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cody.chaffee cody.chaffee
Posts: 388
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6 years ago
Which of the following best illustrates the core principles of scientific management?
  A)providing incentives to federal employees to develop programs to increase the efficiency of their agency
  B)changing the structure of government to eliminate hierarchy in favor of one with less clear lines of administrative responsibility
  C)using political loyalty as a basis for employment in the executive bureaucracy
  D)removing the federal agencies from the direct control of the president

Question -2-

Do you find the evidence supporting the democratic peace theory to be compelling, or do you support the criticisms set forth by Realist theory? Be specific in your answer.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question -3-

The decision by the Supreme Court in Bush v. Gore illustrates the ability of the Court to __________.
  A) be above politics in deciding cases
  B) become involved in politics
  C) be nonpartisan in political cases
  D) put institutional legitimacy ahead of politics

Question -4-

Which statement best characterizes Bill Clinton's transition?
  A) It is a model of best transition practices.
  B) It was well-planned during the pre-election stage.
  C) It is an example of the benefits of good vetting.
  D) It is an example of what not to do in a transition.
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2 Replies

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6 years ago
(Ans. #1)


(Ans. #2)

a. Define the democratic peace theory as a body of scholarship that argues that although democracies are not generally pacifist, they tend not to fight each other.
b. Note that the democratic peace theory is rooted in Liberal theory,which argues that because democraciesshare common political beliefs and institutions, hold each other in mutual respect, and communicate reasonably, they are less likely to go to war with each other but will wage war against autocratic governments.
c. Explain the Realist theory counterargument that posits that all states, democratic or not, are constantly vying for power and that political institutions have little effect on the actions of the states that they govern, noting that realists contest the claim thatspreading democracy is the best way to promote American security interests.
d.Argue either (1 ) for the democratic peace theory by noting the data that support it, including increased global interdependence between states fostered by the expansion of economic partnerships and international organizations, which has bolstered diplomatic ties between states,and noting that as the world has added democratic states, there have been fewer outbreaks of war between them; or (2 ) against the theory by noting that there is debate about how to definethe key terms used in the theory and noting that some of the main causal claims about why democracies tend not to fight each other are not supported by the empirical record.

(Ans. #3)


(Ans. #4)

cody.chaffee Author
6 years ago
All correct!
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