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Catracho Catracho
Posts: 529
Rep: 2 0
5 years ago
A quality analyst wants to construct a sample mean chart for controlling a packaging process. He knows
from past experience that when the process is operating as intended, packaging weight is normally
distributed with a mean of twenty ounces, and a process standard deviation of two ounces. Each day
last week, he randomly selected four packages and weighed each. The data from that activity appear
  see the document I uploaded
If he sets an upper control limit of 21 and a lower control limit of 19 around the target value of
twenty ounces, the control chart is based on what value of
With the UCL and LCL of part a, what do you conclude about this process–is it in control?
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5 years ago
(a)   These control limits are one standard error away from the centerline, and thus include 68.268 percent of the area under the normal distribution. There is therefore a 31.732 percent chance that, when the process is operating in control, a sample will indicate otherwise.

(b)   The mean of sample 1 lies outside the control limits. All other points are on or within the limits. The process is not in control.
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