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Babygal Babygal
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13 years ago
May someone help me out with my questions? I need it before 2morrow. Thanks in advance.

3. An inherited disease that primarily affects women and not men is likely to be caused by:   
a) a mutation in a gene on the X chromosome, which is a sex chromosome.
   b) a mutation in a gene on a non-sex chromosome (autosome).
   c) Without additional information, either answer (a) or (b) is possible.

4. Suppose that a single DNA base change of an A to a T occurs and is copied during replication.  Is this change necessarily a mutation? 
a) Yes, it is a change in the DNA sequence.
b) Yes, if the base change occurs in a gamete (sperm or egg cell); otherwise no.
c) Yes, if the base change occurs in the coding part of a gene; otherwise no.
d) Yes, if the base change occurs in the coding part of a gene and alters the amino acid
sequence of a protein; otherwise no.
e) Yes, if the base change alters the appearance of the organism (phenotype); otherwise

5. An isolated population of prairie dogs has longer than average teeth.  As a result they can eat more grass with less effort and are better able to survive.  The mutation(s) that resulted in longer teeth:
a) allowed the teeth to grow longer over several generations until they reached an optimal
length for eating grass.
b) arose in many members of the population at the same time.
c) happened by chance.
d) occurred because the prairie dogs needed to be more efficient at eating grass to
e) would only occur in a prairie dog population that eats grass and would not occur in a
population that lives on seeds.

6. In a population of genetically identical mice, you discover two independent mutant strains in which all of the animals have epileptic seizures.  In both strains, you know that the epileptic seizures are due to a single DNA mutation.  You cross a mutant mouse from one strain to a mutant mouse from the second strain and find out that none of their offspring undergo spontaneous seizures.  From this experiment you would conclude that the two mutant strains of mice most likely have mutations in:
a) the same DNA base (A, T, C, or G) within a particular gene.
b) the same gene, but not necessarily the same DNA base.
c) two different genes.

7. A young man develops skin cancer that does not spread to any other tissues; the mutation responsible for the cancer arose in a single skin cell.  If he and his wife (who does not have skin cancer) have children after the skin cancer diagnosis, which of the following statements is most correct?
a) All the man’s children will inherit the mutation.
b) All the man’s children will inherit the mutation if the mutation is dominant.
c) Some of the man’s children may inherit the mutation depending on which of his
chromosomes they inherit.
d) None of the man’s children will inherit the mutation.

8. The MLH1 gene is important in colorectal cancer.  This gene is located on chromosome 3, and four different alleles of the gene have been identified in humans.  The maximum number of alleles a single normal individual can have is:
   a) 1
   b) 2
   c) 3
   d) 4

9. Use the following mRNA codon key as needed to answer the next two questions:
GCC   Alanine
AAU   Asparagine
CCU   Proline
GGA   Glycine
UGG   Tryptophan
UGA   “Stop” (no amino acid)
GAA   Glutamic acid
GAG   Glutamic acid
AGG   Arginine
CCC   Proline
CAU   Histidine

The following DNA sequence (coding strand) occurs near the middle of the coding region of a gene.

              50              55              60              65             
5’—A A T G A A T G G G A G C C T G A A G G A G  –-3’   

The corresponding mRNA sequence is shown below.  Note that the coding strand of DNA has the same sequence as the mRNA, except that there are U’s in the mRNA where there are T’s in the DNA.  The first triplet of nucleotides AAU (underlined) is in frame for coding, and encodes Asparagine as the codon table above indicates.

              50               55              60              65             
5’—A A U G A A U G G G A G C C U G A A G G A G  –-3’   

Which of the following DNA mutations is almost certain to result in a shorter than normal mRNA?
   a)  A?G at position 50
   b)  G?A at position 53
   c)  C?A at position 58
   d)  None of the above

10.  For the same DNA sequence, which of the following DNA mutations is almost certain to result in a shorter than normal protein?   
   a) T?C at position 59
   b) A?G at position 61
   c) Insertion of a G after the G at position 54
   d) None of the above

12. A population of buffalos is isolated such that no new buffalos can come into their territory.  Which of the following is primarily responsible for the appearance of new alleles in this population?
a) Reassortment of chromosomes during the process of creating sperm or eggs.
b) Mutations in cells that will become sperm or eggs.
c) Changes in the environment that favor some buffalo traits over others.
d) Random mating between the buffalos in the population.

13. Cystic fibrosis in humans is caused by mutations in a single gene and is inherited as an autosomal (non-sex chromosome) recessive trait.  A normal couple has two children.  The first child has cystic fibrosis, and the second child is unaffected.  What is the probability that the second child is a carrier (heterozygous) for the mutation that causes the disease?
a) 1/4
b) 1/2
c) 2/3
d) 3/4
e) 1

15. You have identified a previously unknown human gene that appears to have a role in autism.  It is similar enough in DNA sequence to a known mouse gene that you believe the two genes may be evolutionarily related.  You determine and compare the DNA sequences, the predicted mRNA sequences, and the predicted amino acid sequences corresponding to the two genes.  You would expect to find the greatest sequence similarity from comparisons of the two:
a) DNA sequences.
b) mRNA sequences.
c) amino acid sequences.
d) All three comparisons are likely to show the same degree of sequence similarity.

