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goji.go goji.go
Posts: 5977
10 years ago
The MAIN goal of utilizing a mass customization production system is to ________.
A) produce as many identical products as possible in the shortest amount of time
B) utilize robots to reduce production expenses while achieving customer satisfaction regardless of production cost
C) produce a customized product that will achieve customer satisfaction regardless of production costs
D) produce a customized product at almost the rate of mass production while achieving customer satisfaction
E) do more with less through the elimination of wasteful overproduction, unnecessary wait time, needless transportation, excess inventory, superfluous motion, redundant over-processing, and careless defective units
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2 Replies
10 years ago
D) Producing as many identical products as possible as quickly as possible is the goal of mass production. When using mass production, demand for a product is high, making it essential to produce products quickly, however, customization may not occur. Utilizing robots may aid in achieving the goals of mass customization production systems, but is not the main goal. Producing customized products, regardless of costs, would not be a good business practice as it could bankrupt a company. The ultimate goal of utilizing a mass customization production system is to produce a customized product at almost the rate of mass production, while achieving customer satisfaction.
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goji.go Authorgoji.go
Top Poster
Posts: 5977
10 years ago
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