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Claudia899 Claudia899
Posts: 373
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6 years ago
In most cases, when making routine requests you should assume that the audience will not comply.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

Ques. 2

Much of the most critical communication between a company and its customers is about
  A) production issues.
  B) quality issues.
  C) unique problems that may arise.
  D) routine matters.
  E) personnel issues.

Ques. 3

Choosing between the direct and indirect approaches in a routine request depends primarily on
  A) whether the audience is internal or external.
  B) whether the audience is large or small.
  C) how reluctant the audience will be to comply.
  D) how soon you need the request fulfilled.
  E) when you send the request.

Ques. 4

Writing thank you in advance at the close of a routine request
  A) is courteous and effective.
  B) will guarantee a positive response.
  C) is best to avoid, since many people find it presumptuous.
  D) is most effective when you end the statement with an exclamation point.
  E) is expected when your audience is unfamiliar.

Ques. 5

When making an unusual or complex request, it is best to
  A) ask all at once, even if it makes results in one long and complicated question.
  B) use passive voice to state the request.
  C) break it down into specific, individual questions.
  D) use a particularly demanding tone.
  E) warn the audience that they might struggle to understand it.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Answer: FALSE
Explanation: Because the request is routine, you can generally assume that readers will comply, once they understand the reason for your request.

Answer to #2

Answer: D
Explanation: D) Much of the vital communication between a company and its customers is about routine matters, from product operation hints and technical support to refunds and order glitches. These messages fall into two groups: routine requests, in which you ask for information or action from another party, and a variety of routine and positive messages.

Answer to #3

Answer: C
Explanation: C) When writing routine and positive messages, use the indirect approach if you're not sure how the audience will respond. Some routine informative messages may require additional care. If a policy change or other announcement could have a profound negative effect on the audience, for example, use the indirect approach.

Answer to #4

Answer: C
Explanation: C) Don't thank the reader in advance for cooperating; many people find that presumptuous. If the reader's reply warrants a word of thanks, send it after you've received the reply.

Answer to #5

Answer: C
Explanation: C) Whether you are writing a formal letter or a simple instant message, you can use the body of your request to list a series of questions. If you have an unusual or complex request, break it down into specific, individual questions so that the reader can address each one separately. Do not put the burden of untangling a complicated request on your reader. The use of passive or active voice when making such a request is irrelevant. Using a demanding tone is not likely to produce the result you want. Warning the audience that they might struggle to understand the request is condescending.
Claudia899 Author
6 years ago
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