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Rodas Rodas
Posts: 6549
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6 years ago
How did U.S. officials respond to Nazi persecution of Jews before the war? After the war had begun?
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
Answer: The ideal answer should include:

  • American officials knew of the Nazi persecution of the Jews but did little to stop it.

  • Despite pressure from Jewish groups, the U.S. only slightly increased immigration quotas for Jewish refugees.

  • When the Nazis began their policy of extermination in 1941, U.S. officials tried to keep it a secret.

  • The American press gave the Holocaust little coverage.

  • Despite reports of Nazi genocide, the U.S. government turned away boatloads of Jewish refugees, sending them back to Germany to their deaths.

  • American military strategists knew of the existence and location of Nazi death camps, but they chose not to try to bomb them or the railroad lines leading to the camps.

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