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mrmauricio123 mrmauricio123
Posts: 363
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6 years ago
At what age are students at greatest risk of being the victim of bullying?
  a. Early elementary school
  b. Late elementary school
  c. Middle school
  d. High school

Ques. 2

Which student is teasing about topics that are off limits for teasing?
  a. Hillary teasedDeMarcus about striking at a bad pitch.
  b. Barb teased Thom about going on a date with her friend Shawna.
  c. Danny teased Katie about having a bad hair day.
  d. Brandon teased Levi about being a fat Jew.

Ques. 3

What should teachers do about teasing among students?
  a. Teach students how to cope with harmful teasing without having hurt feelings or turning to adults.
  b. Ignore teasing among students at school.
  c. Teach students to read intentions of others and distinguish playful teasing from harmful teasing.
  d. Forbid teasing among students at school.

Ques. 4

Mrs. Bollar created four centers in her classroom that related to sea life. Children accessed books, photographs, charts and posters, computer programs, mini-movies, and models. At the end of the unit, the students visited an aquarium. What type of synaptic production takes place as a child accesses such a rich learning environment?
  a. Neurogenesis
  b. Myelination
  c. Experience-dependent
  d. Experience-expectant

Ques. 5

In her second grade classroom, Ms. Camp tried subtle approaches and then more intrusive approaches to get Brad to stay in his seat during group work and independent seatwork. He typically obeys when reminded, but today he acted defiant. Ms. Camp decided to impose a penalty for his misbehavior. She may effectively use any of the following methods of imposing a penalty EXCEPT:
  a. impose the penalty privately.
  b. offer him a choice to apologize for talking back and stop the disruptive behavior or sit apart from the group.
  c. deny Brad free time to take his turn playing a computer game.
  d. lower Brad's grade on the spelling assignment the class is doing.

Ques. 6

Ms. Simone teaches high school freshmen who often enter the high school scene feeling disconnected and overwhelmed. She wants to create a caring community and help these freshmen feel a sense of belonging. Which of the following actions is most likely to help her achieve her goal?
  a. Ms. Simone might friend of her students on social media to encourage connections outside the classroom.
  b. Ms. Simone should get student feedback about topics of study but not about her teaching or classroom management practices.
  c. Ms. Simone might conduct weekly academic skill contests that involve individual competition for the top rank in the class.
  d. Ms. Simone should get to know the students as individuals and learn their interests.

Ques. 7

Which of the following teachers is MOST likely to have behavior problems in the classroom?
  a. I teach my students to compliment rather than criticizing one another in the classroom and on the playground.
  b. I avoid monitoring or disrupting students when they are working independently and I am grading papers.
  c. I assign helpers who have advanced skills to help students who have problems with their writing lesson while I am working with reading groups.
  d. I teach students the self-regulation skill of counting to three and walking away if they cannot resolve an argument and control their frustration.

Ques. 8

Mrs. Franks is explaining a new concept in her algebra class. Some of the students are paying attention and trying to grasp the new concept, but two studentsflip small paper wads to each other every time Mrs. Franks turns toward the white board and another tosses a big wad into the air as a distraction. Which classroom management skill does Mrs. Franks need to demonstrate in this situation?
  a. Group focus
  b. Overlapping
  c. Withitness
  d. Movement management
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6 years ago
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mrmauricio123 Author

6 years ago
Good timing, thanks!

Helped a lot

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