though, every email user has a responsibility to avoid actions that could cause trouble, from opening virus-infected attachments to sending inappropriate photographs.
FlopCity Author
6 years ago
Dude, you're awesome. I wish I had you as my teacher!
6 years ago
Come to the forum always, I'll be around to assist you again
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