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santielvira98 santielvira98
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6 years ago
Freud theorized that methods used to toilet-train children might have a lasting effect on their personality. Children who had rigid, severe toilet training would most likely show which of the following behaviors later in life?
  a. narcissistic c. self-mutilating
  b. meticulous and hypercritical d. bullying to others and aggressive
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6 years ago

A Incorrect. Narcissistic behaviors are observed in the infant under one year of age.
B Correct. Freud suggested methods caregivers use to toilet train children during this period may have long-lasting effects on personality. For example, children who were products of rigid, severe toilet training could become obsessive about routines and their schedules, or very meticulous and hypercritical.
C Incorrect. Self-mutilating behavior has nothing to do with the anal stage.
D Incorrect. Bullying and aggressive behaviors have nothing to do with the anal stage.
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