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Jujujugo Jujujugo
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11 years ago
After sex cells are made, they do not replicate their DNA. They stay haploid. Why are sex cells haploid and body cells diploid? Also, hat is their relation to eachother?
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11 years ago
sex cells (gametes) only have one set of chromosomes(1n) and body cells (somatic cells) have 2 sets of them (2n)
11 years ago
You ask why sex cells are haploid; they are the result of diploid cells having their homologous chromosomes separated.

Body cells are diploid (2N=46) because they contain one complete set of chromosomes (N=23) from each of your parents.

They are haploid because, when sex cells merge in fertilization, the resulting zygote has the original number of chromosomes.  If they didn't, your children's cells would have 92 chromosomes, and their children's cells would have 184 chromosomes, etc.
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