18. A woman who is a carrier for X-linked hemophilia (she does not have the disease) marries a man who does not have hemophilia.  They have a daughter, named Angela, who does not have the disease.  Angela marries George, who also does not have hemophilia.  Angela and George have a son named Robbie.  What is the chance that Robbie will have hemophilia?
a) 0
b) 1/8
c) 1/4      
d) 1/3
e) 1/2

19. Two different genes are located on the same autosomal chromosome pair in rabbits. A particular female rabbit is heterozygous for alleles of both these genes, with the alleles arranged as shown in the diagram to the right.  Scientists know that the two genes are on the same chromosome, but do not know their exact position, as indicated by the dashed line.
Suppose this female mates with a male rabbit in which the same chromosome pair looks like this:

How likely is it that this pair of rabbits would have offspring with a chromosome pair that looks like this:

a) Not likely, because the R and e alleles are not on the same chromosome in either
b) Very likely, because of the random assortment of chromosomes during cell division to
make sperm or eggs allows for the mixing of all alleles.
c) More likely if the two genes are very close together on the chromosome.   
d) More likely if the two genes are not very close together on the chromosome.

20. You are interested in studying a gene called CFTR because mutations in this gene in humans cause cystic fibrosis.  You have made a line of mice that lack the mouse CFTR gene.  These mice are unable to clear bacteria from their lungs, so they get lung disease.  You put a normal human CFTR gene into some of these mice and discover that the mice with the human gene are able to clear bacteria from their lungs and no longer get lung disease.  From this experiment, you can conclude that:
a) The DNA sequences of the mouse CFTR gene and human CFTR gene are identical.
b) The amino acid sequences of the mouse CFTR protein and the human CFTR protein are
c) The mouse CFTR gene and human CFTR gene both encode proteins that are similar in
d) Both answers b) and c)
e) All of the above

21. Suppose there are two genes on two different chromosomes, one gene called G and the other called D.  An individual has the genotype GgDd.  Which of the following drawings correctly shows cells in this individual after DNA replication but before cell division of the first meiosis?  Assume no recombination/crossing-over occurs between the chromosomes.

23. Polydactyly is an inherited trait that results in extra fingers or toes.  In the United States 0.1% of the population exhibits polydactyly.  People with polydactyly have the genotype Pp, where P represents the allele that causes polydactyly and p represents the normal allele of this gene.  Which of the following is true?
a) The P allele is more frequent in the US than the p allele.
b) The P allele is less frequent in the US than the p allele.
c) The two alleles, P and p are at approximately equal frequencies in the US population.
d) There is not enough information to answer this question.

25. In the cells of all human females, one X chromosome is inactivated. The opsin1 gene is only on the X chromosome, and mutations in this gene cause the recessive trait of colorblindness. Most women who have one mutant opsin1 gene and one normal opsin1 gene (they are heterozygous) can still see color. What is the most likely explanation for this finding?
a) The X chromosome with the opsin1 mutation is more likely to be inactivated because
it contains a mutation.
b) Any mutations in the opsin1 gene on the active X chromosome can be corrected
through genetic exchange (recombination) with the inactive X chromosome.
c) In eye cells in which the active X chromosome carries the mutant opsin1 gene, the normal
opsin1 gene on the inactive X chromosome will be reactivated so that color vision is
d) Some eye cells will have an active mutant opsin1 gene and some will have an active
normal opsin1 gene; the cells with an active normal opsin1 gene will allow females to
see color.

Human Heredity: Principles and Issues

Human Heredity: Principles and Issues

Edition: 10th
Read 11230 times
3 Replies
Valued Member
13 years ago
4. Suppose that a single DNA base change of an A to a T occurs and is copied during replication.  Is this change necessarily a mutation? 
a) Yes, it is a change in the DNA sequence.
b) Yes, if the base change occurs in a gamete (sperm or egg cell); otherwise no.
c) Yes, if the base change occurs in the coding part of a gene; otherwise no.
d) Yes, if the base change occurs in the coding part of a gene and alters the amino acid
sequence of a protein; otherwise no.
e) Yes, if the base change alters the appearance of the organism (phenotype); otherwise
Valued Member
13 years ago
5. An isolated population of prairie dogs has longer than average teeth.  As a result they can eat more grass with less effort and are better able to survive.  The mutation(s) that resulted in longer teeth:
a) allowed the teeth to grow longer over several generations until they reached an optimal
length for eating grass.
b) arose in many members of the population at the same time.
c) happened by chance.
d) occurred because the prairie dogs needed to be more efficient at eating grass to
e) would only occur in a prairie dog population that eats grass and would not occur in a
population that lives on seeds.
graciepooh5009,  Emush
Answer accepted by topic starter
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13 years ago
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