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xox0jenn xox0jenn
Posts: 375
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6 years ago
Aspects of substance abuse relapse prevention in which the nurse can assist the client and family
  include (more than one answer may be correct)
  A. advising the client to accept residential treatment if relapse occurs.
  B. assisting the client to identify life skills needed for effective coping.
  C. rehearsing techniques to handle anticipated stressful situations.
  D. educating regarding physical changes to expect as the body adapts to functioning without
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6 years ago
B, C, D
Rationale: Option B: Nurses can be helpful as a client assesses needed life skills and in providing
appropriate referrals. Option C: Anticipatory problem solving and role playing are good ways of
rehearsing effective strategies for handling stressful situations. The nurse can participate in role
playing and can help the client evaluate the usefulness of new strategies. Option D: The nurse can
provide valuable information about physiological changes that can be expected and ways in which to
cope with these changes. Option A: Residential treatment is not usually necessary after relapse.
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