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kellymarie_52 kellymarie_52
Posts: 1
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11 years ago
The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates the unemployment rate in the United States monthly by surveying 60,000 individuals. 
a)   In one month, 3.4% of the 60,000 individuals surveyed are found to be unemployed. Find the margin of error for this estimate.  _______________________
b)   Suppose that the number of individuals surveyed were increased by a factor of four (to 240,000). By how much would the margin of error change? _______________________
c)   Suppose that the number of individuals surveyed were decreased by a factor of four (to 15,000). By how much would the margin of error change?
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11 years ago
Hi Kelly, was the standard deviation given? I think you need that to answer this. Furthermore, we're assuming 95% confidence, right?
Biology - The only science where multiplication and division mean the same thing.
11 years ago
Yes, it is 95% this is all the information I was given on the question.
11 years ago
a)   In one month, 3.4% of the 60,000 individuals surveyed are found to be unemployed. Find the margin of error for this estimate.  ___________________ ____

Really wouldn't know how to answer this other that to multiple 0.034 by 60,000 to see the number of unemployed.

Sorry Undecided Hope someone else can chime in.
Biology - The only science where multiplication and division mean the same thing.
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