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lesh0402 lesh0402
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6 years ago
A client with a PhD in epidemiology has been to numerous physicians and has had numerous laboratory tests, all of which were abnormal, and exploratory surgery, but no one is able to explain the etiology of his problem.
  The client also states that he has a rare form of a neurological disorder. Which statement should the nurse make that demonstrates critical thinking?
  1. Why don't you just tell your physician what you think you have?
  2. Did you bring your prior tests and results with you, so we don't repeat anything?
  3. If you know what you have, what do you want from us?
  4. Describe what tests you've had and explain the symptoms of this disorder.
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6 years ago
Correct Answer: 4
Rationale 1: Asking why questions make clients very defensive, and doing so does not utilize critical thinking skills.
Rationale 2: Asking a yes/no question offers little other information, and doing so does not utilize critical thinking skills.
Rationale 3: Asking the client what he wants does not help to find out more information about the client's situation or prior history, and doing so does not utilize critical thinking skills.
Rationale 4: In critical thinking, the nurse also differentiates statements of fact, inference, judgment, and opinion. The nurse will have to ascertain the accuracy of information and evaluate the credibility of the information sources.
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