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Erebloth Erebloth
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6 years ago
Discuss the pros and cons of a hospital having centralized or decentralized phlebotomy.
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6 years ago
Each health care facility must determine if a centralized phlebotomy or decentralized phlebotomy program is the best for that facility. There has been much written in the literature debating the pros and cons of each program. Studies have shown that with decentralized phlebotomy, there is an increase in hemolyzed specimens, patient identification errors, and contaminated blood cultures. Decentralized phlebotomy has been effective in many health care facilities. The key to effectiveness and reduction of errors is based on extensive training of individuals doing the phlebotomy.
Hybrid phlebotomy, where there is a blend of centralized and decentralized phlebotomy, has been used in some health care facilities to reduce the errors of decentralized phlebotomy. Hybrid phlebotomy typically sends laboratory-based phlebotomists to the nursing units during the early morning collections and then keeps a limited number of phlebotomists available the rest of the day to help patient care technicians with difficult collections.
Erebloth Author
6 years ago
I'm seriously surprised that you found the answer, ty
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