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campbell25 campbell25
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6 years ago
You are having a conflict with your neighbor because he has a tendency to blast loud, annoying music at 5:00 a.m. while you are trying to sleep. Your neighbor claims that he is doing this in retaliation for the loud music you occasionally play at 1 a.m.
  How effective would it be to use threats on your neighbor to resolve the problem? In communicating with your neighbor, what would it be most important to promote in order to resolve the conflict?
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6 years ago
Answer: Based on information from the text, it would not be very effective to use threats to resolve the conflict. In fact, the evidence suggests that if anything, using threats would escalate the conflict, and the situation would become more hostile. In using communication with the neighbor, be sure not to use threats, but instead to start promoting trust between the two of us. Once each trusts that the other wouldn't be blasting music at inappropriate hours, the first steps will have been taken to resolve the conflict.
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