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aliya99 aliya99
Posts: 597
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6 years ago
A threshold dose-response relationship indicates that any dose, regardless of amount, can be expected to produce a biologic response. A linear dose-response relationship indicates that the biologic response is directly proportional to the dose.
  A) The first statement is true. The second statement is false.
  B) The first statement is false. The second statement is true.
  C) Both statements are true.
  D) Both statements are false.
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6 years ago
Explanation: A) A nonthreshold dose-response relationship indicates that any dose, regardless of amount, can be expected to produce a biologic response. A linear dose-response relationship indicates that the biologic response is directly proportional to the dose.
B) A nonthreshold dose-response relationship indicates that any dose, regardless of amount, can be expected to produce a biologic response. A linear dose-response relationship indicates that the biologic response is directly proportional to the dose.
C) A nonthreshold dose-response relationship indicates that any dose, regardless of amount, can be expected to produce a biologic response. A linear dose-response relationship indicates that the biologic response is directly proportional to the dose.
D) A nonthreshold dose-response relationship indicates that any dose, regardless of amount, can be expected to produce a biologic response. A linear dose-response relationship indicates that the biologic response is directly proportional to the dose.
aliya99 Author
6 years ago
Thanks a whole bunch
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