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Sami214 Sami214
Posts: 303
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6 years ago
Maggie and her mom are in the supermarket shopping for dinner. Maggie wants to try soy burgers for dinner. Her mother says, What is the big deal about soy? Why should we try soy burgers or other vegetarian-type foods? Maggie has learned about the benefits of vegetarian eating patterns while taking a nutrition course and begins to explain to her mom why soy might be good for both of them. Let's see if you know as much as Maggie about soy and other vegetarian nutrition considerations by answering the following questions.What is special about soy protein?
 a. It contains most of the amino acids necessary for protein synthesis.
  b. It is the only vegetable food that contains complete protein.
 c. It can raise blood cholesterol levels when added to an omnivorous diet.
  d. It is lower in calories than most other vegetables.
 e. It is high in carbohydrates but low in fiber.

Q. 2

Lipids make their greatest contribution to metabolism during exercise at about 65 of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max).
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false

Q. 3

John has started working out at the local gym and has been buying protein-packed snack bars and other high-protein foods. He started at 180 pounds and has increased his weight to 195 pounds. He is convinced the extra weight is all muscle. His wife, Jill, thinks that the there may be risks involved with eating extra protein. They decide to find out more about how much protein they need and explore the risks associated with consuming too much as well as too little protein. Based on your text, answer the following questions.Jill's research on the risks of excess protein should lead her to give what advice to John?
 a. Eating twice the RDA will help John safely gain muscle mass quickly.
 b. John should consider the grams of protein rather than just a percentage of calories for appropriate protein intake.
  c. John should decrease his protein intake as total calories decrease.
  d. As protein intake increases, John's carbohydrate intake should increase proportionately.
 e. Increasing protein intake should be offset by decreasing fat intake to less than five percent of total calories.

Q. 4

____________________ is the ability to carry out everyday tasks without undue fatigue and with energy left over to enjoy leisure activities and meet unforeseen emergencies.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Q. 5

John has started working out at the local gym and has been buying protein-packed snack bars and other high-protein foods. He started at 180 pounds and has increased his weight to 195 pounds. He is convinced the extra weight is all muscle. His wife, Jill, thinks that the there may be risks involved with eating extra protein. They decide to find out more about how much protein they need and explore the risks associated with consuming too much as well as too little protein. Based on your text, answer the following questions.Now that John is eating protein bars and shakes, he is consuming more protein and calories daily than he requires. What most likely happens to the excess protein?
 a. It is converted to muscle tissue.
 b. It is stored until needed for muscle tissue repair.
  c. It is converted to fat for energy storage.
 d. It is converted to glucose for energy.
 e. It is used to synthesize essential amino acids.

Q. 6

________________________ is the ability of the heart, the lungs, and the blood to circulate sufficient oxygen and nutrients to sustain prolonged large muscle activity.
 Fill in the blank(s) with correct word

Q. 7

John has started working out at the local gym and has been buying protein-packed snack bars and other high-protein foods. He started at 180 pounds and has increased his weight to 195 pounds. He is convinced the extra weight is all muscle. His wife, Jill, thinks that the there may be risks involved with eating extra protein. They decide to find out more about how much protein they need and explore the risks associated with consuming too much as well as too little protein. Based on your text, answer the following questions.John has been eating a typical high-protein diet ever since he began working out regularly. Which description most likely characterizes his diet?
 a. It is often low in fruits and vegetables.
  b. It is often low in saturated fat.
 c. It is often too high in fiber.
 d. It is often high in whole-grains.
 e. It is consistently low in red meat.
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6 years ago
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