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Leikakei113 Leikakei113
Posts: 701
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6 years ago
Eventually our sun will become a red giant. Explain what this means. What would happen to Earth and our universe if this were to happen?
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6 years ago
A red giant refers to the stage when a star begins to swell after its energy output increases. The path to becoming a red giant starts with a star consuming carbon and oxygen. This marks the death of a star.
 If the red giant is large enough, it can become a supernova.
 Eventually, our sun will become a red giant. It will engulf the inner planets of the universe, including Earth.
 The materials that shatter into space will be recycled in the universe.
 The sun's explosion could trigger a new solar system. Accretion is likely to start, and the creation of new planets could occur.
Leikakei113 Author
6 years ago
very helpful
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