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calcguy calcguy
Posts: 250
Rep: 2 1
10 years ago
Imagine that you are responsible for devising and implementing a state prison’s employment program and that, in stark contrast to the restrictions and constraints, budgetary and otherwise, faced by most prison administrators, you have been given broad freedom and adequate resources to establish said program. What would you do? What kinds of programs would you implement? Would you partner with other entities? What kind of evaluation or assessment process would you have?
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10 years ago
Answers will vary but should describe types of prison employment programs (vocational, profit-producing, public-service provision) as well as an inmate classification procedure. Responses may include an explanation on how a balance can be struck between inmate preferences and goals and the needs of the institution, as well as the potential for partnering with other entities such as government agencies or private companies.
calcguy Author
9 years ago
Thank you so much!
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