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Aenhim Aenhim
Posts: 1
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10 years ago


I have a question regarding incubators. Where I work, we segregate our so called contaminated work (intentionaly contaminated media/agar plates) and non contaminated work (product analysis wich are usualy exempt of bacteria).


Is there any pertinance in doing so? If not...are there any controls (periodic air sampling) that are needed to be done in order to eliminate the possible contamination factor (or to prove that it is not the incubator who contaminated my plate and gave me a false result) IF we put all our work (contaminated and non contaminated) in a single incubator?


Thank you in advance!

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Staff Member
10 years ago
The only thing I think of is the possibility of airborne particles travelling from one Petri dish to the other. What's the possibility of this? Very little, but it's better to be safe than sorry. Sampling the air for contaminants is a whole different experiment of its own, see the attachment.
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